Request: List of Hentai/Bishoujo Animation Studios (Web


Does any one have a list of web sites containing all the Bishoujo/Hentai Animation Studios? I have some:
Pink Pineapple -
DEZ (Dreamy Express Zone) -
Green Bunny -
Milky Label -

Anyone else have anything to add?

Here’s the Japanese Gaming Websites that I have Shrtcut links to:





Software House Parsely


Watanabe Seisakusho


-Please note that these are all companies that make bishojo games-

Thanks for that list…

This was given to me by “Himeya Staff” long time ago. It has a good collection of links that Sogna has.

The thing is I haven’t even gone through most of them. Navigating the sites can get confusing.

Also, going through Himeya’s list of games will show just some of the game producers out there and they have web sites as well.

However, can someone please put some Bishoujo/Hentai Animation studio web sites? I like to see what other games are getting animated.

Don’t forget BeF!

Thanks for the links…

I was hoping to add to the list I have. Some of the links I still have to navigate through to find some others :P.

It would be interesting to see which American Anime company tries to get the license for titles.

So far below are the working relationships I see:

Nutech ----> Pink Pineapple
SoftCel —> Pink Pineapple (But ADV has focused on other titles.)
Anime18 —> DEZ, Toshio Maeda
Kitty -----> Green Bunny

Anything else I am missing? It would be curious to see what else gets brought over.

I don’t even want to see the relationships involving the normal titles. Man that would be a nightmare.

Peace and thanks again.

I like the lists that have been posted and have tried some. The only problem I have with the American Anime websites is that they are only updated once in a blue moon.
Kitty has not updated their website since December 29th 2000, SoftCel after four years finally updated their website and then have done nothing with it since April 18th 2000, and Anime18 updates their site when CMP does theirs but to get there you must be registered with an adult checking service. There is a nice picture gallery, some video clips, and downloads but they rarely update it.
TRSI does a good job of letting you know what is coming out, but I think that the companies should also help with the websites, why else have them if not to inform your costumers what you have in the future so we can look forward to them.
I like the fact that Peach Princess updates their website as soon as you have new infomation on your games; what the status is of a game, new games coming out, and other news that we can use. Now if the only the anime companies will do the same.