Rapelay article frontpage on CNN.com

There’s a video of the broadcast on YouTube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Bf4TFP … r_embedded
And, what is totlly incorrect is
“what is known as hentai in Japan…”

WE call it hentai. People in Japan do NOT call it hentai on a regular basis. (It’s not that bad, but it’s still incorrect)
Also, there is almost nothing to say that RapeLay has increased the amount of cases of rape. And, like Peter said the game is OLD people haven’t cared this much until CNN did this story. I am speechless at this story.

I’m amused that’s still ongoing. Supposedly they had a plan for it.

It does strike me funny, that the US has the largest and most effective military lift command on the entire planet - bar none with no equal. Not even the Russians or Chinese can claim they match a fraction of it’s capacity. It can deploy, supply, and redeploy 150,000 troops to the Middle East - from anywhere on the globe - in span of a few weeks… but it takes years to move a mere 8,000 across a few thousand miles. :roll:

Well, like the fact that the US Army still use an old and totally outdated assault rifle when thay use a fucking ton of useless high-tech gadget…

You mean the M-16? It’s not great, but it’s decent. Kills people. That’s about all a gun needs to do. Don’t forget that the AK-47 is old as hell, but is widely considered one of the best AR’s ever made. Although just to go off on a tangent: despite what AK-47 fanboys will claim, the AK has an [u]OMG HUEG[/u] ejector. Stuff [u]WILL[/u] get inside of that. Anyone claiming it doesn’t, is either a moron or hasn’t used it on the field… probably both. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Army had that XM8 program… but it was terminated for overruns, politics, and competition. At present the Army is using the M-4 a lot. It also has considered having the HK416 as the standard AR.

All in all though, soldiers aren’t dying because of their assault rifles. For the US it’s IDE. Russians died in droves because of RPG (no… not Dragon Quest :wink: ).

But yea… the Army and Marines are long over due for a new AR. Hopefully the HK416 passes muster. SWAT and SOCOM seem to like it.

I also agree that the US military relies too much on it’s technology. Biggest weakness. However on the flip side, it’s that technology that makes the US military so powerful: facing the US military in a “fair fight” is tantamount to suicide. Hard to beat a guy one-on-one when he can see you from orbit, run computer simulations of battlefield tactics in mere seconds, hit you from 300 miles away, fight in the dark, has a 60 ton tank that goes over 50 MPH, air support out the ying-yang, full body armor that can stop small arms, etc. Hence the reason why no one is stupid enough to try that, unless they want to lose. So they fight in a way we call dirty… although they call our way of fighting (all that tech), dirty, because from their prospective it’s unfair.

Still the M-16 and Ak47 are still far from the perf of the French FA-MAS (That’s the only good thing that the French Army have… Since we still using old device and equipement, while we sold our new and very good one to other army <.<… Well the FA-MAS is also old now and shoul dbe remplaced soon by the HK416 )

And for your EDIT…
The US Army really relies too much on it’s technology… But that’s not that wich make it powerfull, but it’s number…
The fact i know very well someone who was in the French commando (my Stepfather more exactly), who was stationed in Africa and did the Ex-Yougoslavia War too… He was an officer leading a platoon.
And he can’t count the number of time when he saved the butt of American platoon, because of they lack of skills due of the fact they relies too much on the technology (when the French Army have old gears…)

So the technology is not so almighty and powerfull.

Bear in mind that the Yugoslavian Wars were not a traditional conflict either. Back then the US military was still focused solely on a large scale war like WWII. Special forces are obviously going to be better prepared than standard troops in such a situation. Nowadays standard US troops have a hell of a lot more training and experience in small scale urban combat/tactics.

In regards to the tech issue, I can agree 100% that the M16/M4 need to be replaced. I can’t recall a single time I was firing one that it didn’t jam at least half a dozen times, regardless of how clean it was. On the other hand you’ve got stuff like the Land Warrior system, which has been in development for at least a decade, is like a damn money sink. At least all the upgrades for our tanks have proved exceedingly useful, ignoring the fact that there are still people who think tanks themselves are obsolete. :roll:

Till you want something indiscriminately destroyed, and you’re not worried about collateral damage or innocent life loss. Then US military can demonstrate how it can level every square inch of a location and scrub it clean of life, without a single NBC weapon.

True, historically the US doesn’t have the best trained troops in the world, however it does enjoy a high rate of ingenuity in making the best out of the worst. Both World Wars were proof of that: shitty training and gear, but very creative in getting the most. Then, eventually, the enemy’s training and gear is even more shitty, because they’ve been losing so much.

On the other hand, I disagree that technology doesn’t make a huge difference: Great Marianas Turkey Shoot or Desert Storm are obvious examples.

In modern times - because of politics and world opinion - a Western military fights with both hands tied behind their back. The perfect example would be Chechnya. At first Russia fought “clean” (at least the Russian version of it) and tried to minimize civilian deaths. They got their butt handed to them repeatedly. After they got rid of Yeltsin, the Russian military pretty much gave the rest of the world the finger, and fought with their full strength (i.e. artillery shelling and carpet bombing). Tacticians estimate that Chechnya fell in hours. Not days… hours. The Russians just wanted their pound of flesh, so let the slaughter last as long as they could. It got so bad, nations were declaring the war a human rights violation.

