Review of "Sodatete Miryu?"

Three years ago, righteously inspired by The Word of Lamuness :stuck_out_tongue: , I posted a request for Sodatete Miryu? (and a few other games) from Crowd, fully expecting a positive answer from Payne-sama because of the apparently excellent relations between the two companies (not counting the fact that Crowd was then the ONLY eroge producer taking Peapri seriously, in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue: ).
However no official answer came back, and some time ago I finally admitted to myself that maybe Peach Princess had better things to do that entertaining old fans like me, humph :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: , so I decided to buy Sodatete Miryu? almost exclusively with the intent to write this review and demonstrate the right(eous)ness of my request and the novelty of this particular game for the Western eromarket.
Now I’ve played it, and although I remain convinced of its “Novelty Value”, there is actually SOMETHING inside the game itself, both conceptually :twisted: and qualitatively :evil: , which does also much to negate my supposed right(eous)ness :stuck_out_tongue:

Short Introduction:
In a little village somewhere and somewhen, YOUNG Abel (the protagonist) and his older sister Cecilia, a couple of orphans, live together in the little house of their long lost parents. Their life is simple but happy, and supported by Cecilia’s occasional sales of url= natural products[/url] collected from the village forest and, more importantly, from Abel’s job as shepherd at a nearby farm.
It’s only when Sodatete Miryu? starts following Abel’s daily routine that we discover that the story is set in a fantasy world, because the native sheep have a (female) humanoid form and perhaps also a slightly improved intelligence, all a God’s gift for the faithful, as narrated by the holy scriptures at the village church(!!!). A real blessing for lonely shepherds, you could say, but Abel is too YOUNG and naive for such “adult” vulgarities, so he’s not particularly worried when, on a fateful day, an unusually stunted and hairless sheep suddenly appears in the flock.
Fearing for her life if simply left her be (and also moved by her condition), Abel opts for rearing this LITTLE sheep at his home, fortunately with the full support of Cecilia, a real sucker for cute things, who also names the sheep “Lilith”.
Very soon, however, Lilith starts demonstrating, among other things, an unusual intelligence, an unexplicable aversion to any food offered and an almost unhealthy affection towards Abel, following him literally everywhere. But it’s only after two more days of often comical events that Abel finally discovers what exactly Lilith wanted from him, and this revelation comes with a further shock added: Lilith now speaks, or at least she spoke immediately before disappearing into a cocoon(???)…
The truth of the situation is that the supposed “sheep” is on the contrary a highly magical monster(?) capable of extreme physical adaptation/mutation in response to the environmental stimuli, and whose primary food is something that only Human males can provide (yes, that same thing also required in Hanakyuu and various other erogames, heheh… ). But Abel is sooo YOUNG and innocent, can he really cope with such a mysterious and powerful creature in rapid growth, ultimately directing her evolution towards a state amenable to peaceful coexistence with Humans, and not into an implacable stalker of (male) innocents?

I’ve believed in the novelty value of Sodatete Miryu? since the initial announcement from Crowd, and the good news is that Crowd really succeeded in creating an original and interesting concept/product. Stat based games weren’t exactly a novelty even in 2006, of course (however please note that erogames EXCLUSIVELY based on accumulation of stat points, and WITHOUT a single read-and-click decision in the text, are scarce in Japan and inexistent elsewhere… ), but it’s the addition of its original storyline that makes the difference.
Unlike most erogames, Sodatete Miryu? makes it clear from the beginning that Abel is WHOLLY inadequate to confront the menace :stuck_out_tongue: which Lilith represents. A mix of luck and ability from the player may transform Lilith into one of seven different “monsters” (game mechanics and walkthrough are described in the Sheep Raisin’ section, below), but this doesn’t change the fact that it’s Abel the weak partner in this relationship/lovestory, the male protagonist here ultimately NEVER gets the initiative or the control and is alternatively stalked, harassed and/or (ab)used by even the nicest Lilith available. But this also MAKES SENSE (really!) because Abel is YOUNG, VERY YOUNG, YOU CANNOT IMAGINE HOW MUCH, and his YOUTHFUL innocence remains obviously the same also when the initially LITTLE Lilith starts her evolution (and growth) to mature (and adult) form, a process requiring only a few days, and if you are now thinking that the story writers have dared to plunge deep into dangerous waters, you’re totally right :twisted: , especially if you also add the often superb description of Abel’s YOUTHFUL thought processes, or even just the not-so-veiled comments and treatment he continually receives from the support characters :lol: …
Don’t get me wrong, the story IS light-hearted, funny and fairly good (within limits: see my Final Considerations, below), it’s only that some people may have problems with a game making light humor out of bestiality (those sheep ARE kinda cute, after all :oops: ), incest (Cecilia loves her little brother, and two Liliths are willing to share :smiley: ), blasphemy (going to church with Little Devil Lilith is a bad idea, doing the same with Angel Lilith is worse :shock: … ) and, of course, corruption of a VERY YOUNG (ubiquitous :stuck_out_tongue: ).
Yeah, your beloved reviewer :wink: has much enjoyed the unique(?) story of Sodatete Miryu?, BUT I also have to admit the possibility of trouble arising from its release in the West, it’s therefore difficult to say if the continued Peapri silence about this game (and Crowd in general) is caused by engine problems, economic difficulties or abject terror, and the passing of the years just makes its release even more unlikely :cry:

A mixed bag. The (few) backgrounds and the village map are excellent, but the (few) character graphics are often a bit rough (especially those of the secondary characters), although not bad at all.
Character Appeal is the most important asset for any “porno game” in my opinion, and because I truly liked only 60-70% of the CGs, I say that the graphics of Sodatete Miryu? are slightly above average, and nothing more.

The musics are not particularly outstanding, but still support very well the light-hearted ambience of Sodatete Miryu?, and surely raise the value of the game itself.
The (female only) character voices are more varied in quality, one or two literally grated on my nerves, but I still loved most of them. However I have NOT appreciated the fact that a few Liliths share the same voice actresses, each “evolved” Lilith is an entirely different creature, after all.
Strangely (or maybe not :oops: ), the sheep ARE voiced…

I don’t know if a physical copy of Sodatete Miryu? includes extra goodies (the DLsite version offers none), the game itself has only the classic CG, Music and Scenario galleries, although nicely done and more informative than usual.
But the real secret of Sodatete Miryu? is the terrifying eighth ending, you can only gasp at the horror unleashed there if, after getting the official seven endings (one for each “evolved” Lilith), you DARE :shock: to replay and finish the game with a particular Lilith.
I’m still shocked, Crowd struck hard, but, oh, the HORROR…

Final considerations:
SIGH If you started believing that Sodatete Miryu? is a masterpiece, the Bad News time has come.
In fact, I had doubts since my first visit at the DLsite page of the game, when I discovered that the hard disk space required for its installation is a mere 579 MBs, maybe typical for an old, text-only erogame, but definitely scarce for a theorically advanced product with 10 different Liliths, detailed location map, character point system, etc. etc.
I don’t know if Crowd worked on a strict budget or if the game concept was a bit extreme even for them, however this doesn’t change the fact that both story and game system are VERY short/basic: if a walkthrough is available, you can easily complete Sodatete Miryu? in one (1) day :shock: .
I repeat: the story IS really interesting and original, BUT also crammed inside a short timeline (10 days + 1 ending), and only in four (4!! Less than 50% of the game!!!) of those days you can decide how to raise your Lilith, within very strict limits (the village map has five (5) locations only, for example). It’s not a surprise if Sodatete Miryu? has been practically ignored/forgotten in Japan, but still I had hopes for a future Peapri release, Peach Princess and Crowd were best(?) pals after all, and it was three years since the last Peapri release of a non-XChange, Crowd game (Brave Soul -Doushin Same Heart was released five months later-).
Unfortunately nobody at Peapri ever replied to my request, and although it’s absolutely true that a loose tongue is suicide in the business world, I also think that 3+ years of continued silence on the Sodatete Miryu? (and Crowd, too) topic is very bad form :roll: , especially now that Crowd has released one or two additional erogames (apparently) worth playing.
In conclusion, I wrote this review as a final, personal tribute to the oddball charme of Sodatete Miryu?, yeah, but it’s also a heartful plea for any “LICENSING AGREEMENT” info about this game and the latest Crowd products in general, can anyone at Peapri finally give us an official/public answer (and an uncensored/translated erogame :wink: )?

Crowd Home Page:

Sodatete Miryu? Home Page (Very clear and informative): … ntasy.html

Getchu: Sodatete Miryu? Page:

DLsite: Sodatete Miryu? Page:

Sodatete Miryu? Demo Movie (42.54 MB; Cute and stupid but, hey, that’s eroge innocence for you :lol: ): … f_demo.lzh

Sodatete Miryu? Theme Song (1.64MB; Only for those who loved the demo movie :stuck_out_tongue: ): … f_song.mp3

Sodatete Miryu? Demo Game (155 MB; The complete game, at least from the Prologue until the morning of Day 4):

And now, aspiring shepherds, let’s go do some sheep raisin’ in the next post :mrgreen: …

Sheep Raisin’, or Baldo???.

The “Lilith Raisin’ System” coming with Sodatete Miryu? is a simple but pretty thing clearly inspired by the old D&D RPG.
Basically, from Day 2 to Day 5 of the game timeline Abel and Lilith have a tour of their little village, however it’s the player who decides where and when they’re going by means of a cute village map with five well marked, fixed locations (Abel’s home, lake, church, farm and brothel -Hey, poor villagers with no TV at home have to spend their free time somehow :stuck_out_tongue: -), and occasional objects/encounters which appear randomly in hidden places (move the mouse cursor on the map to find them).
Each fixed location actives a specific event, and most events also alter one or more of the stats in Lilith’s character sheet (the hidden objects/encounters have no events and alter the stats only slightly and unfrequently, press the “X” key on the keyboard to open the character sheet). The six stats (and their real meaning -I HATE (politically) correct translations :stuck_out_tongue: -) are ??/LAW or CHAOS (to Abel’s good fortune, Lilith is firmly GOOD, but the LAW/CHAOS axis of her alignment is initially undecided), ??/BGW (Be a Good Wife), ??/LIT (Learn Interesting Tricks), ??/PLS (Pray Loudly for Salvation), ??/GCI (Go Crazy Instantly) and ??/HNT (Have a Nice Time), although their importance varies with the passing of time.
Initially (Day 2 and 3), only the alignment plays a role in the growth of “basic” Lilith, and at midday of Day 3 merely a positive score in LAW or CHAOS is required to advance to the second stage of her evolution, Little Angel Lilith if Lawful or Little Devil Lilith if Chaotic, however also an alignment score of “zero” will result into a Chaotic Lilith (yes, in Sodatete Miryu? CHAOS plays the biggest role, those filthy anarchists are at work everywhere :evil: !!). Later, starting from Day 4, it’s the sum of the remaining stats that makes the difference, because you absolutely need a minimum score in certain stats to get six of the seven fully grown, “Stage 3” Liliths appearing in Day 6-7, and getting a specific Lilith is NOT an easy task, especially if you’re roaming aimlessly on the map (in my first play, for example, I wanted Angel Lilith but got Amaterasu Lilith instead -a blessing in disguise actually, she’s now my favored Lilith by far :smiley: -).
Sodatete Miryu? fully becomes a text-only, “regular” erogame from Day 6 on, but unlocking most Liliths still requires TIME without a walkthrough, therefore I hope that my notes (and the following info) can be useful to future (foreign) players of (a translated :wink: ?) Sodatete Miryu?, ALL the online japanese walkthroughs of this game are less informative than mine, after all 8) …

[spoiler]The seven “Stage 3” Liliths, and their minimum (or maximum, in two instances) stats, are:

Angel Lilith (Lawful): LAW 14+ ; ??/BGW 12+ ; ??/LIT 5+ .
Amaterasu Lilith (Lawful): LAW 11+ ; ??/BGW 9+ ; ??/PLS 9+ ; ??/HNT 4- .
Psychic Lilith (Neutral): No points required* .
Cat Lilith (Chaotic): CHAOS 7+ or 9+** ; ??/GCI 7+ or 9+** ; ??/HNT 9+ .
Twins Lilith (Chaotic): CHAOS 9+ ; ??/BGW 4+ ; ??/LIT 4+ ; ??/PLS 4+ ; ??/HNT 11+ .
Siren Lilith (Chaotic): CHAOS 11+ ; ??/PLS 4+ ; ??/GCI 7+ ; ??/HNT 13+ .
Succubus Lilith (Chaotic): CHAOS 15+ ; ??/PLS 4- ; ??/HNT 16+ .

  • If you fail to win one of the Lawful or Chaotic Liliths, you always get Psychic Lilith.
    ** Unlike her Chaotic counterpart, Little Angel Lilith CAN degenerate to Chaotic status (and Cat Lilith form) if you gain enough CHAOS points. CHAOS 7+ and ??/GCI 7+ are for Little Angel Lilith, Little Devil Lilith needs the higher stats instead.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Event Map:

Part 1: Lilith (The only Part included in the demo game)

DAY 2, morning:
Farm: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/GCI.
Abel’s home: +2 LAW; +3 ??/LIT.
Church: +2 LAW; +2 ??/PLS.
Lake: +4 CHAOS; +2 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW.

DAY 2, evening:
Farm: +2 LAW; +3 ??/BGW; +2 ??/PLS.
Abel’s home: +2 LAW; +2 ??/LIT.
Church: +4 CHAOS; +2 ??/GCI.
Lake: +2 LAW; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/PLS.
Brothel: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/GCI; +2 ??/HNT.

DAY 3, morning:
Farm: +4 CHAOS; +3 ??/GCI; +2 ??/HNT.
Abel’s home: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/GCI.
Church: +2 LAW; +2 ??/LIT; +3 ??/PLS.
Lake: +2 LAW; +2 ??/BGW.
Brothel: +4 CHAOS; +3 ??/HNT.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Part 2A: Little Angel Lilith

DAY 4, morning:
Farm: +2 LAW; +3 ??/BGW; +3 ??/GCI.
Abel’s home: +3 LAW or +3 CHAOS.
Church: +3 LAW; +3 ??/PLS; +2 ??/HNT.
Lake: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/GCI; +2 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +3 CHAOS; +4 ??/HNT.

DAY 4, evening:
Farm: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +3 ??/HNT.
Abel’s home: +2 LAW; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/LIT.
Church: +4 LAW; +2 ??/BGW; +4 ??/PLS.
Lake: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/GCI; +3 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/GCI.

DAY 5, morning:
Farm: +4 LAW; +4 ??/BGW; +2 ??/GCI.
Abel’s home: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/LIT; +3 ??/HNT.
Church: +2 LAW; +3 ??/PLS; +2 ??/HNT.
Lake: +2 CHAOS; +3 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +2 LAW; +2 ??/BGW.

DAY 5, evening:
Farm: +3 LAW; +3 ??/BGW; +3 ??/LIT; +2 ??/GCI.
Abel’s home: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/HNT.
Church: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/GCI; +2 ??/HNT.
Lake: +4 CHAOS; +5 ??/HNT.
Brothel: No points.

DAY 6, morning:
Farm: +2 LAW; +2 ??/BGW.
Abel’s home: +3 LAW; +3 ??/BGW; +2 ??/HNT.
Church: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/HNT.
Lake: +2 CHAOS; +4 ??/GCI; +4 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +2 CHAOS; +3 ??/HNT.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Part 2B: Little Devil Lilith

DAY 4, morning:
Farm: +2 CHAOS.
Abel’s home: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/LIT; +2 ??/PLS; +3 ??/HNT.
Church: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +2 ??/HNT.
Lake: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/GCI; +4 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +3 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +4 ??/HNT.

DAY 4, evening:
Farm: +3 CHAOS; +4 ??/GCI.
Abel’s home: +3 LAW; +3 ??/LIT; +3 ??/HNT.
Church: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/GCI; +3 ??/HNT.
Lake: +4 CHAOS; +4 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +4 CHAOS; +2 ??/BGW; +3 ??/PLS.

DAY 5, morning:
Farm: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/HNT.
Abel’s home: +3 LAW; +3 ??/HNT.
Church: No points.
Lake: +3 CHAOS; +3 ??/HNT.
Brothel: +3 ??/LIT.

DAY 5, evening:
Farm: +2 CHAOS; +2 ??/GCI; +3 ??/HNT.
Abel’s home: +4 ??/HNT.
Church: +4 CHAOS; +4 ??/BGW; +3 ??/HNT.
Lake: +5 CHAOS; +6 ??/HNT.
Brothel: No points.

DAY 6, morning:
Farm: +2 ??/GCI
Abel’s home: No points.
Church: No points.
Lake: No points.
Brothel: No points.[/spoiler]

Once you get a “Stage 3” Lilith in DAY 6 or 7, Sodatete Miryu? becomes a text-only, “classic” erogame with no decision points.

I hope that my walkthrough can help you raise your favored sheep :wink: .
Good luck! :mrgreen:

Those sheeps made my day :mrgreen:

Anyway, leaving apart all the problems linked to the in-game content (incest and so on), I think there’s much better offer - even remaining within Crowd games. Still, they can’t translate only big titles, and this could make a nice second tier choice (like the Downhill Night series). I wonder if they still have contacts with Crowd, though :?:

I like the themes, but the game itself seems pretty mediocre–seems like another Little My Maid to me. Appealing, but not very substantiative, it’d nonetheless satisfy some. If it did get translated I’d probably get it, but I set the bar higher for games I want to make a fuss about. … p?brand=93 … ?game=6868

Both of you are right, although it still outshines many other games (the old Trabulance trash from G-Collections and Crowd’s X-Change 1 and 2, for example).
In my opinion, success in the eroge business comes to producers releasing floods of cheap but WELL DONE games (as West Vision demostrates), and Peapri is showing promise :smiley: . The problem is that Payne-sama doesn’t share my taste in games :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: , three years ago he chose Doushin over Sodatete Miryu?, now he’s selling the Moero series but not the only game from TOP that I would like to see translated: … brand=1413 … ?game=7476

To my knowledge, it’s the first time that has Sodatete Miryu? in stock (only 999 yen of course, and no DRM), I think this thread deserves a bit of necromancy :lol: :wink: