Response Regarding Family Project Changes

If they HAVE to mess with anything, then I’d much rather have the text altered. Changing a freaking number or wording something differently is much less glaring/painful (not to mention less time-consuming) than altering art or cutting out entire routes.

You’re ignoring the very basic fact that they lied to us. Again.
Last time, they said they were sorry, would let us know in the future, and offered refunds they knew no one who use.
They’ve just repeated the pattern. I forgave them last time because I thought it was an honest mistake. Now I know better.

You obviously missed when they posted the usual stupid 4chan-style image and got their post deleted.

It’s not just one scene, it’s several. The advertising thing wasn’t a mistake, it was a lie, period.

No, I saw that, and that was basically the only thing. Well, the ‘Shota Conan’ thing, but that’s about it. BTW, have you ever seen a /b/ raid? There’s like REAL Child porn pictures and other assorted shit. These /jp/ guys by-and-large are being quite nice.

Which US law exactly? Or do you not know, but are saying this regardless?

So because one person posts an image, everybody here is the same? Great detective skills.

So they lied on one site and decided to not have that lie repeated on the other sites… okay… the box doesn’t even have that label. Pretty bad liars if you ask me.

Yes, but she’s another exception to the rule in that ages aren’t estabished – and in CRC technically only the two ‘older women’ characters are definitely over 18. It also must be noted CRC was a JP produced game for the JP market, that just happened to have that full engrish translation.

My $0.02.

I hated the original X-Change, so I never bothered with any of the others, so sadly enough the decision to censor XC3 didn’t mean anything to me. I understand why fans of the game would be upset at content being cut, especially if it effects the story as I’ve been led to believe it did. And a stealth cut of said content is even more brutal, so on XC3, I’m going to have to side of the consumers.

However, in KK’s case, adding clothing to a character that is under the age of consent to preserve content and avoid potential lawsuits, not just in JLists case, but the consumers’ as well, is fine. Sure, the possibility of getting brought to court is slim, but the chance, however slight it may be, still exists. Now, I don’t play many untranslated games, basically because my reading comprehension is about 10% and not all dialog is spoken (and I still only understand about 70% of what’s said to be honest) but EVERY H scene is censored. Now, you can make the case that the Payne Ero Zaibatsu prides themselves on uncensored ero games, and no alterations should be made… EVER, but it’s just not feasible after the shitstorm that’s taken place in Japan on the H game front in general, and the smackdown on lolicon in the US.

Sure, they should have told us. But it seems to be an honest mistake, and the action itself seems to be one that tries to protect everyone involved, business and consumer alike. They haven’t lost my trust or my business at all, the Jlist staff hasn’t been anything but helpful and understanding with any issues I’ve had, and to top it all off, they’re going the extra mile and offering a full refund on KK even if you’ve cleared the game? That’s just crazy from a business point of view, and shows how much their customers mean to them.

So a route might be altered, and a few images censored. Is that REALLY a reason to throw away the baby with the bath water? I can understand the pain but the wound isn’t that deep. I’m sure the game is still amazing nonetheless.

Twice in fact. That is part of why the thread regarding a “solution” to the censorship was locked.

Perhaps you’d like to personally explain to Christopher Handley just how safe loli is in the US?

The lie was that we would be informed of future game alterations ahead of time and we were not. Why should we believe anything Peter has to say after we’ve been lied to twice already? The actual censorship itself is not really the issue at hand.

Seems you don’t quite understand the law. Here let me quote it for you:
“The 39-year-old office worker was charged under the 2003 Protect Act, which outlaws cartoons, drawings, sculptures or paintings depicting minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct,”
The key part being, sexually explicit conduct. The parts that were censored, were not sexually explicit. Nice try though.

Obscenity =/= Blanket ban.

So basically what you’re saying is that any mislabeled age is an “exception”? You can only use exception so many times. And that argument makes little to no sense. It’s irrelevant whether it was produced in JP or not. JAST made a decision to sell it here, and they decided to mislabel it and fake character ages.

To the people arguing about whimsical standards of what is “ok” and what is not (YMK, Casual Romance Club)…YMK wasn’t released last week. Ditto for CRC. The winds of politics are blowing, and they indicate a storm is brewing. Even a few months ago the political situation was much more permissive. JAST can’t be faulted for being inconsistent when the standards they’re held to keep changing. That, at least, is not their fault. This is exactly why obscenity law is so dangerous; it’s unpredictable, completely subject to the whims of political opinion. I suspect most of the posters here are Americans; in which case, instead of bitching at JAST for doing their best to avoid a lawsuit, they should bitch at the politicians who are putting the pressure on JAST to begin with. That would certainly be a much better use of our not insignificant supply of bitchiness.

Um, I’m not too sure about this and it borders on getting off topic, but, didn’t he plead guilty instead of fighting it all the way to the Supreme Court where, iirc, what he did has been allowed pretty much every time it’s been up there?

I didn’t realise the politicians were breathing down JAST’s necks. Meanwhile I can go to my local bookstore and pick up some manga just as ‘obscene’ as these censored scenes.

Hell, Sakura, there’s manga even /more/ obscene. Go take a look at MPD Psycho one of these days…

Wouldn’t help, even if the worthless tarts actually listened to the voters. Most of the “moral” majority in this country have no concept over sexual maturity, intelligence, or the simple fact that a drawn picture harms no one and thus cannot be criminalised. The “anti-loli” laws are usually over-turned on the basis that they do not use real children. Sadly, that sad little term called “obscene” exists in the law. It should be ignored by any person with a semblance of intelligence since obscenity is completely based on personal perception and cannot be decided by a simple process such as popular vote.