
Originally posted by Doug:
About three years ago.

Er, if you don't mind my asking, what happened? (I mean, why was your hear out of whack? Accident? Congenital defect?) Or if you do mind, then just ignore me like my co-workers do. I'm rather used to it by now...

Hmm, didn't take Mischief-san that long to get reaclimated here did it? Stringing geese with detination cord? Very odd.

I'm trying to get my thoughts back on topic but now you guys have me hung up on the gym teacher again. Doesn't help that my mom's maiden name is Terada... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm trying to get my thoughts back on topic but now you guys have me hung up on the gym teacher again. Doesn't help that my mom's maiden name is Terada... [img][/img]

Ack! Now, something like that would be a nightmare for poor Nandemonai-san, having to be reminded of the gym teacher event in XC1. I'm starting to feel lucky that almost all our gym teachers at my school are female [img][/img].

Originally posted by ekylo:
Er, if you don't mind my asking, what happened? (I mean, why was your hear out of whack? Accident? Congenital defect?) Or if you do mind, then just ignore me like my co-workers do. I'm rather used to it by now...


Atrial Fibrilation (Atriums were beating at a different rate then my ventricles, The ultrasound they did on it was really cool, though.)They don't know what caused it.

Ah, those heart things can be really tricky sometimes…

I forget off-hand how it was discovered but my dad had a murmur in one of his valves. And in the course of preparing for surgery, they found out he had a hyperactive thyroid as well. It was a hard year or so but they replaced the valve. And if you listen carefully, you can actually hear the clicking. My cousin asked my dad if the clicking bothered him. He replied that he’d be more bothered if he didn’t hear the clicking!

Originally posted by Doug:
X-Change, while not my favorite game PP has produced, (Critical Point and TCI are my Favorites) I thought it was O.K. I agree completely with Nandemonai about the Gratuitous Rape Scenes, which were really unnecessary IMHO. It really added to my unenjoyment of this game. We'll see how X-Change 2 changes my opinion, if at all.

When a game treats scenes lightly, as if they were nothing more than, oh, say, waiting in line...and said scenes inspire me with a murderous rage...something is wrong.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
When a game treats scenes lightly, as if they were nothing more than, oh, say, waiting in line...and said scenes inspire me with a murderous rage...something is wrong.

There's definitely something wrong with the XC games. The story and Takuya are flawed. What happen to Takuya honor? Wouldn't Takuya committed suicide after those secenes? Or do blindly accept the fact, since his true essence is male, we can ignore the situations he faces as a woman.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
There's definitely something wrong with the XC games. The story and Takuya are flawed. What happen to Takuya honor? Wouldn't Takuya committed suicide after those secenes? Or do blindly accept the fact, since his true essence is male, we can ignore the situations he faces as a woman.

While the there really isn't any excuse for the gratuitious rapes scenes, other than to place Takuya in a sexual situation, I can somewhat accept his reactions to the occurances.

I real don't think that any 18 year old, virgin, male would stand a chance once the new sensitve areas were stimulated. Add to it the fact that he appears to be submissive anyways and is use to being the subject of embarrassing experiments, I find Takuya's reactions fitting.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Bu I would liked the second bus trip to be a dream, thus sex could have been a nice option for the real kinky stuff.

Yeah, it might have bene better if it had been a dream. At least one of the bus scenes, anyway, as a kind of foreshadowing [img][/img].

Besdies, what Gulyen said about Takuya's honor... As I said to Namdemonai alreday, Takuya is alreday a kind of a weaking who hardly can say no, thus I say that I don't think he cares much about pride (besides, I think that if he actually had any pride before anyway, it might have been shattered by the fact that he alreday is Asami's "pet", or not too far behind that, anyway). He just seem to take things as they come, without resisting too much.

Besides, think of what Asuka said at the end; that she'd wanted Takuya to become more of a man before she was winning to take their relationship further. And when Taukya was restoerd to a man, it did indeed seem like he had "grown" a bit, and gotten some of his "male pride" back.

I would accept anything to avoid the second bus ride, the art class, the nurses office, and the gym teacher.

Spectator Beholder: I have to argue the point of Takuya weakness. Is kindness a weakness? Is being helpful a weakness? Is turning the other cheek a weakness? These are some possibilities of Takuya and Asami relantionship.
As for Takuya’s pride, the game forced us to be disrepectful. There wasn’t an option to avoid the masturbation scene for the first time.

The issue of honor: Takuya, as a woman, accepts being raped, then Takuaya, as a man, would be willing to commit rape. But it wasn’t Asuka’s fate. That’s one of the reasons the story is flawed. His has honor as a male and no honor as a female. That girl from “Chain” had honor.

well, just to interject my own opinion into this, like i have said before, i don’t mind a well-done rape scene in a game…

but i have ot honestly say that as a woman who has experienced rape firsthand, i was pretty offended by the flippant attitude towards rape in XC…it’s not humorous, it’s not something anyone just walks away from without emotional scars…the rape i underwent wasn’t even the really horrible, violent type of rape, but i still blocked out the memory for over a year and then had flashbacks for almost five years

i didn’t like the way that Takuya just underwent rape after rape without any kind of emotional scarring…it gives the impression that rape is something someone can just walk away from, and it is so not true…

when i say a well-done rape scene in a game, I mean the ones in, say TCI or Chain, where the trauma of the woman is evident, even though she sort of likes the sensation in the moment at times…rape is something that has its place in games and other media, as it is a part of life, but it should be treated with respect

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Spectator Beholder: I have to argue the point of Takuya weakness. Is kindness a weakness? Is being helpful a weakness? Is turning the other cheek a weakness? These are some possibilities of Takuya and Asami relantionship.
As for Takuya's pride, the game forced us to be disrepectful. There wasn't an option to avoid the masturbation scene for the first time.

