real life sounds like a hentai plot … cebook_sex

Basically the story being that this guy tricks teens into giving him naked pictures, then uses said naked pictures to blackmail them into sex. Which sounds a lot like the plot of several hentai movies, iirc. Reading the description of those movies always made me wonder why it didn’t occur to the victims that if someone is holding a slightly-embarassing photo over you, doing EVEN MORE embarassing things with them on camera is a pretty stupid plan.

Although in this case he was targeting underage teens, whose reasoning skills aren’t that developed.

Heya papillon… hadn’t seen a post from ya in awhile. Figured you were in stealth lurker mode or I’m just not reading whatever threads you’re visiting. :stuck_out_tongue:

These kinds of things aren’t unheard of in Japan: school girls blackmailing adults, or adults blackmailing school girls. Some get a little media attention… some remain hidden for years.

Is it life imitating art, or art imitating life? :expressionless:

I just don’t have too much to say on the b-gaming front lately. I got my copy of Casual Romance Club but haven’t played it, my copy of Princess Waltz is still in the wrong country, I don’t have the time to struggle with translating doujin games even when I find interesting ones… I haunt DLsite fairly regularly to review demos for my hentai blog, but that blog largely exists in the hopes of luring random people to try/buy legal games [size=50]and give me an affiliate cut[/size] so I don’t generally mention it here. :slight_smile:

I know we’re getting horribly off track from the original intended purpose of the thread, but I wanted to say this: I look forward to seeing what you have to say about CRC. I’ve played it a little bit, and I must say I found it intriguing, though there are some annoyances such as spoken lines cutting off before they should. I’ve kind of been intimidated after playing without any guidance besides the game book and in game cues, because unlike most eroge I can’t seem to figure out the right responses to give to end with a favorable result. (For those who have played, you should know this includes Amy/Nanase, the girl who starts out already obsessed with the protagonist. I know, pathetic, right?) I played through once with a walkthrough, which of course resulted in a favorable ending, but then the game itself seemed lackluster. So either I need to get over the intimidation I feel or just accept having the game feel lackluster.

Ok, so I know you didn’t ask me personally but I may have some light to shed on this game. First the voices I don’t think are cut off, it’s just that the game is not completely voiced, ie. the girls speak the first few words of the text and that’s it. Many of the girls are not difficult but there are a few that are. The ones I remember being hard are Charlotte, Caitlin, Valerie and to a lesser extent Bridget. Charlotte has a “stealing guy from her best friend” thing to get over, Bridget does too a little bit, and Caitlin is just a total flake. Valerie is tricky because she’s often absent and when she’s there, she’s often working. When she’s working, you have to go back and chat with her on the third chat session, and she’ll be done working.

Anyway fwiw I loved the game (esp. the artwork) and didn’t personally feel it was lackluster. Maybe I’m just too forgiving tho. Try hard to avoid the walkthrough and maybe that’ll improve the game’s appeal to you.

I think you misunderstood me. I only found the game lackluster when I used a walkthrough. When I didn’t use one, I liked the game just fine; it is just that I am so horrendously bad at picking the right things to say (hence my not being able to even obtain Amy/Nanase).

Heh… now I KNOW I’ve played eroge with this plot:

Two teachers screwing the same student.

I wonder if he had hypno powers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, sounds a bit like the plot of APC, though obviously in APC the events don’t happen at a junior high/middle school. Heck, it’s even similar in that one of the teachers is a math teacher.

Well, since you’ve mentioned CRC (which I’ve been playing lately), let me put my two-sen in. Annoyances: compared to most of the other games I’ve played (Kana, Crescendo,Bazooka Cafe, Princess Waltz among others), CRC is kind of crude and mechanical. You have to perform the same actions over and over again. Also, the artwork is not all that interesting: competent, buy lacking in style. As for those silly spoken line fragments: I’m sure that you’ve found out that in some parts of the game there are actually very long speeches; in fact, sometimes these girls can get quite chatty. Then there’s the CG files: Not really annoying, but kind of goofy, since they are in the form of a photo album that is theoretically accessable to all the other members of the club, but include all the sex scenes. How likely is that? It’s as if the club hired a photographer to follow all the members around 24/7.

I don’t know. Was this a very early eroge, or is Libedo as sort of bottom-feeder among games companies?

1.) Libido is not existent anymore - they went out of business years ago.
2.) “Casual Romance Club” wasn’t really a state-of-the-art game when it was released, but a remake of an even then already old game, named “Houkago Ren’ai Club” - with voices and new ending-CGs added.
3.) The game wasn’t initially targeted for the international market. It was rather intended to be a “collector’s item” for faithful japanese customers - who might have felt nostalgia by the way the old game was re-offered.
4.) Probably, the game would never even reached this market, if it wouldn’t have been for a certain veteran member of this board who notified everybody here about the release even before it happened. Look here!

Is there any screenshots or videos of the older version? I’d love to make a comparison.