Rape in Bishoujo Games

!!! :frowning:

I noticed this as well Jinnai. We do seem to share many commonalities. Now unless our parents split us up and dad took you with him when he left, I doubt we are twins. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was trying to say that a violent rape devoid of emotional context would be less guilt-inspiring than a non-violent rape loaded with emotional context. The mental scars I talked about were with regards to being able to participate normally in emotional involvements after the fact, not about specifically-defined conditions.

I am not able to comment in detail about PTSD and the recovery process, I simply donā€™t know enough about it. I do suspect that the pain and misery of a nasty car accident can cause similarly crippling mental damage under some circumstances, but I donā€™t know it. Looking around on the web I also see childhood sexual abuse listed as a potential trigger for PTSD, and thatā€™s probably the time in reality that would come closest to the pseudo-rape scenario you describedā€¦ I say probably because again, the range of activities that happens in THAT sort of thing is NOT something I know a huge amount about. Only what shows up in melodrama. :slight_smile: From whatā€™s suggested, thatā€™s something that can cause nasty mental scars even without large amounts of physical damage. But I do not know enough to speak with authority.

The ā€œsimpleā€ was ironic because, well, it generally isnā€™t a simple thing. Assaults by strangers are less common than assaults by people you know, stranger assaults often come in charged contexts (war, crime, torture) - the physical damage is just physical damage but is not the entirety of what happens to most people.

Some people find the more stereotypical ā€˜stranger on a dark nightā€™ scenario easier to confront head-on and seek help with than incidents that caused less physical damage and more guilt.

I see. ā€œLost in translation.ā€ You are talking about the complications in future relationships due to a guilt-ridden mind, but I am talking about the complete destrustion and attempted rebuilding of a shattered mind. I think you are confusing ā€œguiltā€ with ā€œmental scarring.ā€ The phrase ā€œmental scarringā€ suggests trauma, something that often develops into nerosis and is lacking in pseudo-rape. ā€œGuiltā€ is morbid self-reproach often manifest in marked preoccupation with the moral correctness of oneā€™s behavior. In my pseudo-rape scenario the woman would feel guilt about it, probably, but guilt is far easier to deal with than trying to piece together a broken mind.


(Still observingā€¦)

Rape in eroge is an interesting topic. In real life itā€™s a power-based violent crime that uses sex as its means, and in eroge itā€™s fantasy entertainment.

I have to agree with Amakaze that the difference between coerced sex and rape is semantics. Coerced sex is just extortion with sex instead of money, but doesnā€™t change the fact that the person is unwilling to consent.

Basically, the rape fantasy in hentai games are power fantasies, similar to conquer the world type games like Risk, which is why I find I can enjoy most of them. When the rape is in there as part of a story, like in Crescendo, my morality is functioning, but in ones like Virgin Roster and Tsukiā€¦not at all.

Iā€™m not condoning rape in real life in any way, especially since I was a certified sexual assault counselor a few years back. But as a power fantasy for men and even as a submission fantasy for women itā€™s okay. (I havenā€™t read them myself, but I guess the submission/bodice ripper fantasy is a main staple of romance novels.)

Also, Papillion, what you described is (from what Iā€™ve heard) called a cop-out rape, where the woman ends up enjoying the rape, and definitely seems to be common in hentai games.

Nargrakhan, Iā€™m kinda curious what your take on all this is. Youā€™re a fan of the dark sideā€¦

See how the responses go before I comment any moreā€¦

A very good analogy.

Hmmā€¦ Well, as a master of the dark side, I suppose I ought to put in a word or two in this matterā€¦ Expect that Iā€™m not really sure what people would want to know ^^;;;.

Well, what can i say about rape? Of course, in real life itā€™s soemthign I condemn, but in b-games, itā€™s both something I encounter frequiently and enjoy quite a bit }: D . Why? Well, thereā€™s several reasons, one of them being the feeling of power DemonSpawn sort of mentioned in his latest postā€¦

But truth to be told, I enjoy more than anything else when the being commited rape is sort of surronded by complicated events, which can often be the case in b-games - that is to say, I more enjoy seeing a guy rape a girl for reasons of revenge rather than his own enjoyment only or such.

As for the "cop-out rape thing, I think that is more something which appears in games of the Yarugee genre (meaning games like X-change) whose focus is more sex and silly humour and the like more than anything else and thus in those games, there is seldom much if any point in making it more realistic or complex. Thatā€™s not to say that this thing doesnā€™t happen in the kichiku genre too, but it happens more seldom. kichiku games do after all more focus on the slow mental breakdown and submission of the character(s) in question - meaning that naturally, things are more realistic in kichiku games; the girls wonā€™t enjoy it that much the first time, theyā€™ll feel the pain of losing their hymen or having anal sex and theyā€™ll most likely NOT be very submissive in the first try. I personally like it better this way, being more realistic, rather than the cases where the girls enjoy it immensly on their very first time and even archieves an orgasm thenā€¦ <_<;;.

Well, thatā€™s all I can come to think of, but if you want my opiions/comments on anything related to this, feel free to ask :wink: .

[ 10-10-2006, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Spectator Beholder ]

But, wonā€™t it be nice if both of you enjoyed it the very first timeā€¦I mean, if you both like it, then you can continually do it again and againā€¦ :o

Rightā€¦ :smiley:

Err, what prevents you both from not enjoying it the first time but still do it again and eventually at some point both enjoy it? :stuck_out_tongue: .

Nahā€¦I still like the first time intimacy to enjoyā€¦ :smiley:

Err, one can always dream, I suppose <_<;;. Which is, of course, part of the purpose of the existence of b-games :smiley: .

Hello, itā€™s been a long time. Nice to see you, Spec, Unicorn, Nande, and others :slight_smile:

I just wanted to inject my opinion into this matter, as an actual real-life rape victim. When I was raped, it was not one of those violent ones. It was by my boyfriend at the time, and for years I even wondered if I had actually been raped, because it WASNā€™T violent. But I said no, and I meant no, and it still happened.

And just because it isnā€™t violent, does NOT mean it wonā€™t be mentally scarring. In fact, it was quite the opposite for me. My mind blocked out the memory for over a year, until it was triggered by something someone said in a conversation, and then I burst into tears suddenly. For years, I had flashbacks of the event, where I couldnā€™t sit or lie down without feeling like there was a pressure on top of me and like I couldnā€™t breathe. To this day I still have trouble if I am not the instigator of a sexual act, even with my husband. If I donā€™t initiate it myself, I feel pressured and violated.

Violence will definately add to the mental scarring. But just because it isnā€™t violent, does NOT mean you only feel guilt and thereā€™s no scarring.


Itā€™s just like Fact or Fiction or Truth or Tale.

In this case of violence and mental scarringā€¦
Itā€™s all trueā€¦

To ladyphoenix:

That is why I used the word ā€œtrueā€ rape at the beginning of this thread, because rape does not have to be violent to be scarring. My mother was raped in the exact same fashion you were. She said ā€œnoā€ to her boyfriend but he raped her. According to her, he thought she was just playing around when saying ā€œnoā€ and didnā€™t relize he actually raped her until the next day. Needless to say, she left him, met my father a few years later, he left, blah blah blah different story.

I am curious. Did you read every post here before posting your thoughts or did you just read a few then post? I made it very clear that ā€œtrueā€ rape requires mental scarring, and if this is lacking, it isnā€™t true rape, rather somethingā€¦else.

Remember, pseudo-rape is just a theory not backed by any real-life facts. As I said towards the beginning, I doubt it could even take place other than in fantasy.

I did read every post here actually. I may not have absorbed every single fact or opinion, because itā€™s kind of an upsetting topic for me, but I did read it all.

I just thought Iā€™d post my experiences, so thereā€™d be a first-hand account to add to the food for thought. Since so many of you were supposing and theorizing, I thought a first-hand opinion would be a good thing to add. A little hard fact as opposed to conjecture and opinion.