Yep, that might also be possibilities of their realtionship, but still, Takuya doens't really seem to be enjoying being her guinea pig, but he does it anyway.. And why? either it is because that he can't say no, or it might be one of those things you mentioned, but there's also the fact that Takuya may have some kind of crush on her, since there was an opinion to choose her at the end, and I don't think that choice would've been there if he hadn't loved her at all. Well, which one it is is hard to say.

The issue of honor: Takuya, as a woman, accepts being raped, then Takuaya, as a man, would be willing to commit rape. But it wasn't Asuka's fate. That's one of the reasons the story is flawed. His has honor as a male and no honor as a female. That girl from "Chain" had honor.

Hmm, now I don't really understand? You mean that since Takuya was raped, he'd have want to do the same to others? I don't really think so; since he was raped, he should know how terrible it could feel to be helpless in that way, so he doesn't force himself on Asuka at the end; he is, as you might remember, very gentle with her at the end.

Originally posted by Slayer:
Just to add comment on this topic of rape, which I strongly disslike, I think it's pretty well known that in any case where rape is involved, he or she who attempts to rape someone shall allways be convicted as a crime. No matter which way you look at it rape is without consent and is allways going to be just that.

Sorry, I'm not tracking all that well this morning but you threw me off for a bit. I think you mean that anyone who attempts rape is committing (has committed) a crime. Convicting is a legal definition of someone's guilt for an illegal action. No, I'm not trying to take your comments lightly or anything, just trying to clarify slightly.


Oh and btw there's a good reason why I'm strongly against rape, but I'd rather not mention why...

No problem. The members here are strangely open about things but doesn't mean we have to share each and every time.

Guess I'll add my 1 cent. (I don't consider it 2 cents since I'm just agreeing with others.) Personally, I did find Takuya reactions disjointed. (Well, not just in the rape scenes but the whole game in general.) It kept giving me a "just not right" feeling throughout the game.

Honor is different to different people. And some take it lightly, some don't. From the sounds of it, you guys are slanting from different angle on it's definition and that's why it's getting a little confusing as to what's being meant.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
well, just to interject my own opinion into this, like i have said before, i don't mind a well-done rape scene in a game...

but i have ot honestly say that as a woman who has experienced rape firsthand, i was pretty offended by the flippant attitude towards rape in's not humorous, it's not something anyone just walks away from without emotional scars....the rape i underwent wasn't even the really horrible, violent type of rape, but i still blocked out the memory for over a year and then had flashbacks for almost five years

i didn't like the way that Takuya just underwent rape after rape without any kind of emotional gives the impression that rape is something someone can just walk away from, and it is so not true....

when i say a well-done rape scene in a game, I mean the ones in, say TCI or Chain, where the trauma of the woman is evident, even though she sort of likes the sensation in the moment at times....rape is something that has its place in games and other media, as it is a part of life, but it should be treated with respect

Exactly what I would have said about XChange, if I could have phrased it that way.

Originally posted by Slayer:
Oh and btw there's a good reason why I'm strongly against rape, but I'd rather not mention why...


I don't think you *need* a good reason. It is an evil thing, and that is reason enough.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I don't think you *need* a good reason. It is an evil thing, and that is reason enough.

* bites his tounge, thinking of another ones EVIL plans *

Originally posted by Unicorn:
* bites his tounge, thinking of another ones EVIL plans *

Ah, but THOSE evil plans are different. They're...uh, gimme a minute, it'll come to me...ah, they're mine.

The fundamental flaw with XC is the fact that the game is about a man experiencing a woman’s body, rather than being about a man being forced to face life as a woman. It will be interesting to see how his brief experience has affected his life between XC and XC2. Hopefully XC2 with be more about Takuya living life as a woman rather than Takuya getting screwed, in both senses of the word.

I enjoyed XC. Not because I thought it was fun or funny, but because the end result of choices that I would make, were almost exactly what I would expect them to be if it was myself rather than Takuya, down to his reactions.

Hmm, Well, I do remember that when X-change was out, people also said that they’d want to see more of how Takuya would live his life as a woman and experience things women do (like the “period of the month”, using girl’s clothes, using make-up and perhaps even getting pregant) (now, doesn’t that sounds kinda bizarre?). Not much of that was shown in XC1, so the people who wanted to see that seemd to be a little disappointed. I’d bet that people are hoping for more of that to be shown in XC2, and by the sound of some of the scenarios, we might indeed see a little more of that in XC2.

Beside,s since we’re takling about XC2… Lamuess, might we except a movie demo or such soon?

Originally posted by woodelf:
I thought XC1 was the demo. [img][/img]

Do you think so?
Isn't a demo usually meant to attract customers instead of scaring them away? [img][/img]