rate above users avatar

I’ll start come on guys

^^ pretty cool, in a creepy way

Fine - I am not that confident about my signature, but I definitely have to let Chibi-K participate here! :wink:

Aaargh! Double-post!

Oh my god! I finally now realized what this “above” in the thread’s topic was supposed to tell me: the typical kind of above-post-related BBS-game!
Okay, let’s make the best of my double-post then, by adding here the still missign rating for detective Conan’s avatar. :oops:

Actually, I have no real attachment to Tsukihime. After all, I still haven’t even started to play it…
… plus I only recognize the sign for tsukihime and a big blue puddle on te ground in all black, so it actually conveys not really a meaning for me … :?

In addition to that, well, you see what kind of avatar I prefer: Colorful, cute and cheerful, so…

… I hope a 3/10 is okay? :shock:

eh 7/10 cause Im partial to Black cyc but Chibi/cuteness …only in moderation.

5/10. Srry kids but we all know Mothra always saves Godzila. Awesome. :mrgreen:

4/10. I can only see the character’s glasses! Goo luck to whoever tries to rate my avatar! :smiley:

It won’t stop changing! WHY WON’T IT STOP CHANGING!?!


7/10 - Twins, but not nearly as good as some of the other twincest you’ve posted. :stuck_out_tongue:

[color=red]Opinion[/color]: Is it better to have an avatar showing something you like, or is it better to have one that fits your handle?
Granted, some handles make it hard or impossible to have an avatar that fits it. I know this thread is about rating avatars, but since this is somewhat related, I thought I’d ask here and see what all of your thoughts are on this.

I like Ignosco’s. The grin is quite endearing. 8.5/10

As for KM’s statement, I definitely go for something you like better than something related to your forums name. That’s just the way I’ve always been.

Usualy I use avatars of myself (pictures drawned by me or by some friends), but here I use pictures of eroge character since it’s more appropriate.

Hum… maybe I should drawn myself in a “eroge style”.

Even though it has nothing to do with what is in this forum, I couldn’t help but show off my first creation (well, technically my second, but the first one didn’t save correctly) with the free version of the Spore Creature Creator. So… what do you think?

Needs moar neko mimi. :wink:

I’ve got the Spore Creator as well. Gonna create the cutest damn alien I can design… but have it as EVIL as possible. Lures with the kawaii… then it savagely devours ya! :twisted:

I’m curious to see what you’ve created. I’m sort of in the middle of creating something that is like a cross between a scorpion and a spider. What is irritating me is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to rotate the insect feet things (can’t remember their name). I must say, I’m sorely tempted to burn $10 and get the full version of the creature creator. Partly out of curiousity over what is in the other 75% of the program, partly because I’m becoming slightly perturbed at the way they sort of just randomly chose what creature parts to put in the free version. Just need to endure until September 7th…
Anyway, perhaps if there is at least one other person on the board who is making creatures, we could start a little thread to showcase our creations.

What bout mine. Is it gone to fair with the Cuteness?

Yours is OK because it is twincest.
(unfortunately twincest is not enough for me too read angel sactuary…)

I LOVE Angel Sanctuary. i have the Whole Manga Collection the anime left something to be desired… but still ok.

T_T Le nuage avi still makes me a bit sad… Y_Y Damn Emotional Attachments to Really Good Games.

Well, I finally got around to finding an image that fits in a bit more around here. Also, it fits the theme of incest that I keep in my sig. For those who don’t know, the image is of Maika Yoshikawa (???, Yosikawa Maika) from Magikano. For those of you unfamiliar with the anime or manga, she is the sister of the main male character Haruo Yoshikawa (???, Yoshikawa Haruo), and to say she has an unhealthy obsession with him is a drastic understatement. Comments?

7/10 I’m not familiar with the character.