Rapelay article frontpage on CNN.com

http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/0 … tml?hpt=C1

oh great, the media is bored again and looking for easy targets…

On a plus note there seem to be a larger number of people willing to defend it this time around, of course seeing as the story first broke a year ago I guess some of the shock factor has worn off.

It’s CNN - the liberal counterpart to FOX News. Though they root for the other political party, they “sensationalize” just as much.

Old news. Brings nothing new to the table.

Now let’s not create any further discussions with regards to sensationalistic articles on Rapelay/eroge. Making discussions like these will only help create more paranoia/depression/anger amongst the fanbase and make the R1/R2 companies more prone to censoring themselves.

Just leave it alone and let it die.


CNN, liberal? A liberal counterpart? snickers wildly

Sensationalist mass-media crap, yes, but hardly left-wing. (Of course, you could say the same for the party… But I Digress.)

The article was much more balanced than I was afraid it was going to be. It included both pro- and anti- censorship people and was clear that not all the games are like it.

Still, it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out about the games that have been translated. How would Hitomi or Sensei 2 hold up? Or Jewel Knights Crusaders?

I think she was thinking of MSNBC.

But really, this sucks. At least they aren’t pushing out more articles about the “evil” drug salvia.

Damn it, I knew there was a downside to one side winning the whole Healthcare thing :evil:

Constantly worrying about it isn’t going to make it any better, and you’re not doing the R1 industry a favor by making these sorts of assumptions. These games are extremely obscure and hardly even known inside of Japan, much less in the US–Just because one extremely obscure game gets in the public eye does not mean another equally obscure game is going to share the same fate as well. If anything, by prolonging and exaggerating discussion on this whole issue, you’re only going to increase the chances of such games being found out.

Stop thinking in terms of possibilities and start thinking in terms of probabilities, people. Doing so could add a few more years onto your life.

Just let it die already. Neither CNN nor any other news outlet is going to hammer the issue if you don’t give them any attention.

Yeah, nothing new, really :roll: …

Over the years I’ve seen news that became BIG, even though they were just the same piece of news repeated over and over and over. And in the eyes of the public… it is new news every time it is shown, you might even come across, “the sick Japanese game[color=red]s[/color] all over the news!”

Any way, is there some elections somewhere? or is this to diverted attention from ACTA or strengthen the need for it?

for me, the article keep phrase… “When does a video game go too far?”

Akiba is locked down… that why they needed to send an undercover reporter :mrgreen: (who can relate and feel sorry for drawn characters)

now I remember why I stopped watching the news few years ago

UPDATE after reading the full CNN article, my brain (which is protected by tinfoil) seem to extract “western media support the creation of a government department that approve video games for release.” (the last time I checked, the USofA entertainment industry is self policed as well, isn’t it?)

Meh… it’s something Jack Thompson had been pushing for years. The most his crusade got, resulted in the ESRB. That’s as close a “regulatory” as the video game industry will ever get. The ESRB’s power derives from the fact that major stores - BestBuy, Walmart, Target, Sears, Gamestop, etc - will not carry a title they do not rate.

However one can obviously make a commercial game without ESRB rating it… JAST and MangaGamer of course… plus hundreds of others who don’t do retail (like those cheesy Bible games).

That’s about as far as it will go. US government can’t authoritatively regulate censorship (outside of military secrets and whatnot), without trampling on the Constitution. The whole “obscenity” factor is a loophole… and one we’ve beaten dead in other threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you actually want this to get bigger than it already is? Do you want this to last any longer than it already has? If not, why do you compel yourself to make a huge deal every single time some outlet mentions the freaking game when you know for a fact that the same old thing is being regurgitated over and over again? So what if they get freaked out over “sick Japanese game”–It should [color=#FF0000]not[/color] be a reason for you to freak out and inadvertently risk compelling the industry to engage in self-censorship. That’s why you have to learn how to say “nothing new to see here”, especially if the information is outdated. Don’t you have anything else in your life to worry about?

I swear, I’m feeling tempted to create a thread about a fake Fox News article covering the Rapelay scandal, complete with a fake news site link leading to the meatspin page.

You DO realize the irony of attempting to censor a debate about censorship?

Or the irony of how he says, “don’t make a big deal over nothing that’s really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things,” yet has such links in his sig. :stuck_out_tongue:

Where are the celebrity and politician sex scandals when you need them?

Edit: BTW, is it just me or is Rapelay becoming the new Custer’s Revenge thanks to all of this?

Don’t know what I’m talking about, well just watch the first few minutes of this:


As expected, since CNN brought it up, it’s starting to make the rounds on the feminist blogs again.

Same thing popped into my head when I saw this:

Of course I do! There might be a Jast USA “scandal” on the horizon! :roll:

Geez, I wonder which I should be more worried about? Censorship of “debates” that go nowhere (and can be taken somewhere else), or censorship of titles (that people actually have to spend money to obtain) because you guys don’t know how to keep calm and not act like paranoid activists? Most people here can probably agree that censorship isn’t exactly ideal and that the media doesn’t know what it’s talking about, but whenever something crops up on the news with regards to this sort of stuff, you don’t debate, you just make one overblown conspiracy theory after another, acting like chickens with your heads cut off, as well as coming up with the most improbable scenarios and acting like they’re bound to happen. Despite all this, you still wonder why I’m so worried about R1 companies second-guessing their decisions to localize games with potentially controversial content? What? You think they don’t read these boards? If people stayed cool in the first half of last year and not hammer the Rapelay/loli discussions so much, I bet that our chances of having KK released here uncensored would’ve been a lot better. You guys don’t seem to understand that the attitudes of the fans often reflect a company’s decisions, especially in an extremely niche market such as this.

In these sorts of situations, I often like to ask which outcome is more likely to happen? The government/public censoring JAST, or JAST censoring themselves? You understand why I get so annoyed when I hear people talking about “big brother” or “the public” possibly going after the companies? You don’t take into consideration the fact that the VN market here is a tiny and extremely obscure, you don’t take into consideration the fact that plenty of titles with controversial content in other VN/anime/manga titles have been released here before, you don’t take into consideration that the ratio of porn titles that gets tried for some law (or gets negative media attention) is nothing compared to the amount of titles that are released here without any troubles, yet when some VN get negative media exposure, or some unlikely obscenity case shows up once in a blue moon, you immediately scream the “slippery slope” argument and freak out like there’s no tommorrow. When it comes to the government or the media, you guys are too prone to make any issues the rule instead of the exception. While I in no way deny the possiblity of a scandal happening with an R1 company, I not “activist” enough about such issues turn a blind eye at the fact that the risks of something like that happening are more often immaterial than not. On the other hand, I’ve seen so many VN/anime/manga titles censored by localization companies over the smallest of things that it doesn’t even suprise me in the slightest when such instances happen, and it just blows my mind how people insist on spreading paranoid attitudes with regards to the “government” or the “media” without taking consideration the fact that the same companies are actually listening to what they say.

Really, it’s perfectly obvious that issue of censorship has become a political debate, akin to that of religious and other partisan topics–Something that nobody can really handle without either slinging mud or fearmongering the crap out of each other.

I’m more worried that JAST USA will go down due to “piracy” than some fucking “scandal”. If JAST pisses more people off due to further censorship resulting from them becoming too fearful about the content they release, there will most likely be more people who will have no objections to torrenting their titles instead of buying them. You really think I want that to happen?

Have you guys ever heard of the phrase “The only thing to fear is fear itself”?