Review about Yakin Jyanto

Disclaimer/Legal stuff:

This review is written from my point of view. Because I am no professinal reviewer, but an amateur, it is only intended as an additional information for other bishoujo-fans who are not quite sure what to expect from the product and that don’t want to rely completely on the makers product description.

However, since I am an amateur, I might make some mistakes by reporting from my point of view (for example: ignore some points that are not important to me, but might be very important to readers of my review). So, I discourage anyone to decide about buying or not buying the product, only relying on my decription.

Further, it is inportant to point out, that this text only represents my own opinion of the reviewed product and not the opinion of the people who host it on their website.

In order to avoid problems with copyrights, I am going to post this review only on one website. As long as it is available on that website, I have no right to put it on any other website.
However, if the hosting website decides to either
a) notify me, they don’t want to host it any longer
b) take it down and don’t tell me when they will put it up again during 1 week after they have put it down
I am free to post it on any other website under the same conditions and the former hosting website has to remove it permanently.

… end of “Disclaimer/Legal stuff”, start of the mentioned "review"

Name: Yakin Jyanto

Made by: Mink

This game is another mahjonng-tournament. In it’s singleplayer story-mode, the female cast of the hospital in the Mink-game “Yakin Byoto” are your opponent. The game offers also a single or multiplayer option for playing against the characters without the strip-mahjan-background or against other players in a LAN.

In the story-mode, the player takes the role of the doctor of the original game and challenges all nurses of the hospital in a strip-mahjan-tournament.

Te story mode is a continued series of playing mahjongg against three of the four nurses.
At the beginning of each series of games, you have to select the nurse you are playing against (that is the nurse, who is going to strip one article of clothing any time, you win a game) and two other nurses who are just needed to complete the set of 4 players, but don’t have to strip if they lose. In orer to beat a nurse, you have to win 3 games in the series, consisting of the east- and south-rounds. The challenged opponent has to strip, even if you win with a RONG against one of the other nurses.
At first, only one of the four nurses wearing her nurse-uniform is selectable as your opponent. After beating her, the next nurse as well as the already beaten nurse, wearing the uniforn or a special cosplay-costume as the opponents for the next series of games become available.
After beating all four nurses in both variations of clothing, a last and most challenging opponent becomes available. In order to beat this one, 7 games have to be won in the two rounds.

The players character has an account of points, that add up the amount of points won/lost in all of the games played in the story-mode. However, I have not yet found any impact of this points on the story. It just reflects how good the player really played or how lucky he/she was up to now.

During gameplay, three different soundtracks could be selected as BGM. All three are nice music, but nothing special, so they at least don’t distract much from playing the game.
All characters (including the players characetr) have voices during game, for announcing the special situations (RONG, TSUMO, RIICHI, KAN, PON, CHII, …) as well as for commenting to other characters announcements. The same voices are also used in the animations.

Since the stripping-scenes as well as the h-scene after beating the opponent are fully animated, onla the displayed faces in the game could be regarded as graphics. The expressions on the faces change only regarding the situation at the end of each game (the faces of the players character and of the chosen opponent change acording to the result).

The animations are at a similar quality as in Datsui-Jann-2. Only the mosaicing is here quite more annoying: sometimes, the mosaiced areas are quite bigger then the pubic areas, that are meant to be hidden. Also, the mosaics are quite rough (very big single-colored squares).

User Interface:
The game is stopped, anytime the players character has to make a decision:
If another character has dropped a tile the player could use, the player has to decide whether he should take it (by doing a right-click and selecting the according announcement from the appearing comntextmenu) or to leave it (by doing a left-click).
If it’s currently the players turn after drawing a tile from the wall or calling a disarded tile of another character, the contextmenu could be used in order to make the announcements “TSUMO” or “RIICHI”. By clicking one of the tiles currently on the players hand, this tile is discarded and the next character continues the game.

One special feature of this games user-interface is the missing mistake-prevention: In most other mahjonng-games, the game prevcents the player from making mistakes, violating the game rules (“Chombos”) by not offering the according otion in the menu (announcing TSUMO/RONG with less then currently neccessary Yakus, announcing RONG with a Furiten, announcing RIICHI without having only one missing tile for completing the hand).
While this “freedom” of making mistakes has the annoying side-effect of being punished for those mistakes, it also is the hard way of learning those rules too (especially the 1-4-7-Furiten), while the other games offer the convenience of simply having to complying to those rules without having to understand, why currently the option is not available on the menu.

The Story-Mode does not offer a save/load-functions. The players amount of points is automatically saved at the end of each game. Only starting the story-mode from the beginning would reset the account to zero.

All animations, that have been watched in the currently running story-mode-game become available in a “movie-gallery”. However, if the player decides to restart the story-mode from the beginning, all the movies in the movie-gallery are also removed.

My personal opinion:

At first sight, there were two points I wanted to criticize about this game:
a) the mosaics being too bis and rough
b) the behaviour regarding Chombos/Furitens

After playing this game some more, I have to admit that at least Point b) forced me to learn those rules properly and thus improved my personal mahjonng-skills. Also the gap of difficulty between the Nurses and the secret character once again forced me to again think about different startegies to builkd up my hand more efficiently.
So, in the end, I would recommend this game to any player who already knows the basics of Mahjonng and wants to improve his skills to a level, where he could try to play against human players in a real game without screen and mouse. I suppose, real human opponets should be at least as difficult to beat, as the secret character. I would definitely not recommend this game to a beginner.

However, Point a) remains. Even though I know about the fact that in japan, depictions of the pubic areas of adults are strictly forbidden, I think Mink overdid their compliance with the law a bit. If I compare this style of mosaicing to the mosaics in other games as for example “Datsui-Jann-2”, “Dokusen” or “The Maids Story”, the graphics in those other games are almost hiding nothing at all.

