Refresh my memory, Lamuness

first and foremost, nobody-san, you are more wise than you think you are…i’ve also decided on the same course of action that you suggest…not pressuring him and just enjoying his company and showing him how happy we are together is the best path for us right now, i think…it just gets me down sometimes because i wonder what is wrong with the world where a bitchy, controlling, jealous, manipulative bitch can get happily married, but a person like me, who is sweet, kind, reasonable, can be talked to, doesn’t play head games, is willing ot listen and can admit when she’s wrong falls flat on her face time and again

as for your questions, souldragon, here you go…brian and i met at NERO, which stands for New England Roleplaying Organization…basically, about 200 hundred people all get together at a campsite, dress in medieval and fantasy garb, wear elf ears, and beat on each other with plumbing supplies while running through the woods and tripping over tree stumps for whole weekends at a time…it’s a little more complicated than that (there are actually rules and such), but too long to describe here… if you wanna know more

as for what makes him so great, there are a lot of things…first and most importantly, i feel more complete as a person with him in my life than i ever have, and i have been around the dating block quite a bit…we have an incredible amount in common…we have an amazing time together just sitting next to each other, each at our own computer playing our own games (usually EverQuest for him, Bishoujo games for me), and occasionally squeezing the other’s knee…he stimulates me intellectually, but he is just as capable of being silly as me (our current joke is to moo at each other in conversational tones)…we can spend 5 hours on the phone discussing Morrowind strategies, and effortlessly flow in and out of that and other more serious conversation about where we want our lives to go and such…he loves to cuddle, and is always touching me or kissing me, which i love…when issues do come up, we can usually discuss it reasonably without screaming or arguing, and he really listens and is honest with his answers (as honest as he can be)…we both love the country, he loves going horseback riding with me and hiking…and yes, the sex is amazing, for both of us, and half the time we make a joke of it (we had sex on a lookout near the sea once and we waved at a boat going by while doing the deed )…he totally admits he has issues and needs to work on them, he doesn’t expect me to be his therapist…we just FIT, if anyone understands what i mean

wow, that was a big rant…sorry about that, but i don’t feel like deleting any of it…now that you all know WAY more about my boyfriend than you ever wanted to know, i’ll leave it at that opinions are welcome of course

Originally posted by Nobody:
Uh-oh. Um, it's his fault!

*points randomly in some direction and doesn't realize he is pointing at a mirror*

Let's see... Are you a fan of Yuri from Dirty Pair? (Reference to Dirty Pair Flash)

sigh Give me a löwenbrau, nobody .

Anyway, sorry to hear that things didn’t go well at the live (don’t know if that’s the right nam,e but here in Sweden, we call that “live” or “lajv” when people come together to roleplay in that way). Even if I haven’t done it myself, I once considered start doing that kind of roleplay. alas, there is something that makes it impossible, or at least very hard, to do that. One of my little sisters has live as one of her greatest interests, and she’s been to a few lives by now.

BTW, Ladyphoenix, it sounds like you’ve really found your soul mate .

Originally posted by Nobody:
[img]I%20agree%20about%20[b]ladyphoenix%20and%20her%20boyfriend.%20%20I'm%20jealous.%20%20%20%20[img][/img] [/b]

Do you mean jealous or envious?

Anyway: I also congratulate her for finding an almost perfect mate. Maybe "True Love - LARP" is not completely out of print, after all... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-12-2002).]


no, didn’t really understand it, but in some ways, the German language is kinda close to swedish, so sometimes I can at least understand parts of it… Norweigan language is even more similar; a Swedish and norweigan person could speak to each other and still understand 90% of what the other meant. Sadly it isn’t so with the language of finland shudder That language gives me nightmares; it sounds and looks so much like pure gibberish that the throught of learning that language makes me want to go and hide somewhere

No, that isn’t the reason that I can’t attned LARPs, it’s more about myself … but were’t it for those reasons, I’d gladly run around in the woods with my sister . Actually, every time she attend to a LARP, she tells me to go there with her, but…

I envy Laduphoenix too… to have found the perfect partner…

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Nobody:
Do you know anything about Hanoverians? Meine Schwester möchte Hannoveraner züchten. Irgendwie entschließt sie sich daß ich der Dolmetscher sein soll. Warum muß ich Deutsch lernen? Warum gehe ich in einem Jahr nach Deutschland, um hannoverscher Warmblüter zu kaufen? Meine Schwester reiten gern! Pferde gefallen mir nicht! Ich habe kein Geschick bei den Sprachen. Kann jemand mir das erklären?

