Review of Koi Suru Oukoku


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In a mythical age, a young man named Crow seeks to become an adult. He leaves his parents farm to face the frontiers of the kingdom. He comes to a town where one can seek any apprenticeship freely.
Crow moves into a rundown boarding house owned by a relative and plans to make something out of his life.
His goals from now on is to get a steady work and find himself a girlfriend before the town festival.

Koi suru oukoku is quite rich in the gameplay compartment, it plays like a mix between princess maker and doukyusei.
First you choose the profession that Crow should try his hand on for that week and you see a small animation och how hefs doing and what stats are raised.
After hefs worked from 9-16 you are free to wander around the city and do whatever you feel like.
Characters have schedules and move about the town doing different things and luckily you have a map that shows where all of the characters are at the moment.
The game is quite challenging and even crowfs relative gives you the pointer that just going and talking to a girl over and over isnft going to get you anywhere unless you have the stats that interest her and you know how to solver her problems.

Own comments:
Well itfs an oldie (2001) but a goodie that Ifve had now for awhile but never really given a good playthrough (mostly because my japanese was way worse back then).
Having played around with it now again I must say its quite a nice game.
There are 20 girls in the game that you can go after which means that there arefnt any epic storylines to talk about but many small and mostly interesting stories (and all of them arefnt cute and fluffy btw).
The game does have some flaws though, like many of the japanese SLG games it can easily get repetitive after awhile (especially if youfve finished a girls route and just need to get to the festival date).
And the game is quite buggy with random crashes and even worse some girls not being fully obtainable if you donft do some strange work arounds.
But getting past these things itfs a nice and sweet game with a town that feels alive and a lot of interesting history and lore connected to it (talking to townspeople usually leads to interesting story bits).
The music selection is a bit small and can get repetitive but its nice in the beginning atleast.
Voices are functional, nothing exceptional but they get the job done.
Now you might wonder why I picked an older title to review instead of a new juicy game?
Well have a look at these screens and you might get an idea why I picked this one up again :wink:

Pic 1
Your relative greeting you in the morning
Pic 2
Stat increases after work
Pic 3
The town square and interface
Pic 4
Talking with the circus girl
Pic 5
A map of the town
Pic 6
Girls you’ve met and know something about
Pic 7
A closer look at one of the girls

So there you go people,hope this has been entertaining and please do ask questions if you have them.

[ 07-12-2006, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Gurvon ]

woo! now if only I could find a copy…

Hmmm… looks interesting. It’s from Giga, right? They make some pretty good games, not just ADV but some great action-focused bgames too.

But, this one looks to be in english… It’s fantranslated?

Your eyes are deceiving you Peter,it’s all in japanese but you’ve reached such a high level of proficiency in the japanese language that you automaticly translate it :wink:

But more seriously, yes its a form of fantranslation that has quite an interesting history behind it,but i’ll keep my mouth shut about that for now and let people discover it for themselves in due time :stuck_out_tongue:

But if you people can get ahold of a legal copy of it I won’t mind handing out the translation.

Hmmm… so there actually exists at least onegame that was successfully fan-localized… O__o;;

… and it isn’t one of those really afmous ones either. I really wonder what made them back then decide to go for this one…

Anyway, nicer to see that you finally started trying to out-review Spec, even though you still have a looong way to go for that goal… :wink:

I think Wind: A Breath of Heart (or whatever it’s named) finally finished as well.

Of course, Melty Blood and Tsukihime are still cranking along …

so was castle fantasia 2 a while back.