Renewing request


I’ve been playing PP games for awhile. And there are a lot of really great titles out there, as well as a lot of mediocre titles. However PP really does a good job, spanning the genres. Offering everything from Rape, to loli, to straight up harem sex romps. (Easily the most popular) I mean for gods sake, you guys are even offering Yaoi of all things, and not just 1 title either. One thing though that is obviously lacking in the titles list, is an Otome game. I’d really like to see a game, where the main protagonist is female, and is not raped. Thats right, not another rape fest, but an actual female centered game. Preferably one with a good story, a good bit of romance, and a lot of hot guys vieing for your characters attention. I know there are games like this out there. Couldn’t you please do one of these.

Not only would it boost female interest in these games, I think a lot of guys would enjoy playing them as well, if only for the novelty of it. Any chance we could get a game like this?

What we really need in the first place is twincest and bro/sis incest :smiley:

i’ve always wanted a game like an H game but with real people. would be an odd change of paste. have a girl actor who looks loli, or better yet, is loli :stuck_out_tongue:

While I’d like to see more yaoi games myself…I think an Otome game would be nice too. :3

Yeah, but there are already 2 or 3 Yaoi games, while there are as yet, no Otome games. Just be a nice change, to be able to play something a bit different from the norm.

There is one (not sure since I didn’t play it, but it seems it is one)

Yo jin bo

Oh, I know. I agree that it’d be nice to try an Otome game.

When I first started playing Fate/stay night [hadn’t seen the anime or read much about it] … I thought Rin was going to be the main player character… :cry:

Was really looking forward to it too ;p

Let’s not limit the girl to a bunch of men, give her some yuri options as well … just make her a real character and not some weak thing waiting for the males to come by and save her time and again.

POTENTIAL ALERT. We have breach, brace for impact.

Sadly, while I like that option (and tend to write that option when I’m designing games) it’s not that popular among the general otome market, from what I can tell.

Certainly I wouldn’t consider it a necessary criteria for picking a good otome game to translate.

Hopefully the next Type-Moon game will have a female protagonist. It’s certainly looking like it, currently, but it hasn’t exactly been confirmed.

Actually I’d prefer they move back to Tsukihime 2…or alteast a remake of Tsukihime. It’s not like they’re blind to how much Tsukihime & Tsukibako sell for…

They just need to stop milking Fate/stay phenomia…reminds me of how Square-Enix whores out FF7…

Actually, for those who don’t know yet… They’re making a Tsukihime prequel instead. For those in this thread, they will also be happy to know that rumor has it Aoko will be the main character in this one.(For those who don’t know who she is, she was the mage that Shiki got his glasses from.)

“Milking” is such a lamer term. if the games they make around the origin are good, whats the problem? now, if they just keep porting the same game to every system, and future systems, and future systems like how square ports ff1 to every system, then THAT is milking. so far, i haven’t seen anything about ff7 being milked. i’m suddenly craving milk now. :shock:

To stay on-topic for a bit (us? On topic? Always a shocker)

Otome games in Japan are a small fraction of the market. This means there’s a low selection; and unfortunately PP has access only to a few companies. So right there, that’s a drawback. Furthermore, I don’t believe the market is big enough yet for this to be effective. Most customers are male, and very few are going to be interested in an otome game.

Unfortunately, low initial numbers would likely convince the Japanese otome game makers to write the market off entirely, creating a lasting impression that would become a self-fulfilling prophecy (like “RPGs don’t sell in the US”). So entering too early could actually delay the emergency of a viable market for them.

Honestly, I see the market for yaoi games taking off before otome games. Yaoi has a far more rabid fanbase, which is more easily bankable.


Just want to add that even though I don’t think it’s likely to happen in the near future, voicing your desire here is one of the best ways to get it. A couple years ago, nobody was even talking about otome games; PP won’t be able to gauge demand for them if nobody lets them know they’d buy, if only it were sold.

Porting a system to multiple games is one way, yes, but making sequels/prequels off of 1 game without really advancing the plot much and allowing for dynamic changes is not.

FF7 offshoots are because they have all been prequals, thus milking off the original game & not really continuing to develope new characters, save the odd villain. Advent Children at least took place after the game, but it too didn’t really bring the storyline to the next level. That is milking.

Making a sequel or prequel isn’t nessarily milking. DQ3 & Lufia 3 were good prequels, and making one prequel is generally not really enough to say they’re milking. Sequels are the same. Star Ocean 2, Secret of Mana 3, (most) of the Zelda game (most because the DS one clearly seems to be milking off those who liked the gamecube one).

Making 1 offshoot is not really enough to qualify as ‘milking’. Making several games and a movie, plus using the main character to sell other games, is definatly beyond that.

it didn’t progress the story but it added backround and more lore. it isn’t at all milking. considering that they’re still making new final fantasies every other year these ff7 games aren’t halting any of square’s productions. milking would be more in line with fate stay night, and possibly tsukihime.

Well it’s milking because they are shifting resources from non-FF games to work on these sub-titles (sub refers here to the fact they are offshoots, non-numbered games) especially when there have been many fans asking for other titles to be released. When all that is released is purely backstory games for existing characters over a given time, and/or sequel with only realing dealing with an immediate future having to deal with those characters, then it’s milking. 1 game/movie doesn’t make it milking, but FF7 has gone way beyond that.

It’s not as bad as Fate/Stay night though.

And you can’t really say they are milking Tsukihime since only recently have they haven’t touched the series really in years.

On the other hand, try finding a copy of Yo Jin Bo for sale. The rest of the Hirameki games are easy to find… YJB is sold out almost everywhere. (For that matter, some would be happy if PP could just get the rights to do a second printing of YJB, many people are still looking for copies.)

Whether there’s a market for explicit otome games in English is still unknown, I get the impression that many girls would rather have the non-porny ones…