Re: Vaga and Italicus

a few thoughts about people’s reactions on some recent stuff…

first, regarding vaga and his new faq…first i think vaga should have credited dark_shiki for condensing the stuff on that ugly 1000-post thread (imagine the time and effort needed when i had to scan through the posts and filter out any inappropriate content), but i think he added credits already so i will leave it at that. however, i would like to talk about this matter from vaga’s position, in regards to some people’s reactions towards him directly (as in vaga the person, not gc the company).

vaga did say it’s “not very official”, so i dont think you should let your anger out at vaga (at least on the vmate issue), at least calm yourselves down. vaga is just one of gc’s minions, and i dont think bashing him will do any good (at the company’s scale). he is not paid to watch over the bbs (i am, however), so he is not obliged to answer anything, let alone keeping an eye on this bbs (hell, i dont even bother look at gc’s bbs from the beginning). please keep in mind that he is doing all these on good will, and he can choose not to write any faq at all. plagirism put aside, yes there are issues on that faq that are still a bit blurry and need clarifications, but rather than bugging vaga for a response (and he may or may not have the answer to begin with), dont you think it’s more constructive to post on gc’s bbs, or better yet, spam them with emails regarding that matter?

if you guys take everything so seriously then i’ll be damn sure i will keep my mouth shut from now on and not reveal anything at all if someone asks me “what’s the progress on title A?” or anything about peapri (althogh of course i tend to be careful at what i say on this bbs even if you guys are as easy-going as before). i cant speak for vaga himself, but i’m sure to some extent he will be less inclined from now on to answer any questions (and keep in mind he is not obliged to answer ANYTHING) on gc’s games…now that he has received some hostility from people here.

i cant help it but i keep thinking about the malibu “easy-going” commercial when i thought about this :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways, keep in mind that vaga is not in the same position as myself or dave/kumiko. he did say he is NOT the official representative/mouthpiece. he is just one of gc’s many minions/spies who is just kind/nice enough to bother glancing the bbs and answering questions (much like made in dna and ex-woo on our end). i think this is an presumption you should take when reading his posts.

lastly, italicus, i am not sure if i like what you are doing on this bbs, a majority of your posts (more on the recent ones) on this vmate issue has been more destructive than constructive, meaning that they are nothing more than a bunch of whines, flame and anger posts with no real content.

i have no problems with anti-vmate people (such as dark_shiki or scdawg…and correct me if i am wrong) complaining about vmate but at least they are doing so in a civilized manner and generate discussion. italicus’ posts, however, has been a bunch of short posts about whining and with no meaningful content, and sometimes with italian to begin with (and not everybody can understand it). i dont think they are very constructive at all.

i mean, a couple of posts like this is alright at the beginning, but if you keep repeating the same thing over and over for a week then i see that as spam/polluting the boards. italicus, i cant recall how many times i have warned you with the content of your posts, but consider this as your FINAL WARNING or i’m afraid i will have to ban you.

…and to all, please stop talking about anything about an unofficial patch/crack, whether it’s discussion about if you have found it or not, how to get it, how to make one…WHATEVER. keep them amongst yourselves please.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-30-2004).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
a few thoughts about people's reactions on some recent stuff...

first, regarding vaga and his new faq.....first i think vaga should have credited dark_shiki for condensing the stuff on that ugly 1000-post thread (imagine the time and effort needed when i had to scan through the posts and filter out any inappropriate content), but i think he added credits already so i will leave it at that. however, i would like to talk about this matter from vaga's position, in regards to some people's reactions towards him directly (as in vaga the person, not gc the company).

vaga did say it's "not very official", so i dont think you should let your anger out at vaga (at least on the vmate issue), at least calm yourselves down. vaga is just one of gc's minions, and i dont think bashing him will do any good (at the company's scale). he is not paid to watch over the bbs (i am, however), so he is not obliged to answer anything, let alone keeping an eye on this bbs (hell, i dont even bother look at gc's bbs from the beginning). please keep in mind that he is doing all these on good will, and he can choose not to write any faq at all. plagirism put aside, yes there are issues on that faq that are still a bit blurry and need clarifications, but rather than bugging vaga for a response (and he may or may not have the answer to begin with), dont you think it's more constructive to post on gc's bbs, or better yet, spam them with emails regarding that matter?

if you guys take everything so seriously then i'll be damn sure i will keep my mouth shut from now on and not reveal anything at all if someone asks me "what's the progress on title A?" or anything about peapri (althogh of course i tend to be careful at what i say on this bbs even if you guys are as easy-going as before). i cant speak for vaga himself, but i'm sure to some extent he will be less inclined from now on to answer any questions (and keep in mind he is not obliged to answer ANYTHING) on gc's that he has received some hostility from people here.

i cant help it but i keep thinking about the malibu "easy-going" commercial when i thought about this :P

anyways, keep in mind that vaga is not in the same position as myself or dave/kumiko. he did say he is NOT the official representative/mouthpiece. he is just one of gc's many minions/spies who is just kind/nice enough to bother glancing the bbs and answering questions (much like made in dna and ex-woo on our end). i think this is an presumption you should take when reading his posts.

Thank you, Lamuness.

Honestly, after some sleep and a better morning than I've had in a week, in retrospect, yes, I do apologize to dark_shiki, if he's here to see this, for taking your Guide without putting in at least more of a credit. Thank you, dark_shiki, for putting up the V-Mate for Dummies Guide. It would have been hell to write the FAQ without it. I was putting up that FAQ in much the same manner as I posted my "Q&A Sessions", and actually had it titled as "Q&A Special Edition", but I got bit by the dark humor bug at the last momment, and changed it to what I thought would be a light hearted, silly, and more easy going (but accurate description of the nature of the post.)


i have no problems with anti-vmate people (such as dark_shiki or scdawg...and correct me if i am wrong) complaining about vmate but at least they are doing so in a civilized manner and generate discussion.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-30-2004).]

And by the way, for people who are bringing up issues, I have been regularly questioning, and bringing up issues with Virtual-Mate with my superiors. Yes you are being heard, but I can only foward your complaints and issues. And ocassionally answer some questions when the mood strikes me.

Your doing your best i’m sure Vaga-sama
You just have been caught in the middle of this VM thing. Its not your jobb to do this, its your superiors who should answer our questions, but if you could come up with some answers i (we) surely would greatly appreciate it

[This message has been edited by Thomas (edited 10-30-2004).]

Indeed my sympathies to you, they place you on the frontlines without giving you any information to give us despite our continual questions and your passing them on to those that might someday provide answers to you and then to us.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i cant help it but i keep thinking about the malibu "easy-going" commercial when i thought about this

I AM easy-going, god damn it!

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Honestly, after some sleep and a better morning than I've had in a week, in retrospect, yes, I do apologize to dark_shiki, if he's here to see this, for taking your Guide without putting in at least more of a credit. Thank you, dark_shiki, for putting up the V-Mate for Dummies Guide. It would have been hell to write the FAQ without it. I was putting up that FAQ in much the same manner as I posted my "Q&A Sessions", and actually had it titled as "Q&A Special Edition", but I got bit by the dark humor bug at the last momment, and changed it to what I thought would be a light hearted, silly, and more easy going (but accurate description of the nature of the post.)

Thank you. I admit I might have blown my top a little, but I was quite frustrated that I didn't get a single "Thanks" since I put up my faq...yet you got several only hours after you posted your modification! I didn't expect any thanks for making it (after all I created it for people who don't frequent these forums) but it pissed me off that people were thanking you for something that was largely a copy-paste of my faq. Your absence created the impression that you were ignoring me (ala GC standard procedure [img][/img]_), angering me further.

But you say that you don't really consider yourself a representative of your company...interesting. Let me ask you this, then: Why did you edit out my comments from the faq? They poked fun at V-mate, but they certainly didn't cause any harm. So why did Vaga42Bond the individual edit them out?

(Since Dark_Shiki's been complaing so much about it, direct all thanks and compliments about the information to him over here. Now, if you'll pardon me, I have a weekend to attend to.)

This addendum to the faq still seems more like a grudging concession to a whining brat than a sincere credit to my cynical eyes... [img][/img] :\\

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-30-2004).]

I do think it is apporopriate to thank Vaga42bond for everything. You have been a great help to all of us here.

I do thank him for coming here to provide us information and answer questions when no one else at GC would. After all, a good amount of the information in my faq was based on his informal announcements.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-31-2004).]