Real Life Sith Lords

Darth Il-sung, Darth Jong-il, and soon to be Darth Jong-un:

It’s a sobering 50 minutes, of knowing how dismal a truly successful dictatorship can be. Western democracies are certainly corrupt… but wow… they’re like perfect angels in comparison. :shock:

It’s almost something out a dystopia story… only it’s not fake at all.

The Force got smashed :stuck_out_tongue: : … ml?npt=NP1

It would be funny, if it weren’t so tragic for the team :shock: :evil: …

I feel for sorry for the NK players. [url=]We all know how Siths deal with failure[/url]. Except the NK version use bullets and electrical torture. :expressionless:

steve jobs seems like one to me

I don’t know… What’s his hairstyle? :lol:

Darth Cheney.

Did you know that a certain African Dictator has a real life combat harem!?

Be honest. You’d do the same if you were in his position. 8) :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but my bodyguards wouldn’t be virgins … at least not for long, giggity giggity.

The closest earth equivalent of the ‘Sith Lord’ characterization that I think of right now is Joseph Stalin, mainly because there are many good biographies available detailing his political life. (Others like Kim Il-Sung and his son will have to wait. Mao? Still relatively less known in the West compared to Stalin, although an average Western student does not know either one of them that much.)

  1. Palpatine did not owe his political successes from mass meetings and other avenues of arrogant charismatic displays like Hitler has. (I think Hitler gets an automatic ‘F’ for being too impulsive and prone to lunacy, although he certainly managed to make a big name for himself in the bloody history department.) He towed the line of ‘defending the republic’. Guess what? Stalin towed the line of ‘defending the revolution’ and to an even greater extent, ‘defending Leninism’.

  2. Palpatine played off both sides – the secessionists vs. the republic – in a splendid manner. Once he has achieved his goal, he ruthlessly destroyed both. Now then, Stalin pretty much played the same game with different Bolshevik factions. He first cornered then smothered Trotsky’s faction, then did the same with Bukharin’s faction. Not to mention that, during the process, he managed to wipe out fellow revolutionary buddies who ‘knew’ him ‘a bit too much’, and replaced them with cronies and youngsters who owed their careers to him and to him alone.

  3. One thing that I think Stalin definitely outperformed Palpatine: He was content being the ‘General Secretary’ (of the Communist Party) instead of the ‘President’ (of the Soviet government). Nominally, the position of the General Secretary was a desk job, dealing with upper-level party matters, not the government administration. In reality, this allowed him to carry on with bloody business behind the curtains. He played the charade so well that many ordinary folks honestly believed that much of the bloodletting originated from treacherous secret police chiefs while Stalin knew nothing about what was really going on. Not surprisingly, except for Beria, his other secret police chiefs had rather short shelf-lives. (However, had Stalin lived longer, he would have snuffed out Beria!) Stalin would never have tolerated anyone approaching the level of Count Dooku or Darth Vader.