Well, at least I am grateful for the improvements in my mahjonng-skills and playing mahjonng itself is fun enough. Viewing the graphics is just a small side-reward for improving my skills. So if Mink decides to do mosaics this way and are able to stay in business with all the other companies, it should be fine with me.
In the story mode, I especially enjoyed the “secret character”: While the nurses were forced to play mahjonng and acted quite embarrassed during their stripping, this secret character seems to enjoy herself in these situations, even slightly teasing the players character.

Now, I am going to test my new skills on the other games:
While up to now, I simply could rely on those games guidance, but also quite frequently made the mistake of building up a hand that could not win the game, I am now more careful about those tricky rules. So, now “Datsui-Jann” and “Sho-Ki” have to learn again, who REALLY is the boss…

Ah, nice to see some “new air” in the reviews thread . And as always, you’ve made a good review . It sounds interesting, through I don’t know if it’s a game I would buy and play ^^;. Ah, and don’t use too much time on re-playing “Datsui-Jann” and “Sho-Ki”, since you’ve got other girls waiting for you too, right? .

FYI, the official page is here and you can even d/l a playable demo!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It sounds interesting, through I don't know if it's a game I would buy and play ^^;.

Since I think you are a beginner in mahjonng, I'd suggest you don't.
(IIRC, I gave you some URLs to learn the rules some weeks ago)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Ah, and don't use too much time on re-playing "Datsui-Jann" and "Sho-Ki", since you've got other girls waiting for you too, right? [img][/img].

You have a point there. Perhaps, I should order "Innai Kansen: Pon Chin Kan" together with the CROWD-album instead? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Since I think you are a beginner in mahjonng, I'd suggest you don't.
(IIRC, I gave you some URLs to learn the rules some weeks ago)

Well, that's true, but I haven't had much time to study them closer ^^;;.

You have a point there. Perhaps, I should order "Innai Kansen: Pon Chin Kan" together with the CROWD-album instead? [img][/img]

... what's that? another mahjong-game? But the Crowd-abum would be a good buy, I'm sure [img][/img]. But I were also talking about the games that are in your possession alreday [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, that's true, but I haven't had much time to study them closer ^^;;.

In that case, you really should not yet think of this game, because it allows you doing those foolish mistakes, leading to a "Chombo". Because you can do those mistakes in a real-life-game too, this is closer to reality, but very annoying if you start learning to play.
If "Sho-Ki" would not have those "magic attacks", or if you don't mind them, it could be a perfect idea because it also is not as expensive as all the other mahjonngs.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... what's that? another mahjong-game?

Exactly. Bigdog once told me that he thought about buying this one and I don't know yet, if he already did or still ponders.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But the Crowd-abum would be a good buy, I'm sure [img][/img].

Agreed. You see, I already talk about ordering something together with it and not about buy/not-buy of it anymore.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But I were also talking about the games that are in your possession alreday [img][/img].

I know, but in order to tease you a bit (or stir some worries about how much I am going to delay the reviews about Obbligato or OMnY after I got that), I had to mention this possibility.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
In that case, you really should not yet think of this game, because it allows you doing those foolish mistakes, leading to a "Chombo". Because you can do those mistakes in a real-life-game too, this is closer to reality, but very annoying if you start learning to play.
If "Sho-Ki" would not have those "magic attacks", or if you don't mind them, it could be a perfect idea because it also is not as expensive as all the other mahjonngs.

Hmm, thanks, I'll consider that [img][/img]. However, you should also think of, that just like you favor all mahjong-games before anything else, so do I also favor SIMs before anything else, so when I start to play japanese bishoujo games, it'll be the sims that gets to be played by me first, I'm sure [img][/img].

Exactly. Bigdog once told me that he thought about buying this one and I don't know yet, if he already did or still ponders.

Aha. It doens't happen to be that mahjong-game I throught Guilty would be releasing soon... eep! Perhaps I shouldn't have said that [img][/img]

Agreed. You see, I already talk about ordering something together with it and not about buy/not-buy of it anymore.

So all that's left to decide is what game you're going to buy together with the crowd-album?

I know, but in order to tease you a bit (or stir some worries about how much I am going to delay the reviews about Obbligato or OMnY after I got that), I had to mention this possibility.

[img][/img]. Just don't tease me too much, or I'll send Reiko to visit you [img][/img]. Or even worse, I might send Marine... *eg*

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It doens't happen to be that mahjong-game I throught Guilty would be releasing soon... eep!

Nope. Hitozuma Mahjong 2 was scheduled for December 6th, but Himeya still allows only a PreOrder for that one. But of cause, I keep that in mind... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
So all that's left to decide is what game you're going to buy together with the crowd-album?

Exactly, thanks to that lemon...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
[img][/img]. Just don't tease me too much, or I'll send Reiko to visit you [img][/img]. Or even worse, I might send Marine... *eg*

Is that a threat or a promise? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Exactly, thanks to that lemon...

[img][/img] *pats a small lemon that just appeared in my hand with a wide grin on it's lips*

Is that a threat or a promise? [img][/img]

Think of it as both [img][/img].

Good review, which is to be expected from Unicorn . I looked at this game awhile back but never bought it, I think I ended up getting Kaze to Daichi no Pageant, Itazura King, and Be-Yond instead ;P. But it sounds interesting, might even be well ahead of my current mahjongg skills, in which case would be a good investment if I could find the money to buy it .
Unfortunately I think my next mahjongg game will be Innai Kansen or the Hitozuma Mahjongg 2(which does not look too bad). hehe maybe I will just wait till Unicorn buys it and reviews it before I get Innai Kansen (call me spectator), that way I can take advantage of some of the new low price DVD games like Soul Shinobi!