Tell your sister, she does not need a translator.

Hannoveraner wiehern nicht nur deutsch, sondern international! Dafuer haben die naemlich den grossen Kopf. [img][/img]

But now a bit more seriously:
If you would like to have some support of a native german, I would take some days off and help you, if you really come over next year (and the whole thing was no hoax, at all).

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... but were't it for those reasons, I'd gladly run around in the woods with my sister [img][/img]. Actually, every time she attend to a LARP, she tells me to go there with her, but...

Lolicon-san, do you know how we, ecchi-lovers, could understand this sentence? *EG*

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[QUOTE]Lolicon-san, do you know how we, ecchi-lovers, could understand this sentence? *EG*

[img][/img] If you dare to hint at anything about my innocent little sister, then... This will happen: [img][/img]

Besides, about me and lolicaon... that's complicated thing; while I do love the "lolicon2 kind of girls in many gmaes, kumi in TCI and the maids in LMM for example, I don't know if I could plat a game where the characters clearly looked "too young", like in Maple, with a pure conscience [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Nobody:
Yes, the Scandinavian languages, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, are mutually intelligable. Of course, they are all North Germanic languages which have been in close contact throughout their development. In fact, the principal dialect of Norwegian, Bokmaal, is actually a dialect of Danish which was imported to Norway. Probably the truest form of "Norwegian" would be Icelandic, since it was able to develop in isolation after the vikings settled Iceland.

Genetically speaking, English, whose closest relative is Frisian, is closer to German than Swedish is, since they both belong to the Western branch of the Germanic family. The problem with English is that it has been affected by so many other languages and has evolved in a strange way. Of the Indo-European languages, English is almost unique in that it has lost the vast majority of its inflections. Also, English was greatly influenced by the Danes. Most English pronouns, plus the verb "to be" were replaced by the Danish versions of those words. Later, the Normans introduced French, which greatly altered the English lexicon. So, even though English is more closely related to German than Swedish, due to many of the radical changes in English, I guess Swedish may actually be closer to German.

As for Finnish, it is not even an Indo-European language. It belongs to the Uralic languages. It is fairly closely related to Estonian and more distantly related to Hungarian. So, it makes sense that it has virtually nothing in common with Swedish.

Well, now that the language lesson is over, why don't you tell us, [b]Spectator Beholder, why you don't go to the LARPs with your sister. You don't have to, and I won't bring it up again, but ladyphoenix and I have shared our dirty little secrets with everyone. Why would you feel shy? [img][/img][/b]

Thanks for the language lesson [img][/img].

Well, I don't follow her for two reasons: first, I'm as you might remember that I have said in the past, i'm hearing impared. while i stillc an hear, I can't hear well enough to make any words out of the sound if you know what I mean (unless you talk very slowy; most people actually speaks quite fast since they're kind of used to it, but to me, it goes all too fast). so i would have trouble hearing what people were saying then, and it's kinda embarrasing to ask people "huh? What did you say?" all the time (for example, if you Nobody, asked me something, you might have to repat it many times before I finailly understood) [img][/img]. That's a pazrt of it... but there's a second part too, althrough this (the first reason) is maily why i can't go...

The second reason is that... Well, ever heard of Aspergers syndrome? I have that syndrome, althrough I'm not a "serious" case, but it's still enough to, well... Those who have Aspergers syndrome tends to feel very uncomfortale in society, and together with other people. Being with other people makes me often feel kind of uncomfortable, althrough I can speak to other people just as anyone else (remember, I said that I wasn't a serious case). That's the second reason, althrough the first reason is the main reason of why I don't go to those LARP's with my little sister [img][/img]

Well, now you know the reasons...

don’t be so jealous of me just yet…yes we are incredibly great together, but remember, he has so many issues and problems that i think he is going to drive us apart completely…we may be perfect for each other, but if he insists on pushing me away, it won’t happen will it…as it is, i am beginning to doubt if we’ll make it, he’s so skittish

but i’m glad you all understand why it would hurt so much to lose him, even though he is being a big jerk-head

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
don't be so jealous of me just yet....yes we are incredibly great together, but remember, he has so many issues and problems that i think he is going to drive us apart completely...we may be perfect for each other, but if he insists on pushing me away, it won't happen will it is, i am beginning to doubt if we'll make it, he's so skittish

but i'm glad you all understand why it would hurt so much to lose him, even though he is being a big jerk-head


I'd give it 6 months...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and yes, the sex is amazing, for both of us, and half the time we make a joke of it (we had sex on a lookout near the sea once and we waved at a boat going by while doing the deed [img][/img])


How long have you known each other?

I'm not condeming you for this, just that I hope your sure of what your doing is all... Because even though you say he's your soulmate... You can't be too sure that this person might be the ONE. A lot of thing can happen between now and beyond....


[This message has been edited by Soul Dragon (edited 08-12-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Soul Dragon (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, about me and lolicon... that's complicated thing; while I do love the "lolicon2 kind of girls in many gmaes, kumi in TCI and the maids in LMM for example, I don't know if I could plat a game where the characters clearly looked "too young", like in Maple, with a pure conscience [img][/img].
Drat, typo. I meant "siscon", of course! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nobody:

Nice. Back at you:


See how efficient it still is,
how it keeps itself in shape --
our century's hatred.
How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.
How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.

It's not like other feelings.
At once both older and younger.
It gives birth itself to the reasons
that give it life.
When it sleeps, it's never eternal rest.
And sleeplessness won't sap its strength; it feeds it.

One religion or another --
whatever gets it ready, in position.
One fatherland or another --
whatever helps it get a running start.
Justice also works well at the outset
until hate gets its own momentum going.
Hatred. Hatred.
Its face twisted in a grimace
of erotic ecstasy.
Oh these other feelings,
listless weaklings.

Since when does brotherhood
draw crowds?
Has compassion
ever finished first?
Does doubt ever really rouse the rabble?
Only hatred has just what it takes.

Gifted, diligent, hard-working.
Need we mention all the songs it has composed?
All the pages it has added to our history books?
All the human carpets it has spread
over countless city squares and football fields?

Let's face it:
it knows how to make beauty.
The splendid fire-glow in midnight skies.
Magnificent bursting bombs in rosy dawns.
You can't deny the inspiring pathos of ruins
and a certain bawdy humor to be found
in the sturdy column jutting from their midst.

Hatred is a master of contrast --
between explosions and dead quiet,
red blood and white snow.
Above all, it never tires
of its leitmotif -- the impeccable executioner
towering over its soiled victim.

It's always ready for new challenges.
If it has to wait awhile, it will.
They say it's blind. Blind?
It has a sniper's keen sight
and gazes unflinchingly at the future
as only it can.

--Wislawa Szymborska, translated by Stanislaw Baran(mark)czak and Clare Cavanagh

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
what's so terrible about getting a kiss from me that the mere thought of it happening causes bloody mayhem???

I don't think it has anything to do with that. We just like bloody mayhem.

...well, okay. I like bloody mayhem.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
[snip big rant]

wow, that was a big rant....sorry about that, but i don't feel like deleting any of that you all know WAY more about my boyfriend than you ever wanted to know, i'll leave it at that

*sees window of opportunity*

Big rants are okay. Just make sure they're not like a certain fictitous moderator who shall not be named, except that it starts with K, and ends with "umiko Kamiyama".

[whispers to self] That oughtta be good for another twenty or so posts...

Originally posted by fxho:
Let's see... Are you a fan of Yuri from Dirty Pair? (Reference to Dirty Pair Flash)

I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...

Originally posted by Nobody:
Uh-oh! I'm fairly certain that me being right is the sixth sign of the Apocolypse. Of course, me getting a date is the nineth sign, so, since that will never happen, I don't think anyone should panic just yet. [img][/img]

And heaven forbid that someone put those two signs together...

Originally posted by Nobody:
It's your own fault. You know we are all perverts here [b]Spectator Beholder. We mention female relations at our own risk. Why do you think I mentioned my sister originally in German, and, when I finally mentioned her in English, I immediately said she had a husband and a very expensive horse habit. [img][/img][/b]

Careful. Even saying that much isn't safe with this crowd.

And now, for something completely different…|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And now, for something completely different...

[URL=|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html]|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html[/ URL]

"It was the butterfly I tell you, the butterfly!"