Regarding release dates

They already set ETA at ‘Anime Expo’
Family project - Not said
Cosplay Fetish Academy - Winter 2008
Cat Girl Alliance - Winter 2008/2009
Lightning Warrior Raidy 2 - Winter/Spring 2009

As you can see, they are a bit behind, but they have given reasons.
They wanted ‘Family Project’ to be as close to the original as possible ( apparently it’s very ‘Japanese’ so they had to retranslate it )

CFA and CGA are apparently close also.
My guess is that they are in Beta testing or around that stage.

I’m expecting FP,CFA and CGA to come out this year. LWR2 possibly late this year or next.
The Downhill Night series and Cleavage prolly next year.

We’ll prolly get new ETA dates at Anime Expo ( if they attend it on June 2-5 ) or if they attend a different event.

Mods, if you have time though, could it be possible for you to update the ‘Upcoming Releases’ thread though? It hasn’t been updated since November is the main reason i ask. ( i’m not expecting it to be updated weekly or monthly just…it has been a while )

Also, all signs currently point to FP being done very soon, given what was said in the latest newsletters from JAST and PP.

It was said. They were hoping it would be out by the end of 2008. Obviously that did not happen.

Last year we were all full of hopes and dreams about bullet buttler, etc…

Well to be honest, all through 2008 the global economy has been going through havoc and chaos: exchange rates have been fluxing, consumers are buying less, and banks won’t lend. None of us have any idea how all this has impacted JList as a whole (if at all).

I can freely admit that in the console industry, a lot of “deals” have been prosponed or canceled because of investor problems and shifting currency rates. The anime/manga import market also is suffering (which already was suffering it’s own economic crisis before the “universal” one popped up).

If Peach Princess is having financial problems, I’d be more then willing to make a donation to help them out.

If things get that bad, I think Peter would rather have us buy tons of their games directly from JList.

On second thought… Peter tells us to do that anyways. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

well the global economy is !@#$ed up, I cant find a decent job rite now(So i don’t know what to do after graduating).
I do think that the slowdown is going to end soon(like 2 years DUH!), just my hypothesis.
Okay so I am ready to extended support to PP and GC in whatever little way I can, if they at all need it.
i expect FP to come out pretty soon, but does anyone have an approximate release date?
Also I think at least one of CFA and CGA will come out this year, We did get only LWR and AP cherry last year(If my research is correct).If we have have another year like 2004 that’d be grand.

We also got Princess Waltz last year. Also, while technically Snow Sakura came out mid December of 2007 (12/13/07 according to, I think the majority of us who pre-ordered didn’t have the game in our hands until January of 2008. In fact, I seem to recall my copy arriving 1/17/08. (I have no idea why I remember this.)
On a side note, it is perfectly fine to use swear words here Sid. Considering the adult nature of what we talk about here, I think we are all mature enough to handle a few “bad words”.

Oh yeah I forgot about Princess Waltz. My bad :).
I attended a seminar on the slowdown fiasco, and my hypothesis is :to survive: control costs, lower prices sell more units.
That remembering date things happen sometimes, I remember a few ones as well. Its prolly because it took so long for ur copy to find its way to you :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha I like being subtle, and my ex-girlfriend used to say I don’t look good swearing.

One reason I can think of why the releases are lagging behind is tat maybe PP plans to release a lot of games within a short space (Like every month or every other month), so that’s why they are working like that.

I’m not sure if that’s the best way, though. It delays releases unnecessarily, and then puts pressure on a consumer’s wallets. But who knows, maybe it would work. ^_^;

My main concern is that they’ll end up like Trilobyte did before they can handle Yin-Yang 2 and Sekai wo Seifukusurutame no 3tsu no Houhou.

They have a LOT of games lined up for translation and release. Given the state of the economy, and factoring piracy, it’s hard to tell if they’ll be able to ship enough units to cover production costs and turn a profit, considering the sheer number of games they are working on. Of course, I don’t know how much they normally pull in or the exact costs for initial presses.

I do know that the number of games they are currently working on means a long time to wait for new licenses to be obtained, which is what I’m waiting for. Yes, I’m waiting for a few of the ones still being developted to come out, but others I simply plan not to buy. Lightning Warrior Raidy 2… I don’t really play RPG style games in general, much less hentai. Brave Soul was interesting, but more often then not I would get frustrated at performing menial tasks over and over or having to complete a random quest that makes no sense (the dice level comes to mind).

If the economy is hurting me and everyone I know, what measures are Peach Princess taking to ensure their own future?

Everyone in this thread seems to be forgetting (or maybe were not aware) that Peach Princess and J-List are the same company. Jast USA, Peach Princess, and since the implosion G-Collections, are all owned by Peter and are a part of the J-List “family”. Having considered this for a good long while now, it seems to me that Peter translates eroge because he wants to do it. Because you’re right: the number of units moved is probably enough to turn a profit in a good year, but it can’t be self-sustainable in the long term. Given fluctuations in the economy, and also the fact that PP sometimes goes large portions of time without any new releases, it’s iffy that PP could keep itself going in a vacuum.

“Just enough to squeak by in good times” means you can’t squeak by in bad times. And the bad times are inevitably going to come. It is the way of things. So why has PP stuck around these past eight years? Absorbing the fallout from GC’s implosion, no less? Well, JList, obviously. As a matter of fact, the money PP pulls in can’t possibly come close to what he must be making off of J-list, since there are no slipping schedules or product development costs, it’s simply an import business.

What measures is PP taking to protect itself in the down economy? Hello Kitty vibrators.

No, seriously.

Actually… I mentioned that Peter and JList are the same in my second post. :stuck_out_tongue:

While I have no idea what Peter’s profit tables look like, given how many vibrator companies went out of business since last year, I don’t think he’s making a killing off them. Even the ones that feature Hello Kitty. :wink:

While diversification could be the answer, it could also be as simple as Peter runs his company better than the competators. Why did the corner mom and pop store in my neighborhood stay in business, while that mega million supermarket up street go out of business? Gramps and granny don’t make anywhere near as much money as they did… of course gramps and granny won’t tell me either. :o

I worry, is all.

Trilobyte was one of my favorite companies and almost no one outside the company saw its collapse coming.

I think, In a business like gaming and general, profits will come because of high sales, compared to niche business(eg. bridal ware) where sales are low but profit per sale is way too high.
Coming to PP, I am sure it works on a mediocre profit margin, sufficient to generate profit, but not killing ones.
in a lame way Profit= Income-expenditure.
So the best way to maintain profits wud be to work on a small profile till the situation becomes better, at same time maintaining cost control, they probably also use tight inventory control(which is probably deliveries are delayed).This includes working on a few titles at a time, and regular,periodic releases to make sure the money is flowing. So while I don’t expect new license agreements as yet, but surely, its time a game is released somewhere in the near future.
Now I haven’t seen the sheets and tables, but rest assured, If something bad was to happen, the signs would have appeared by now.As some say, leave the management to the managers and purchases to customers. One major issue I can think of is that the market for BS games is not that big, so increasing sales and covering a large market may be difficult. Diversification may be an option (1 case that comes to mind is Hugh Hefner diversifying his company), but again, Diversifying A H-game market is difficult,there may be choice of releasing Animated series,Magazines or something different.

True, but people continue going “OMG, how can he possibly survive?” – well, he runs a ship that’s a lot bigger than just PP. PP would have to turn into a very large money pit to cause enough of a loss that JList would be jeopardized. And unless that happens I can’t see PP going under. Even if they are unable to sign new licensing deals (and we’ve seen that’s not true) they’ll still finish what they’ve started. They have an excellent track record of that. Even games that were delayed for years were eventually released. There are only a handful of games they’ve officially announced, then had to retract. All of them were in the very early days.

Little My Maid was delayed so long preorders were open for several years. Numerous individuals were worried that their cards had expired in the interim between entering the preorder, and the game shipping.

Transfer Student was the very last game ever released by Jast USA (other than the collections). The original Jast in Japan died during the translation process. Normally this would have killed any translation project; Peter hired programmers to write a new game engine from scratch compatible with the data files he’d received. Game took forever and a day to finally be released.

If it’s been announced – by which I mean, if it’s in the thread Shingo/Lamuness have been updating – then it’s basically guaranteed that it is going to come out.

You keep track of this? Exactly how large is your twincest harem?

As you all enthusiasts may know, PP has finished translation of CFA, and is doing beta testing(Actually, I thought they were already beta testing it, but whatever). So I just wanted to know if anyone has idea about when it’ll be up for sale? same holds troo for Family Project as well(Man I’m looking forward to it) :slight_smile: