Rewrite and ???? Two MAJOR collaboration projects

Has anyone heard about the upcoming collaboration projects that have been announced? I am not too excited about Rewrite but Taiyou no Ko (???) is going to be epic if done correctly.

Rewrite is being made by KEY studios so its probably their next big game. Apparently it’s going to be truer to the style of ONE. But I know nothing else.

Meanwhile, Taiyou no Ko has 3 notable scenario writers along with 3 artists collaborating on a big project. … 51153.html

The two writers of interest for me are Takahiro and looseboy. This means that the guy behind G Senjou no Maou is writing this game with Takahiro. That makes me really excited because I love Takahiro’s characters and of course looseboy doesn’t need to be explained if you’ve played G senjou.

I only hope that they have some focus to the game. This might just be a marketing stunt to try and pool together big names in the hopes of drawing in fans and customers without really creating a game worth playing. None the less, I hope that Takahiro has authority over the characters while looseboy drums up an awesome plot like G Senjou.

There’s a teaser site for the Taiyou no Ko game but it blocks foreign IPs unfortunately.
What are your thoughts?

Half right. Looseboy does have control over the main story; however Takahiro does not have authority over the characters beyond his own. Let me explain:

Taiyou no Ko is a multi-chapter (3 chapters) title, with each chapter being created by a different scenario/writer pair. The scenario writers each work with the same artist they normally work with. As such, the creator of each protagonist and heroine is the writer for the chapter in which that pair ‘stars’.

The Alpha/Looseboy chapter’s protagonist looks awfully smug but he’s definitely got the best design out of the three protagonists and sounds the most interesting so far. All the heroines look great - the other plus to this model of design is that each heroine will get the amount of care as a typical ‘main heroine’ would in any of these writers’ individual VNs. In short, they’ll all be awesome.

Taiyou no Ko is something I’m very excited about, obviously, since all three writers are fantastic and Looseboy is my fav. On the other hand Rewrite I’m more deeply curious about - interested in seeing what the writers come up with. Umineko meets Saihate no Ima meets ONE, hell yes. Or maybe not. We shall see.

Where did you get that info and the pics of the respective protagonists/heroines? I can’t access the collaborations site. something.

Ho man, gotta admit I LOVE the Takahiro pair. Seems this game has something for everyone. My god my moe alarms are blaring.

As someone in the link comented, Looseboy’s protagonist is way too ikemen for me. None the less thats a hot couple. I hope that all 3 pairs will interact with each other to some degree during each story. For some reason I like it when my preferred characters are able to see other characters from other stories.
Thats part of the reason why I’m so excited for Cross Days. I hated Makoto so it’ll be interesting to see how Yuki handles him, if at all. I just like that crossover factor. Anyway Inaho is totally my type. If Narg is into twincest, my fetish is definitely for girls wearing panyhose with long black hair and a tsundora elegance to them.

Totally agree. When I first saw the pic I was all ‘ahahahahahahaha, this girl is going to be a lot of fun’. She’s EXACTLY the sort of person Takahiro writes best, too. The other two heroines look a little dull by comparison, but knowing they’re going to be written by great writers (and they still have above-average character designs, certainly) means I’m not worried at all.

I’m in complete agreement there. This is going to be awesome. I’m such a big Takahiro fan that I went and bought Majikoi the last time I was in Japan. It was pretty cool but nothing quite along the lines of how awesome Nagomi and Otome were back in Tsuyokiss.

Actually, I thought MajiKoi had different high points to Tsuyokiss - just a different kind of story. My favourite heroine and favourite route was Yukie’s.

Don’t you think Yukie’s route was the least detailed one? It felt shorter than the others. My personal favorites are a tie between Miyako and Momoyo. I felt an almost fatherly love towards Yukie though, she was definitely one of the best characters out of everyone there. But the whole Matsukaze thing was kind of annoying, even if it was novel. Miyako is interesting because it’s rare that you see the chijo style personality emphasized in a game. Usually its the guy being the pervert. Momoyo… well Momoyo is just Momoyo she moves to the beat of her own drum and its awesome. But I was surprised that there were no H-scenes with her. After that huge school battle in the forest the ending kinda wrapped up really quickly. It almost felt forced… But DAMN I loved the Otome cameo. The FIRST thing I thought about when I saw Momoyo was how Otome would match her in a fight. But for a main heroine route, the Momoyo route was kind of unsatisfying in my opinion. There wasn’t nearly enough deredere to match the frustration of the build up. Then again if there was ever a genuine tomboyish personality for a female character, it’s gotta be her. People thought she was a trap before the game was released.

It was kind of interesting to see Takahiro take what I felt were different aspects of Otome’s personality in Tsuyokiss and concentrate them in individual characters.

I think it was shorter, but to me the most satisfying of the lot. For me, basically, in terms of how much I liked the main heroine routes:

Yukie > Chris > Momoyo > Miyako > Wanko

I love Wanko as a character but her route was just weak, honestly-- ‘Oops, you failed, now you get to become a nutritionist instead’ - is that sort of ending supposed to make anyone happy?

You’ve got to admit it made the H scene hilarious, though =P
One of my favourite moments in Yukie’s route, short as it was, was the ‘fight scene’ (if you can even call it that) near the end with the ??? that was harassing Yukie’s friend. Funny, funny stuff-

Well, the design of the route didn’t really allow for them, which is why they were all moved into the omake chapters. I actually wish more eroges did this; if H scenes don’t fit naturally in, don’t force them to! Omake them.

And here I thought that they were saving it for the “True Ending”. I played through everyone’s routes except for Wanko and all the sub characters. Is the true ending route some kind of neutral thing where the protagonist doesn’t get a girl? Speaking of which whats up with the Kazama and Gakuto endings, is that for like Shounen Ai fans or something?

Play it. Play Wanko’s route too; it may be the worst but it’s still good

No. Play them too.

(by the way, this thread is now a Taiyou no Ko thread. Nobody cares about Rewrite anyway =p) updated
Voiced protagonists, woohoo!

Damnit man, I can’t access that site from my computer. I keep getting a forbidden message. You must be located in Japan to be able to see it.