Review of Ryouki

Hi Baldo,

I read your review on Ryouki and I’m impressed with your opinion on this title. Two months ago I found Psy-chs while surfing on the net and I managed to try the game a year later. All I can say is I like it :smiley: and I hate it :frowning: :x for reasons which you already know. But I still find it appealing because of the characters, the artwork, and the whole setting (except the story which was so corrupt). So impressed with Psy-chs I even got three other titles: Ryouki II, Mejoku, and Mejoku 2. On the subject, since it’s my first time here in this forum, have you tried Ryouki II yet? If so can you post a review on that too. I would really appreciate it if you could help. Prego!


I don’t know if you are a time traveler from the future :wink: , but rest assured that I’m SOO happy to see that my old reviews still have readers :smiley: .
About your Ryouki 2 question, no, I never played it, the reviews were unappealing, and even if Erogamescape says otherwise, at least a member here shares my opinion:

Therefore no Baldo reviews of this erogame, sorry, but mille grazie for your kind words :mrgreen: .