The key is how the asymmetric warfare is conducted by both sides. If one side fights clean, and the other can fight as dirty as it wants, the dirty fighter will win. Not trying to make a moral or political statement: just pointing out what history and warfare have always dictated. I think people have forgotten that war is supposed to be Hell, if you wanna win.

Everyone thinks a tank is obsolete, until it’s their butt facing one. :wink:

It really comes down to where the battle is. Anywhere outside of a city, the tank is a nightmare… inside a city however, the tank is a target. Since most recent battles are urban, the tank gets a lot of bad press. However during Desert Storm and second invasion of Iraq, I recall CNN and FOX both praising how fast and impressive armored units were able to capture and neutralize objectives. The problem is that goes away when the maneuverability factor is gone - like on city streets and alleys. In that event, the human soldier is once again king. 8)

The video in the most recent article said “Parent Outrage over Rapelay Video Game” the parent didn’t seem very outraged and even made a good point. nobody would have even heard about the game if they didn’t have a freaking news story about it explaining how to get the game in the first place. At least young kids arnt going to be able to find and download it anyway unless somebody they know already has it. So good job on the tutorial on how to find the game CNN.

CNN is just being dumb and by telling this story they are just making thing worse now that kids know of this they will just pirate it and get it themselves

Someone they interviewed actually told them that (minus pointing out their stupidity):

http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestof … =allsearch

Edit: It seems CNN’s BS-ing has warranted a response from a manga author (not familiar with his works though):

http://www.tsurupeta.info/content/open- … mi-takeshi

It’s a terrible, fallacy-laden letter that’s hardly going to help his case. Not that it matters anyway.

Interesting. A major banner web advertising company, which caters to adult content sites, has recently revised their restrictions to include (and I’m quoting):

Basically bestiality, lolicon, guro and vore. Reason cited for the policy change, is “subscription clientele” and “recently increased negative media portrayal”. Not the end of the world: after doing some further research, I discovered this web advertiser predominantly caters to “free porn” sites, but it seems CNN’s lame witch hunt has bothered more than a few $$$ here and there.

Which is ironic considering these web ads are mostly for Viagra, rubber mold vagina, and adult dating services. :roll:

Wait till CNN and FOX discovers this.

Final Fantasy 13 Porn

I’m joking… I’m joking… Really…

Sources and names, please.

I wouldn’t think too much of it if I were you, as this doesn’t necessarily mean that it was an immediate reponse to CNN’s article in particular–You should already know that porn has been under increased “negative media portrayal” since last year. Besides, the article’s focus was on “rape”, not “loli”, “guro”, “vore” or “beastality”.

Full Traffic sent out letters of cease and desist, but has not updated their online agreement. XXXWebTraffic sent out reminders for customers to review their terms of agreement (theirs states it). AdXpansion made similar changes to their agreements in late 2009, but as I am currently aware, has not sent letters enforcing the new changes. About half a dozen others are the same.

Won’t post a link to the offending site that first broke news of it (pirate site)… but I can reprint their bitching about it:

On the other hand, it killed a huge chunk of their piracy… Laws only apply, when it’s not profitable anymore. :roll:

Not really concerned… just find it interesting, because now the pirate sites are being impacted. I believe the Whorley case was a bigger deal to the advertisers, as that actually had most of them include “fictional images” in their agreements. CNN’s necromancing of Rapelay, probably just got them around to sending out messages, so they can say they did something if bothered about it (i.e. covering their asses if a legal complaint is filled). I don’t think such a legal complaint has happened… or else CNN would be reporting it or something…

Oh, that place. Yep, it definitely had nothing to do with the CNN article–That occured almost a week before the first CNN article on Rapelay was published.

Besides, that hasn’t stopped that site from hosting loli/shota/bestiality/guro. It only “diverted” the piracy to a different portion of their site. They have an ad-less mirror gallery where users logged in with a free account can access everything uploaded on the main site, and all the “extreme hentai” that was supposedly removed remains accessible there.

(Note the bolded letters)

Because CNN’s article was so successful, another news station decided to ressurect this topic:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/04/2 … pelay-ban/

What a pointless effort…

You’d think if they were concerned about children, they’d be reporting about the Catholic Church. It’s been running an ORGANIZED child molestation ring, and been trying to hiding it… with the Pope (the previous AND current) involved at multiple levels. Organized religion has a greater chance of getting a child raped, than a game from Japan. All these “concerned parents” should ban organized religion first, if they’re so worried about it.

Or as a famous Japanese movie put it: “What’s the use of worrying about your beard when your head’s about to be taken?”

It’s still pointless though… we could all petition to get Mein Kampf banned… won’t ever happen (for obvious reasons).

My particular feminist community has been running tons of stories on the whole Catholic mess lately. In particular some of the fun things they’ve been doing like officially protesting against new anti-child-abuse laws because they might require the Church to pay more to their victims. How can anyone say that with a straight face? And how do people stay within the Church knowing this? Siiiiiigh.

Well, it is sort of understandable - after all, the Catholic priests seem to prefer boys. Feminists have nothing to be concerned about!

… wait, your answer doesn’t make sense, I was pointing out that they ARE angry at the Catholic priests. :slight_smile: