Real Life Badasses

Know of any real world badasses? People who kick so much ass, it’s almost impossible to believe they really lived?

I’ll start off with one: Sanada Yukimura

This samurai was death incarnate: the enemy forces record that he killed dozens of their best troops as he broke through their lines with only a handful of household guards. He made it to Tokugawa Ieyasu (the head baddie he wanted to kill, and future Shogun of Japan), where looking him dead in the eye, told him:

lawl. u n00bs are easy 2 pawn. i’m in your base. killing your d00ds. i gots 2 log off now, so u can headshot me. but u suck. i’m ranked #1 on the server. lol.

Well okay… maybe not in those exact words. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’ll add anyone from the following article: … balls.html

Finish sniper Simo H‰yh‰. Forever ranked #1 on the server for 500+ Soviet headshots without hax.

Canadian sniper Rob Furlong. Killed a man from 1.5 miles away.

“Badass” sounds cool, but I cannot forget what Real Life is :frowning:

Some guy trying to take out a Main Battle Tank by himself with a rifle. Although he wasn’t successful, you gotta give credit that it takes a LOT of balls to try something that insane. Badass doesn’t always mean smart. :stuck_out_tongue: