Review of Ryouki

After only a few days of exposure to Ryouki, I felt that was my duty to write this short review. Why? I’m astonished at the grand (and successful, too!) scale of foul deeds this game contains.
Himeya’s game synopsis is merely a partial (!) list of the (sexual) abuses of Ryouki, which, not considering the high number of available girls/victims (10), includes even infrequent themes like hermaphroditism and religious blasphemy (of Catholicism, in this case). My review wants to be an advertisement for rapefest lovers (or simply interested, like me), and a “Keep Out” warning for all others. In fact Ryouki, the first game produced from Psy-chs (a Luchs brand), represents a fine example of the Japanese market’s growing trend towards EXTREME games, even for rapefests. Ryouki, however, is also conspicuous for its (almost) successful union of quality and quantity. This game assures an enjoyable experience, BUT ONLY for not easily offended/impressionable gamers.

Short introduction:
The main character is Van Renbork, a fallen noble that, together with the elder sister, was abused throughout his entire youth for the pleasure of the royal consorts of Estoul, a 1700’s France-like kingdom.
It’s only after causing the horrible suicide of Van’s sister that the royal family decides to definitely shut Van in the palace dungeons, under the (true and proved) charge of conspiracy against the Crown.
Ryouki’s story begins many years later, after the death of the royal consorts, when a truly unusual visitor goes to see Van: Eldia, the late king’s arrogant and snobbish elder daughter. Plotting against her own little sister for the succession to the throne, Eldia reaches an evil agreement with Van, freeing him.
But Eldia (and many others, too!) will be VERY sorry for this foolishness, because Van, driven from a lifetime of hatred, can now implement his own plans, turning the royal palace into a den of iniquity and causing the ruin of the kingdom.

In a sense, this is the best AND the worst component of the game. Ryouki’s storyline fails too many Reality Checks for my taste, and the characterization of the protagonists (except Van and the two princesses) is somewhat superficial (not coincidentally, Psy-chs has promised even more “sex” for the next release, but with 6 girls only). At the same time, however, this storyline is gifted with a certain sinister charme, is not boring and, most importantly, connects efficaciously the varied and prolonged sessions of very creative abuse, torture and rape which form the backbone of Ryouki. In addition, by using a simple but effective game mechanic, the player is encouraged to abuse/corrupt/brainwash the most higher possible number of girls, because this directly affects both the quantity of abuse which will be inflicted later on the princesses and the endgame itself (see below).
In conclusion, Ryouki’s storyline, despite its shortcomings, remains an interesting experience for those gamers in search of strong emotions/situations, giving them really the possibility to commit/savor foul deeds of a rarely seen (by me, at least) magnitude.

Ryouki’s graphics are very good, gifted with a careful eye even for the most minute details of the various backgrounds and clothings (the graphics designers have studied their art history handbooks!).
However, in my opinion, the most interesting characteristic is the “solar”/innocent drawing style itself, expressly chosen to maximize the impact of Ryouki’s abuses…

Psy-chs has invested much in this department, and shows it. The music tracks are uniformly excellent, and the (female only) character voices are simply extraordinary!! The voice quality is so good that I’m inclined to forgive the fact that only 70-80% of Ryouki’s dialogue is dubbed.
Psy-chs has even released the (Music Tracks + Drama) Audio CD of Ryouki, another great work and an obliged purchase for lovers of this game.

Ryouki boasts only 5 endings (2 for each princess + 1 harem ending), which follow the above-mentioned logic of corruption: more abuses Van/the player commits, worse the ending will be (obviously, the harem ending is the most corrupt and the most difficult-to-obtain ending, but, supreme irony, it’s also the only Good Ending of this game!).
As for the rest, Ryouki contains the usual bonuses: CG, Scenario and BGM galleries. Nothing more, nothing less.

Final considerations:
Ryouki doesn’t permit indifference: you will love or hate this game. The ryoujoku genre of erotic games isn’t for underage gamers, but I suspect that even many adults would be scandalized at Ryouki’s excesses (for those adults, I suggest Saimin Gakuen -do you remember?-, my favorite dark game, which is full of self-irony -Ryouki is terribly serious-). Personally, I prefer variety and quality rather than moralism in my choice of erogames, and Ryouki offers absolute reliability in this sense (naturally, only if you can stomach, for a minor example, anal sex scenes with ch… -oh, sorry!- “Lolitas”).
Very good graphics, wonderful sounds, a variegated -although improbable- story (which uses a relatively easy-to-breach Japanese: if you can understand the Demo Movie, you will immediately grasp 50%+ of Ryouki, minimum), this H-game is a truly good choice for certain gamers, and a true challenge for all others.
Come to the Dark Side 8) :twisted: …

Psy-chs Home Page:

Ryouki Home Page:

Getchu - Ryouki Page:

Ryouki Audio CD (a MintJam production):

Ryouki Demo Game & Demo Movie (Game Demo+Demo Movie: 123MB; Demo Game only: 81.4MB; Demo Movie only: 42.4MB. Choose any one of the links on the right -IMPORTANT: Even if you have no interest in Ryouki, download the (partially English-subtitled!!) Demo Movie. IT’S SUPERB, especially if you have even a basic grasp of spoken Japanese-):

Cool thanks for the review. So the meaner you are the better you’ll do in the game?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Cool thanks for the review. So the meaner you are the better you'll do in the game?

Bingo!! [img][/img]

Hello there, Baldo . Nice review! And it’s good to see that someone else than myself and Unicorn plays dark games . I’ve seen that game on, but it hasn’t stirred much of my interest and it hasn’t changed so far, got other dark games on my list to buy .

Still, well done, and it’s good that you’ve provided links to demos and other things that are related to the game. That’s something for me to consider the day I put out my own reviews here, I suppose, for I fear that I’d have forgotten that… <_<.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder: other dark games on my list to buy [img][/img].

Have you any suggestion/link for me? Now, I'm playing with Usaneko, which I've bought with Ryouki, but advice about possible purchases would be useful, thank you!

Originally posted by Baldo:
Have you any suggestion/link for me? Now, I'm playing with Usaneko, which I've bought with Ryouki, but advice about possible purchases would be useful, thank you!

Well, that depends on if you want me to recommend out of the games I already have or the games I've taken a look at and judged as tempting-looking enough to add to my "to-buy"-list? Or perhaps you want to hear my opinion on both?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, that depends on if you want me to recommend out of the games I already have or the games I've taken a look at and judged as tempting-looking enough to add to my "to-buy"-list? Or perhaps you want to hear my opinion on both?

Any title (your choice [img][/img] ) available from Himeya and WinXP-compatible is OK for me.
I don't have immediate projects, but input for future purchases is always welcome, thank you!

Originally posted by Baldo:
Any title (your choice [img][/img] ) available from Himeya and WinXP-compatible is OK for me.

My recommendation in this matter (as Spec would probably guess) is Dai Akuji from ALICESOFT.

Now that I finally posted inthis thread, I may as well thank you for the review too.

With my current wanna-buy-list and playing-backlog I certainly wouldn't buy it myself, but it is nice to hear something about other games nonetheless.

... and if you are interested, you may mail Spec or me inorder to let you in on our private previews on games and demos that we are currently playing.
They are not really like reviews, but may hold useful information for you nonetheless...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-30-2004).]

I see. Well, that rules out about half of my games since I have access to used games in japan, so they’d be hard to find via Himeya or so. But here’s a list of games Himeya should have at least a couple of on their list:

Dai Akuji
Like Unicorn said, this is a game I’d really recommend if you’re looking for a dark game. It has excellent gameplay, a myriad of characters and a good amount of freedom. Orochi posted a review of the game before here, that can be found here:

Also a game by alicesoft. It has some similarites with Ryouki, but it is not as dark and everything in the game is not about training the girls; we have the battles too and you must always keep an eye on the money…

Deep Fantasy
Selen and Selen advance has made some excellent-looking games indeed, and this is one of them. In this game you tale the role as Artas (or Arutasu, if you follow the name correctly), the emperor of the northen empire, as he must win over Sophia, the priestess of the gods to his side as well as subdue the two princesses of the Southern empire, Emilia and Sheryl. This is a SIM, and a quite fun one, too .

Shin Aniyome
Yet a Selen/Selen advance game. In this game you take the role of Takashi, a man who lives with his brother and his wife Miwa. Takashi have had a crush on Miwa through, long before his brother married her. For how long will he be able to endure just looking at her from far away…? If you’re buying this title through, then take this advice very seriously: buy the DVD-version and download the patch on their homepage. As excellent as Selen’s games may be, many of them, especially newer ones, have been reported to have problems. This has happened to me once, leaving me with an
almost useless game I can’t play (the game in question is Deep2, BTW), so be careful. Shin Aniyome seem to work fine if you do it the way I just described, thorugh. Or at least ti does for me and Unicorn.

Yami no Koe
I’ve played a demo of Yami no koe 1 & 2 and IMHO, Yami no Koe looks like a promising game enough. Still, the game is not really a dark game, at least not in the same sense as for example ryouki. This is more like a corrupting-game than anything else as far as I’ve seen; in the first game, which is among the more higher games on my “to-buy-list”, you have to corrupt the guests at a mansion well enough to make them listen to their inner desires. Dunno if this’d appeal to you through…

Touchy’s games:
Touchy are without a doubt a maker of some of the very darkest games there is in the b-game industry in japan, but some of them have still captured my interest, like Mayonagaku wa ware no mono, but I can’t honestly say if they’re good or bad and I won’t know about most of them expect for mayonagaku wa ware no mono, which will be arriving somewhere in August, for quite some time.

Well, that’s it. All or almost all of them should be available at Himeya.

Also, these games, with the possible exceptation of Touchy’s games, are not as dark as Ryouki (as far as I know), meaning that they do contain posssibilities for good endings and not just dark ones. That doesn’t mean that they may not still contain any unusal stuff/themes like the ones you mentioned in your review. I might add one or two more games later, but for now these are the best recommendations I can think of.

Oh, BTW, I downloaded the demo of Ryouki. Interesting,in particular as we experience that the main chara really has a good reason to do what he’s doing (I’m not too fond of main characters that do the evil/terrible stuff they do only out of self-pity or for their own pleasure or something similar). And since the princess was foolish enough to involite him in it all and that she on the top of it did it to gain an edge over her own sister, I can’t say that I pity her for the things that will happen to her.

However, the demo still didn’t make the game climb any higher on my list, but I might put in a note about it for future consideration…

Anyway, let me also repeat Unicorn’s invitation . Me and Unicorn, we make small special previews for each others now and then that we exchange now and then . It gives us something to talk about and also helps decide our interest in a game one of us may have (or simply has an interest in) while the other hasn’t, but has a certain interest inth e game nonethelss. Althrough we so also, of course, occasionally send previews of games the other one of us hadn’t expressed a single hint of interest in, in order to make him interested in that game in particular.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Althrough we so also, of course, occasionally send previews of games the other one of us hadn't expressed a single hint of interest in, in order to make him interested in that game in particular.

For this sentence, you are soooo about to get a Toraha-preview, no matter what. [img][/img]

And if you ever see Mio-chan, you will be lost without a single hook to resist being drawn into Olf's, davepy's and my flu! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
For this sentence, you are soooo about to get a Toraha-preview, no matter what. [img][/img]

And if you ever see Mio-chan, you will be lost without a single hook to resist being drawn into Olf's, davepy's and my flu! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

*starts eating anti-flu pills in order to prepare for the onslaught of the flu*

I will remember your generous offer, thank you to both!!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

That’s something for me to consider the day I put out my own reviews here, I suppose, for I fear that I’d have forgotten that… <_<.

In my opinion, you have done a nice penance in this thread
But, forgive my insane curiosity, the nickname “Spectator Beholder” derives from the “Beholder, Spectator” Lawful Neutral sub-race of the Beholder monster (now aberration) race of Dungeons&Dragons RPG game?

Originally posted by Baldo:
I will remember your generous offer, thank you to both!!

Well, if you feel like accepting it, feel free to [img][/img]. Just ask either one of us for our mail adresees [img][/img].

In my opinion, you have done a nice penance in this thread [img][/img]...

Hehe, thanks [img][/img].

But, forgive my insane curiosity, the nickname "Spectator Beholder" derives from the "Beholder, Spectator" Lawful Neutral sub-race of the Beholder monster (now aberration) race of Dungeons&Dragons RPG game?

Well, partly correct [img][/img]. Perhaps you know of the Baldur's gate games, which are based in the Dungeons&Dragons to some extent? Well, you meet a Spectator beholder there and he seemed like such a fun guy that I decided to take on his name (that, and the fact that I also view myself as mostly a neutral person [img][/img]). Well,t hat's the reason [img][/img].

The test I did a few days ago when Baldo told me about it said I was Lawful Good.

Originally posted by Benoit:
The test I did a few days ago when Baldo told me about it said I was Lawful Good.

I find amusing give this particular link, because is a sort of instant Personality Test.
Oh, my alignment is Lawful Neutral [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Baldo (edited 07-31-2004).]

Hmmmmm… Lawful Neutral, too…

Hmm, chaotic neutral here. Strange, I expected to be lawful evil <_<.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 07-31-2004).]

True neutral myself.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
True neutral myself.

... says the one with the eeeevil plans.
Suuuuuuuuure! [img][/img]

In my case, it is "lawful neutral"...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
... says the one with the eeeevil plans.
Suuuuuuuuure! [img][/img]

In my case, it is "lawful neutral"...

I'm generally a good person (aside from being Satan, of course), but I apparently kept picking enough Machiavellian responses to bump me to Neutral.