
Well, Lamuness I just want to ask if you know if Peach Princess have approaced Rouge in any way and asked for the rights to one of their gmaes? I wouldn’t except it, since you’ve said that you’ve got your hands full enough with work on games for now, but isn’t it a good throught that you may at least have approced thme in any way and asked them what they would think about doing some businees with you in the future, when some more of your games have been translated and released? and if so… have their attitude been much like that of Ruf, or does thye see the whole in another light than what Ruf does?

And, of course, I don’t except you to be able to answer this, but if you know anything, so…

nope, sorry, you are right, I know nothing.

I doubt peapri will even think about other titles until we are done with what we have right now

Awww and I was gonna ask if they would contact Alice about gettng YORU GA KURU or square of the moon. Just saw the OVA and thought the game could be interesting. Hmmm…wonder if g-collections still has their survey on what to translate next.

I will be perfectly honest and say that it is very unlikely at this time that alicesoft will port any of their stuff to English.

Knowing quite a bit about alicesoft’s exlusive system3.x engine myself, it’s modeled after a japanese OS. Although it will run in english OS, it has to use Japanese fonts, and the text display will screw up big time if you don’t have a Japanese font installed, even if you are trying to display only alphanumeric characters

Bottom line: their engine is currently incompatible with the english OS

…maybe I outta explain how us english bishoujo game companies tend to work if we are to look for other companies to work with; it’s not as easy as you think

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-22-2002).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
nope, sorry, you are right, I know nothing.

I doubt peapri will even think about other titles until we are done with what we have right now

Ah, Ok, thanks anway [img][/img]. Well, I can partly see why they don't want to make any new deals with Will now, when they've alredy brought the rights to a small pile of yet-has-to-be-released games (which consists of: X-change 2, Brave Soul, Synchronous Hearts, Little My Maid, Slave Bazaar, Little My Maid - Pandora's Box, Gibo, Used Condom and Newscaster Mariko... That's all, I think), but I think that when Peach Princess has just one or two games left to release, they'll approach Will/Crowd and seek to make soem new deals. But that lies two or three years ahead in the future, I'm afraid...

But when they do, I sure do hope that they'll try to approach Rouge and discuss one or both of their two sims [img][/img]. The only question is if we, or even Peach Princess, still will be here by then...

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
except except ..

Dyslexic Ranger to the rescue once Again!!!

expect expect [img][/img]

Originally posted by Doug:
Dyslexic Ranger to the rescue once Again!!!

expect expect [img][/img]

Thanks for the correction [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But when they do, I sure do hope that they'll try to approach Rouge and discuss one or both of their two sims [img][/img]. The only question is if we, or even Peach Princess, still will be here by then...

Doesn't Rouge distribute its products through Will? It is a bit obvious that they're actually doing most of their business through proxy; I think that Peach Princess will have to negotiate with Will for Rouge's games instead of going straight to Rouge.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But when they do, I sure do hope that they'll try to approach Rouge and discuss one or both of their two sims [img][/img]. The only question is if we, or even Peach Princess, still will be here by then...

Don't even insinuate that we or PeaPri might not be here in the long run. I'll sacrifice as many goats as need be to see that that never happens! [img][/img]

But I think you're right when you say it might be two or three years ahead of us at this point. Assuming X-Change 2 and Brave Soul come out this year, that leaves, what, 6 other titles? I can see at least 3 per year coming out. Wish it was faster but it can't really be helped can it?

Actually, I think the real question would be would us fans still be sane and not reduced to drooling psychopaths eagerly anticpating the next release! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Doesn't Rouge distribute its products through Will? It is a bit obvious that they're actually doing most of their business through proxy; I think that Peach Princess will have to negotiate with Will for Rouge's games instead of going straight to Rouge.

Yeah, should have said it like that anyway: "Have you contacted Rouge through Will?". But it's 2 years too early to ask such a question, through.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Don't even insinuate that we or PeaPri might not be here in the long run. I'll sacrifice as many goats as need be to see that that never happens! [img][/img]

Heh, I believe that you will .9. just watch out so that you don't become bankrupt when buying allt hose goats [img][/img]

But I think you're right when you say it might be two or three years ahead of us at this point. Assuming X-Change 2 and Brave Soul come out this year, that leaves, what, 6 other titles? I can see at least 3 per year coming out. Wish it was faster but it can't really be helped can it?

Yeah, they can do about 3 games every year, but then, again... since they work on more or less all games at once, you could probably say that every game moves closer and closer to their complettion, so if we're really, really lucky, we may see more games getting released than we think. But if so, thye will, as I said before, have to negotiate with Will when they have about 3 games left to release, otherwise their "releasing pace" would lose speed: If they first release everything they've got the rights to now and then negotiates with Crowd/Will for some new games, then it might take two years (more or less) before we see next game (remember that Kumiko told us that they worked a year or so on X-change and Snow Drop before they appeared as a company, and after that it took about 3-6 months before X-change was released (and that is a _simle_ game compared to anything newer that Crowd/Will has)... so if they don't do the same thing this time, then... well, you know.

Actually, I think the real question would be would us fans still be sane and not reduced to drooling psychopaths eagerly anticpating the next release! [img][/img]

Heh, most anime fans I know can keep themselves from drooling like that [img][/img]. And I'm sure that the other companies besides PP (Hobibox Europe, G-collections) will make sure that we get soemthing fun to play meanwhile [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
But I think you're right when you say it might be two or three years ahead of us at this point. ......
Actually, I think the real question would be would us fans still be sane and not reduced to drooling psychopaths eagerly anticpating the next release? [img][/img]

No. Next question?

Back about 10 years ago, a bunch of buddies and i burned a big stuffed goat that used to sit on top of our fishing shack on Goat Island. It burned in a big bon fire surrounded by a bunch of drunk people =D. Can I count that as a sacrifice?

Originally posted by smog:
Back about 10 years ago, a bunch of buddies and i burned a big stuffed goat that used to sit on top of our fishing shack on Goat Island. It burned in a big bon fire surrounded by a bunch of drunk people =D. Can I count that as a sacrifice?

Yes, yes you can. ^_-

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh, most anime fans I know can keep themselves from drooling like that [img][/img]. And I'm sure that the other companies besides PP (Hobibox Europe, G-collections) will make sure that we get soemthing fun to play meanwhile [img][/img]

Hmm, weird, you say this and then we get word of G-collections next title. Keep this up and I'm gonna start suspecting you're in league with the vampire lemons... [img][/img]

Oh and there's a lot of feral goats on the outer islands, so I shouldn't go that bankrupt... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, weird, you say this and then we get word of G-collections next title. Keep this up and I'm gonna start suspecting you're in league with the vampire lemons... [img][/img]

Who, me? [img][/img]. Naw, I'm rather in leauge with some werewatermelons [img][/img]

Oh and there's a lot of feral goats on the outer islands, so I shouldn't go that bankrupt... [img][/img]

How lucky for you then. Well, I might have to start search for a goat farm
around here, just to be sure that I have the necressiary means to please the Bishoujo Goddess if Peach Princess ever should fall on hard times (not that the times aren't hard as it is now, but still...) [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-24-2002).]

Originally posted by smog:
Back about 10 years ago, a bunch of buddies and i burned a big stuffed goat that used to sit on top of our fishing shack on Goat Island. It burned in a big bon fire surrounded by a bunch of drunk people =D. Can I count that as a sacrifice?

Yes! You have done well, fellow goat sacrificer! Only 69 more to go! WOO!