Regarding release dates

You should subscribe to Playboy… for the articles of course! :wink:

There was an article in Playboy that talked about the actual status of pornography during this whole “credit crunch” market (because of Larry Flint’s request to Congress). It pointed out that several domestic sex toy companies closed shop. It also made note that shipments from China (because a lot sex toys are made there, no surprise) have significantly dwindled. The article also contain info about the DVD and online porn sales too of course. It basically was just outlining how porn is still profitable, but just not as profitable as it used to be.

Obviously when people don’t have jobs, worrying about the latest vibrator model or blowup doll isn’t exactly on the top of one’s list. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think beta-testing CFA will take much time. We’ll probably have it ready for delivery in a couple of months or so. I’m hoping that, since both Family Project and Cat Girl Alliance are in an advanced phase of production, we’ll have all three of them by this autumn. And maybe LWRII before the end of the year, too, but maybe that’s asking too much.

Anyway, I’m happy with CFA being next. I loved the game since I saw the first screenshots :mrgreen:

i am guessing they are trying to have all 3 done by the end of con season

I don’t exactly get their strategy. I think it would be beteer if the releases were more periodic and regular, just to ease pressure on consumers wallets. Who knows.
I am quite excited though. Lets see.

That depends on which customers they primarily want to approach:

[] the ones who already know about them and their products, who regularly come here and/or receive the JAST-newsletters, and who are mostly already used to waiting for the next release a bit longer?[/]
[] or the ones who still are ignorant about the existence of their games - who can only be reached directly at a con because most magazines refuse to carry their adverts and shops aren’t interested in taking their products in commission.[/][/list]

By the way, I think, that “pressure”-sentiment is invalid:
This is not the japanese market, in which a game availability is only guaranteed for six months after its release (except the ultimately acclaimed titles whose copies may be sold out weeks after release: for them you’d better place preorders), but a market where the games remain available for years after their initial release. Also, if games run out of stock and there is still visible demand even reprints are made, while in Japan reprints are rather uncommon! Last but not least, there are even the download variations which definitely can’t run out of copies - though they may not yet cover the entire catalog.
So, if the current releases aren’t suitably timed for your wallet, you still can simply adjust that timing by accordingly delaying your purchases.

The only thing this would accomplish is putting games out with subpar translations and other bugs. No thanks.

Yeah, I get the point, thanks.I think that, there are customers who would like to purchase titles as soon as they come out. I was speaking from that perspective.Although no compromise to quality IMO.