Refresh my memory, Lamuness

Originally posted by woodelf:
Good now that you got your logic down pat,
read The hitchikers guide to the galaxy.
I'll take my proof in the pudding.
BTW can you now do 'apples' + 'oranges'?
All I get is fruit salid.
Also now is a good time to sacrfice that goat you have been keeping. [img][/img]

But...but...but I wanna sacrifice THIS!

*grabs Transfer Student disc*

Oh, well. If you insist.

*runs offstage momentarily*

[goat] *BLEEEEEeeeea--*

Originally posted by Nobody:
...since there is no way to prove that something exists without using one or more of your five senses


Well, I've done my best to mess with everyone's head. If you were able to follow what I was saying, I'll have to try harder next time. [img][/img]

Not good enough.

Just because your senses says something exists doesn't mean it's there.


Originally posted by Unicorn:
... it would be a lot easier to get a ... you know what, from your personal bishoujo-goddess...

Really? I would've thought a military surplus store would have been better.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
you guys are all nuts....totally completely bonkers....

What was your first clue?

no goat sacrificing…and why, by everything holy, would you want to sacrifice a bishoujo game??? do you not like TS or something? :: pouts ::

as for lesbian strippers, well, it’s been mentioned now

and as for you all being nuts, i knew it before, but you know how sometimes you just get a glaring reminder of reality that you knew before? well this is it

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
no goat sacrificing....and why, by everything holy, would you want to sacrifice a bishoujo game???? do you not like TS or something? :: pouts ::

Oh, you noticed?

I'll keep from ranting, because I haven't even finished the game once yet. (I've had it for more than a week now, just to give you an idea of how little I'm interested in it.) Either I don't have any clue what I'm doing in this game or...uh...*closes mouth* I said I wouldn't rant X_X

Anyway, aside from not really having much in the way of actual content, I can't stand the main character.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Also, we need to bring up movies and throw in random movie quotes. I'll start.

I can't think of many good movie quotes off the top of my head, but I can do some Emily Dickinson:

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you -- Nobody -- too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise -- you know!

How dreary -- to be -- Somebody!
How public -- like a Frog --
To tell your name -- the livelong June --
To an admiring Bog


I like a look of Agony,
Because I know it's true --
Men do not sham Convulsion,
Nor simulate, a Throe --

The Eyes glaze once -- and that is Death --
Impossible to feign
The Beads upon the Forehead
By homely Anguish strung.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Actually, that was my point. You cannot trust your senses. So, since you cannot trust your senses and your senses are the only way to "prove" that others exist, there is not any way to truly prove that others exist. [img][/img]

Who said that?

Originally posted by Nobody:

Look at what you did [b]Nandemonai! I have no choice but to retaliate. [img][/img]


*looks at Ladyphoenix again*

Oh, she was pouting. I thought she was puckering up to give me a kiss. [img][/img]

*walks over to Nandemonai's remains*

Um...oops. Sorry about that. Let me just fix that.

*ineffectually tries putting Nandemonai back together, but only succeeds in making a pile*

Much better! [img][/img]

*finishes by drawing a smily face in the ashes*

Good as new! [img][/img]

*looks around again*

Alright, I think I've had it up to here with this whole sacrifice thing. From now on I swear I'll sacrifice nobody.

what’s so terrible about getting a kiss from me that the mere thought of it happening causes bloody mayhem???

You’re right, I’m proud of you! Haven’t seen a more off-topic topic here in AGES!! .

takes a bow

Thank you, thank you. I couldn’t have done it without all the little people who…err…ducks

runs away

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
what's so terrible about getting a kiss from me that the mere thought of it happening causes bloody mayhem???

On the advice of my attorney, I have no comment at this time.

Airn’t you guys take this a little too… seriously?

And on a side note, it’s not that I wouldn’t mind getting a kiss from ladyphoneix. It’s just that you might not exactly be 100% of what you are to us is all…

i knew you were joking…i’m not offended
i think i just might be a little sensitive because my boyfriend and i are having issues…well, more accurately, HE is having issues and it’s causing mayhem in our relationship…

see, he is doing that oh-so-brilliant thinking of ‘i’ve been hurt by women in the past, so i’m not going to open up and give this one a chance’…and his thinking led him to try and break up with me a couple of weeks ago, saying ‘oh i don’t feel anything for you’ even though every action of his says otherwise…we worked it out for the moment, but now he has put up this huge emotional wall that can be felt from 100 miles away and it’s wreaking havoc with my emotions, because i really care for this guy and he acts like he cares for me too, but he won’t admit it and won’t open up to me and all i want is for us to be happy and be able ot be open with whatever emotions we feel for each other…

eek, sorry for ranting off about that…just something that has been weighing pretty heavily on me but the bottom line is, i know you were joking

The sun for sorrow will not show his head

Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;

Some shall be pardon'd and some punished:

For never was a story of more woe,

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo

Romeo and Juliet, Act V, Scene III.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 08-11-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
You're right, I'm proud of you! Haven't seen a more off-topic topic here in AGES!! [img][/img].

What topic?

Originally posted by Nobody:
...You can't give him any excuses. So, telling him that guys were reciting poetry to you probably isn't the best idea. [img][/img]

I dunno...considering the stuff _I_ quoted, her boyfriend would probably see her in a whole new light.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Uh-oh. Um, it's his fault!

*points randomly in some direction and doesn't realize he is pointing at a mirror*

Does this mean I have to give back all those smilies you loaned me? [img][/img]

Anyway, we aim to please. So, have you found the thread informative/amusing/confusing? I'll take anyone as a sign of success. [img][/img]

Heh, keep using the smilies, if you want to [img][/img]. Makes things all the more fun [img][/img].

Hmm, I think I found this thread to be a little of everything [img][/img]


Since were pretty much talking about everything. I might as well ask this to Ladyphoneix-san.

How the heck did you and your boyfriend meet? And on a side note, what the heck do you see in your boyfriend that makes him so great…?