Review of "Mayonaka wa Owaranai"


The copyrights to the game in this review and anything associated with it belongs to their respective copyright holders. In short, I claim no rights to anything related to this game - expect this review itself of course. Further, everything that I have written in here expresses only my own opinion and nobody else’s. In particular, I am not liable for financial losses because of purchases that have been done, based on my own biased descriptions in here.

First and foremost, you who’d want to read this review should know beforehand that the game in this review is of the kichiku kind of b-games. This kind of games often contains things such as rape, non-consensual sex, torture, bondage, slavery, etc… So if these things bothers you, then you probably aren’t interested in this review of mine in particular. In short: Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here!

Being hearing impaired I won’t say too much about the sound nor the voices - especially not the later, as I’d not dare to consider myself a good judge of whenever a voice suitable or not - but I may say a word or two on those subjects, nonetheless¬Ö

This is an amateur review, so don’t take it all too seriously. My views here are mine and mine only, so if you have any problems with them or just want to comment on them, feel free to do so. This review is also mine and mine only and not to be put out on someone’s homepage or such without my permission (but feel free to tell others about this review and direct them to it by linking).

Game: Mayonaka wa Owaranai

Made by: Assemblage /Touchy

Company page for the game: Not available

Getchu page for the game: Mayonaka wa Owaranai

This is a sequel to Mayonaka wa ware no mono (also by Touchy) and as such, takes place not too long after the first game. In this game, we once again play as the main chara of the first Mayonaka, Ogata Seishirou, the man who consumed a demon lord and thus gained his powers and who is now trying to conquer the world, starting with Japan. In the path this game follows from the previous one, the “Special group” the government assembled to crush Ogata’s organization was more or less obliterated - or so it was believed! Later information came into the hands of Ogata’s organization, suggesting that the “Special Group” was not destroyed, rather lying low ¬ñ but still remain in existence, led by their mysterious leader, “Ishtari”. Setting his sights on some people with mystical abilities who could be members of the Special Group in hiding (or training), he sets out to pull up the tree - that is to say, the special group - with the roots this time. And woe to those who would dare to block his path…

Standard ADV-style. There’s mot much of a line drawn between the prolouge and “when the fun truly begins” as in the first game through; you play through the story and now and then get some choices that affect the outcome of the game!

Summary, Own opinions, etc:
Well, I liked the first Mayonaka, but I’m afraid to say that the sequel is in some regards a bit disappointing. The “hunting” aspect in the first Mayonaka did perhaps not offer THAT much of a difference, but it made things a bit more unpredictable, at least. In this game, this function is no more - as is the function from the first Mayonaka game that allowed us for a limited period of time to pursue whichever character we wanted and then train her. In this game, the “hunting” and “training” are driven by the continuous progress of the story and not under the direct control of the player - - not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it reduces the interactivity a bit for this game n a bit for this game in comparison to it’s prequel.

The art’s been improved since the last Mayonaka game - definitively a point in this game’s favour, through not by very much.

There’s both old characters and demons from the old Mayonaka who appear again in this game! Definitively a nostalgia-point in this game’s favour, but I wish they’d have let a few more old characters appear through. The new characters and demons are interesting enough though… I would ¬ñ as already said - have liked more old characters to appear but that would perhaps not have worked all THAT well - not if this game was to be open for newcomers. If too many characters from the previous game made an appearance here, it’d perhaps have alienated those who hadn’t played the first Mayonaka… with the game being made the way it is now, both old and new players can play and enjoy it - and as many characters from the first Mayonaka are at least mentioned, it may make new players interested in getting the old Mayonaka too…

This has got to be the easiest b-game I’ve ever played - the previous Mayonaka was a bit more vague on what exactly your choices would lead to, but here, you’re not left with much of a doubt of where the choices will take you - or at least it won’t after your first playthrough. OTOH, while the choices are a bit easy, the story do offer some surprises; definitively a point in this game’s favour. Whenever you yourself’d think worse or better of the game because of the fact that it’s a bit easy is up to you - IMHO, it can be a point in this game’s favour, as it’s sometimes fun to play an easy game too (even if only for a change).

This game - like most Touchy games - contains a high degree of kichiku - as high or perhaps even higher than the previous Mayonaka game. And on top of that, the main character here’s the most evil one I’ve ever played). If you dislike that, then this is perhaps not the game for you…

Overall, I’d recommend this game to those who like games with much the same elements that appears in the first game (minus those things I’ve described above that was featured in the first Mayonaka but isn’t here), those who have played and liked the first game, those who are fans of Touchy’s games or just like kichiku in general.

There’s twins in this game! Never a bad thing in a bishoujo game! ~~~.

Misc stuff:
A character from another Touchy game makes a cameo appearance here. A bit unusual, as I never figured Touchy for a company doing that sort of thing, but not a bad idea…

Possibilities exist for a sequel of this game in the future. Well, we’ll simply have to wait and see, I suppose…

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 04-20-2006).]

Thank you for the review, although I admit that I’m now even more uninterested in Touchy/Tacchi/Touch/etc etc. games than before (I DO play D&D… err, Dark games too -unfortunately? -, but I much prefer flashier stuff).
On a side note, the name of the leader is Ishtar or Ishtari?

[This message has been edited by Baldo (edited 04-20-2006).]

Heh… why you gotta steal my thunder and review this game before I do.

I agree that it was a bit disappointing not seeing the entire “old gang”. Those that aren’t shown are mentioned - carrying out missions for the Master elsewhere and whatnot - but the one that I “liked” didn’t appear. The twins make up for it though - but I’d never subject twins to stuff like “Mr. Satan Jr.” does.

The entire Tacchi line-up takes place in the same setting (but different time frames), so I was expecting crossovers eventually. A plus if you’ve gone through most or all their collection.

Man… these “hardcore” titles just keep getting rougher and rougher, don’t they? From what I heard, Tacchi isn’t even the worst. Makes me sorta curious to findout the answer, but then, I don’t think my stomach could take anything worst…

Originally posted by Baldo:
Thank you for the review, although I admit that I'm now even more uninterested in Touchy/Tacchi/Touch/etc etc. games than before (I DO play D&D... err, Dark games too -unfortunately? [img][/img]-, but I much prefer flashier stuff).

... That games's supposed to be dark? Doesn't look much like it... [img][/img]

On a side note, the name of the leader is Ishtar or Ishtari?

Probably the first. It may be a thing for me to correct later [img][/img]. But you know how tricky it can sometimes be to figure out the right spelling in katakana... T_T.

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Heh... why you gotta steal my thunder and review this game before I do. [img][/img]

... Suman -_-. I had a few other alternatives to post, but this one in particular needed the smallest amount of time to be corrected. so.. <_<;;;.

I agree that it was a bit disappointing not seeing the entire "old gang". Those that aren't shown are mentioned - carrying out missions for the Master elsewhere and whatnot -

They're briefly mentioned, yes, but that's not the same as seeing thme T_T. Oh well, there's at least that big group-screenshot... [img][/img].

but the one that I "liked" didn't appear. The twins make up for it though - but I'd never subject twins to stuff like "Mr. Satan Jr." does. [img][/img]

Well, who would? O_o. Althrough, not exactly ALL stuff he does to them is bad Xp.

The entire Tacchi line-up takes place in the same setting (but different time frames), so I was expecting crossovers eventually. A plus if you've gone through most or all their collection.

Really? Didn't know this. Well, as I'm interested in most Touchy-games, this is a plus [img][/img]. I don't own them all yet through...

Man... these "hardcore" titles just keep getting rougher and rougher, don't they? From what I heard, Tacchi isnft even the worst. Makes me sorta curious to findout the answer, but then, I don't think my stomach could take anything worst...

I'm not sure of the "rougher and rougher" thing, but there's no doubt that there's a difference in the "roughness"-degree if you look at the first and second Mayonaka...

You're probably correct that there's rougher games out there. I've seen some screenshots from a b-games that was if I remember correctly called "Heaven - Death Game". The screenshots I saw of that game have made me pretty much decide to stay away from it...

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 04-21-2006).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Really? Didn't know this. Well, as I'm interested in most Touchy-games, this is a plus . I don't own them all yet through...

There's the infamous Ogata Seishirou saga (in chronological order):


‹¶«"ziƒNƒ‹ƒZƒCƒhj is connected with the Ogata Seishirou saga, as it mentions the "Special Unit" once or twice. I've got plans to replay it and sort out the exact details.

These titles fit, by sheer nature they do not contradict with the Ogata Seishirou saga. I also believe they use the same "protagonist" as the main character, but I haven't played ›Þ-‚Í‹¶‰ƒ‚Ì'†‚É yet. I just get the gist from the product catalog.


Another non-contradict title is -ːJŠïs

However, I find it totally impossible for ‰ä‰Æ‚É–‚-‚ª‚â‚Á‚Ä-ˆ‚½I to take place within the same universe...

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 04-24-2006).]

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
There's the infamous [b]Ogata Seishirou saga (in chronological order):


The middle one's one you'll never see me play thorugh... (so if you've played that, no need to fear that I'll writte a review of that one before you [img][/img])

‹¶«"ziƒNƒ‹ƒZƒCƒhj is connected with the [b]Ogata Seishirou saga, as it mentions the "Special Unit" once or twice. I've got plans to replay it and sort out the exact details.[/b]

Naruhodo. Hmm. Through judging by soem screenshots, I wonder exactly how closely it's connetec to the Ogata saga...

These titles fit, by sheer nature they do not contradict with the [b]Ogata Seishirou saga. I also believe they use the same "protagonist" as the main character, but I haven't played ›Þ-‚Í‹¶‰ƒ‚Ì'†‚É yet. I just get the gist from the product catalog.


Another non-contradict title is -ːJŠïs[/b]

Those may be independent titles thne. I think Saigo (Touchy's very first game) also fits in that category. I dunnoa bout nrewest titles such as Lust Scripter and/or Another dimension through...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
The middle one's one you'll never see me play thorugh... (so if you've played that, no need to fear that I'll writte a review of that one before you )

Heh... that one is a... ahem... unique title, eh? I didn't enjoy it at all, and downloaded saves from other sites to get the endings. It has it's part in the saga and all so I got it to "connect" everything together: shows how much of a bastard Ogata Seishirou. I can't stand not knowing everything in a plot. I actually have a review for the title, but its not going to be posted any time soon. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Naruhodo. Hmm. Through judging by soem screenshots, I wonder exactly how closely it's connetec to the Ogata aga...

I assume it's like the relationship between FATE and Tsukihime or MinDeaD and Gore Screaming - same setting, but different location. Some the "mechanics" of how things work are the same though (such as magic). I'm assuming the next Crusade will cover this (if or when it's released).

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Heh... that one is a... ahem... unique title, eh? I didn't enjoy it at all, and downloaded saves from other sites to get the endings. It has it's part in the saga and all so I got it to "connect" everything together: shows how much of a bastard Ogata Seishirou. I can't stand not knowing everything in a plot.

Unique.. Hah! That's an understatement O_o;;. Well, you might not be avle to "look away" fromt his aprt of the plot, but I think I certainly can >_<.

I actually have a review for the title, but its not going to be posted any time soon.

That's fine by me, i'm in no hurry to see a review of this one in particular.. O_o. But as far as Touchy goes, I may sometime further on post a review of Saigo - or possibly any other Touchy-titles that may fall in my hands meanwhile. Right now Crusade is offered at a rather reasonable price (well, if compared to what you ususally get at Himeya), so that's a potential target/candidate for my next small pile of b-games to order.. [img][/img]

I assume it's like the relationship between [b]FATE and Tsukihime or MinDeaD and Gore Screaming - same setting, but different location. Some the "mechanics" of how things work are the same though (such as magic). I'm assuming the next Crusade will cover this (if or when it's released).[/b]

I suppose so. For example, if I get it correctly, the main chara of Crusade is something of a demon summoner and in the first Mayonaka, the existence of such demon summoners is mentioned (By Shun, as I remember it).

As for a sequel to Crusade - well, we'll see. right now Touchy seems rather busy with working together with Carmine after all, so... Me, I wonder how big the chance is that there'll be another Mayonaka, as it apparently isn't finished in Owaranai...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:Unique.. Hah! That's an understatement O_o;;. Well, you might not be avle to "look away" fromt his aprt of plot, but I think I certainly can >_<.

To be honest, you're not missing much: aside from said girl "earning" her place and use as one of Seishirou's "prize possessions".

Originally posted by Spectator
Beholder:I suppose so. For example, if I get it correctly, the main chara of Crusade is something of a demon summoner and in the first Mayonaka, the existence of such demon summoners is mentioned (By Shun, as I remember it).

There are a few more connections that I noticed, but I'll wait until you've played Crusade. Don't wanna spoil anything for ya. ; [img][/img] All in all though, the guy isn't at the same level of Seishirou yet, but he has the potential to be. It would be a rather interesting thing to see them join forces (probably not likely) or just challenge one another (more likely): although the Crusade cast needs a little more time to catch up.

Me, I wonder how big the chance is that there'll be another Mayonaka, as it apparently isn't finished in Owaranai...[/B]

Heh... he has less a "harem" and more of an army now. Just look at all those lovely, loyal, and deadly ladies. I made that "Throne Room" image my wallpaper for quite sometime now. [img][/img]

Three titles is quite an accomplishment really, so I suspect a fourth isn't too much fantasy. Especially if Crusade is really connected - kill two birds with one stone as they say. I hate waiting for things like this. [img][/img]

Ah well... between Tacchi and Black Cyc, my curiosity for "dark series" is being entertained. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
To be honest, you're not missing much: aside from said girl "earning" her place and use as one of Seishirou's "prize possessions".

Good, then no mourning on my part! [img][/img].

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
There are a few more connections that I noticed, but I'll wait until you've played Crusade. Don't wanna spoil anything for ya. [img][/img] All in all though, the guy isn't at the same level of Seishirou yet, but he has the potential to be. It would be a rather interesting thing to see them join forces (probably not likely) or just challenge one another (more likely): although the Crusade cast needs a little more time to catch up.

Heh. That might be interesting indeed, perthaps especially, if you could choose whose perspective to play from too! [img][/img]. Not much to do but wait and see how the situation develops thorugh...

Heh... he has less a "harem" and more of an army now. Just look at all those lovely, loyal, and deadly ladies. I made that "Throne Room" image my wallpaper for quite sometime now. [img][/img]

[img][/img]. That's quite a nice pic indeed...

Three titles is quite an accomplishment really, so I suspect a fourth isn't too much fantasy. Especially if Crusade is really connected - kill two birds with one stone as they say. I hate waiting for things like this. [img][/img]

Hey, never heard the saying "Those who wait for something good, never wait too long!"? ^_-

Ah well... between Tacchi and Black Cyc, my curiosity for "dark series" is being entertained. [img][/img]

Heh! Well, they certainly keep one entertained - and, of course, they (and other companies, of course) give us quite a few things to do while waiting for the Crusade and/or Ogata-series to be continued! [img][/img].