Response Regarding Family Project Changes

Hello, loyal fans of Japan’s PC dating-sim games. This is our response to the discussions about the changes to the English version of Family Project, which was recently released on CD-ROM and (just now) as a Download Edition. We’d be happy to hear and respond to your thoughts in this thread.

First of all, we sincerely apologize for not providing appropriate warning to fans who dislike any changes being made to their games without having notification posted. We really have no excuse for not posting a proper warning early enough so that fans who had preordered the game could remove their orders from our system. We were rushing to get the game out as quickly as possible and did not properly think things through as we prepared for the summer conventions. I am really sorry that we failed in this, since we exist only because of the trust and support of bishoujo game fans, and promise to do better in the future – more on that below.

(The “Over 9000” line was an error by the way, which was put in the script during the editing process as a joke and commented out. Obviously, something went wrong and the line made it into the game. While we’re happy with the game translation overall, it’s not the only problem with the game script, and we’re working on a patch to correct some English errors, and we’ll have this fixed soon.)

A few sections were changed in the English version of the game, to make it clear that all characters engaged in any sexual activity or nudity were 18 or older. This is unfortunately required by the world in which we live in and is really something we can’t ignore or do anything about. We are an independent publisher of a unique kind of erotic game for adults, and just as we have to follow the rules of English spelling and grammar for the localized versions of any game we publish, all characters must be clearly represented as being 18 or older if there is “naughtiness” going on.

This game was a unique experience for us, because of its extremely complex story and characters, which will not be a surprise to anyone familiar with Hajime Yamada’s other two localized games. Essentially, it’s the story of a group of people with nowhere to go, who decide to for a family for their mutual benefit and protection. The main character Tsukasa becomes the “older brother” of a homeless girl Matsuri, and eventually they fall in love. The game is extremely well done and tasteful – they have feelings for each other, but she is too young for a physical relationship, so they both wait until she is old enough to become sexually active. No problem, right? The issue is that there are a few scenes of her in a state of undress when she cannot possibly be considered of legal age by anyone reading the game story, which is why we had to add panties and the “underbra.” And this is the decision that we went with.

We could have had some kind of blanket declaration that all characters are aged 18 or older, despite the incredibly clear context that she was not emotionally or physically an adult, ready to take on the complex challenges of sexual love with another human being. We could have changed every instance of “high school” to some nonexistent type of school that comes between high school and college. We might instead have removed all lines that refer to her being under the drinking age, which would (I think) have been a lot worse than the rather small changes we did make. In effect, we changed nothing important in the story at all – the two fall in love but must wait for Matsuri to become old enough to decide if a sexual relationship is what she wants, which is what happens. However, we couldn’t release the game with images of Matsuri in the nude when she was clearly not of age, so we made the alterations, which was done right before GM.

So that’s that. As with some other games we’ve released in English, we’ve had to take some steps to contextualize the characters as being aged 18. We failed to properly warn our dedicated fan base about the changes ahead of time, in part because the game was being edited by an outside team for many months, and I again apologize for this. In the future I promise that a post WILL be made by myself or another staff member outlining any changes that were made, so that fans will have a better opportunity to make a decision about which games they want to support with their game-buying dollars. We obviously can’t make this post six months before the game is released, but we will do it very near to the Golden Master date, so you’ll still have time to cancel an order if you have preordered. (And as always, we strive to make zero changes unless they’re absolutely necessary, as they were in this case unfortunately.)

We’ll be happy to offer an unconditional refund to anyone who feels we didn’t do right by them with this release, either packaged version or download edition, with shipping refunded too if you paid shipping. It’s one of the most awesome games we’ve ever had the pleasure of working on, and I think it’s such a great game that I’ll even agree to giving a refund to any customer who plays through the game but still wants their money back at the end. To request a refund, please contact me personally at (choose “website feedback” to contact me directly). Feel free to hit me with any comments you don’t want to post here.

Thanks again for letting us know how strongly you feel about this issue. I look forward to reading everyone’s comments.

Peter Payne

Why exactly is the game advertised as being fully uncensored? After X-Change 3, I believe you said in the future you would notify us before a game is released (and not after) of any changes made. Do you plan to make changes to future games, like Nitro+ works?

We actually tried to avoid saying anything like “100% uncensored” for this title, but we missed the wording on the Peach Princess page, and it had been worded like that since the game had been posted, so suddenly removing that one line right after the game was released wouldn’t have been all that kosher. This was part of our error, not checking all the product pages. We certainly didn’t mean to lead anyone on that the game hadn’t been altered for the U.S. release at all.

Because being honest with people is clearly a bad thing.

Alright so let me try to understand.
X-Change 3 was released, altered, people were upset. You said that in the future you would let people know before hand.
Family Project is released, altered, people were upset. You say that in the future you will let people know before hand.

As I see it, you’ll just do the same thing again.

Wow you, two…guess you missed reading the note that the 100% comment had been removed elsewhere, and left behind there as a mistake.

Thanks for the comment Peter, this is one customer who has no intention of going anywhere or taking you up on that offer – I am enjoying the game too much for that. Guess I am also one who doesn’t need an explination of why adjustments had to be made for a commerical release regarding a girl who is 14 at the absolute OLDEST. Don’t get me wrong, Matsuri was the path I intended to lead with (I play my first choice first) and I even put that little poster of her up on the wall even before the game finished installing.

As much as I dislike this /jp/ invasion, I really have to agree you have to be able to show that you can keep your word. You basically said the same thing after Xchange 3, but it happened again, and now you’re promising us the same thing. Where exactly is our trust supposed to come from?

So I’m guessing this is a 1337 haxor team blowing off steam because they promised their ‘customers’ an uncensored cracked copy and are now unable to deliver. :lol:

Do you have any idea what you’re talking about, or are you just posting to make baseless claims?

Strike two, either way. No ifs ands or buts.

You screwed with X Change-3 before, you had plenty of time to look over the content of both games before licensing in order to verify they didn’t have any objectionable content, and you even went against the promise of warning people of any cuts before releasing this one. Considering the fact that you had a chance to license plenty of other superb eroge out there without such content, the argument of deflecting the blame on “legal risks” is a moot point.

Thanks for wasting two years of my life getting hyped up over this game–I really appreciate it. I’m beginning to doubt your faithfulness on your localization of the Nitro+ titles, because I’m damn sure confident that there are lolis in them as well. Like hell I’m going to do any preorders/orders until someone else confirms that your future releases are not edited. Ain’t taking your word to warn us of any future cuts either–You fucked up on that one already.

They don’t even mention that she’s in high school in the Japanese version of the game, simply that she’s a “first year student”. You could take that to mean first year of college, if you wanted, which would have made the censorship thing unnecessary. Calling it high school is just as nonsensical, because if she’s supposedly only 17 in the censored scenes, why is she only in her first year of high school? Is she some kind of idiot who stayed back several times?

Were talking about a game right? Wasted two years of your life? With that talk I’d question you having a life period.

Well it supposedly has a good story, you know? Of course I had a lot of emotional investment in getting hyped up for this shit.

To clarify the timeline: we overlooked the misstatement on the Peach Princess website until very recently (just today, in fact). Since realizing the deprecated text was in place it has been altered. No deliberate dishonesty was employed in this process. We appreciate your feedback in this regard, and any further constructive feedback is welcome.

We understand that our track record is currently damaged in this regard, and that there will be a lot of work necessary to prove that there will be no third instance of this sort of miscommunication on our part. We are prepared to do this work, and will be providing documentation of any changes made to future releases, as Peter expressed in his post. We regret that we have lost your trust and we hope that with time we will be able to rebuild that connection to you and other fans who feel wronged by the poor communication.

The case of Matsuri is a pretty unique one, in that throughout the game her youth is a central defining point of her character - not just her visual depictions. We approach titles on a case by case basis; in this case, we went with the treatment that we thought was most true to the original vision of the creators.

We are planning to release a text patch that will correct several errors still present and recently discovered in the game text. We do not intend to cut corners in the future, and certainly not on the titles we have planned to release in cooperation with Nitroplus. Family Project was a unique situation in several ways that we do not intend to repeat; we do intend that the game be a product that any fan would be proud to have in their collection, but its birth has been a painful one and there’s still a bit of a bumpy ride ahead.

Once again we apologize to all fans who feel that we’ve let them down with this release. We will continue to offer the best service and support we can and to address all concerns as fully as we are able, and we understand that rebuilding the relationship will require time and energy that we can and will invest to make things right.

Edit: Also please note that this thread is being moderated for adherence to our forum posting guidelines. We welcome all criticism as long as it remains within the bounds of civil discourse, posts in flagrant violation will be removed at moderator discretion.

Yeah… WOW, that really accomplished a lot. There are quite a few new people, presumably from /jp/ and the only people being rude are people who have been here a while.

GJ, jerk.

So why weren’t we informed of this earlier on if Pete promised to warn us of any cuts?

I don’t understand how it could slip your mind, or how you could be made too busy, to simply make a post before the game came out informing on whether or not it was censored or altered.

When do you plan to let us know if future games are going to be censored or altered? When it’s convenient? I assume that as soon as a game featuring a character who is a loli, or who looks like a loli, is licensed, you already have an idea of whether or not it will be altered.

Well that’s a good thing. At least that means they won’t end up issuing any C&D’s to the guys that created the translation patch.

EDIT: Ahhh, nevermind, they got them already. So much for that.

Even if the language in the original game was vague (as the Japanese language can be), I think it is pretty obvious from the context (as I understand it, since I’m still waiting for my copy) of them waiting until she is old enough.

I’m reading all of your post about me on /jp/. This is entertaining, keep going. I love it. I’m glad to make a bunch of anons angry.