Rune Factory 2

Well it’s kinda of a joke in RF2.

You see, in the second generation you go through all the motions of earning love points and doing heart events. Then you can propose as normal.

However during the wedding ceremony (and in the case of the twincest, you’ll have two brides :mrgreen: ), someone objects during the vows, saying, “aren’t they too young for this.”
Then everyone says, “oh yeah” and the wedding is canceled… however you’re “engaged” so you can’t flirt with the other prospects anymore. Talking to your future wife, makes them quote lovey-dovey stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see…

Wonder if someone will hack the game and mod it. Doubt it, but they have for other even less popular games with more extensive hacks.

I’ll tell ya this now: when RF2 gets ported into the US (probably next year, given how damn slow Natsume is) - and if the twincest is disabled to date - Narg WILL find a means to undo it. Given that the “secret” has long been out with RF2 fans (with more “that’s awesome” than “that’s sick” responses), and Nintendo aren’t the censor NAZI’s they used to be, I hope that won’t be an issue. We’ll see what happens when we get to that bridge. :expressionless:

I hope so too since no one really is getting married in-game. But…they’ve disabled stuff from less popular games that were even less controversial, like marriage in Azure Dreams (disabling the relationship with Gnosh I could at least see their reasoning, though I don’t agree with it).

Yummy, Harvest Moon twincest. I haven’t picked up one of these games since the first DS Harvest Moon, I’ll have to pick up Rune Factory sometime, so I can get Rune Factory 2 when it comes out here and be all up to date on the series. Of course, I’ll have to get Harvest Moon Wii as well.

Definatly pick up RF, if for no other reason to see what they’ve changed with traditional HM. This goes beyond a mere offshoot.

Hopefully Natsume doesn’t rush the grammar part of this and end up with the infamous word like “sopha”. I mean, come on when most spelling errors occur it’s because they don’t use some of the more obscure english rules…but to use an archaic version over the original to form a spelling mistake…

Spoke too soon. In the second generation, you can still get love point events and become engaged with other prospects, even when you’re already engaged. Seems to NOT be intentional, as when you get your second or third romance, everyone forgets about your previous one and acts like it never happened. An overlooked bug… might be fixed when Natsume releases it.

Maybe…but more likely not if their recent record is anything to go by.

LOL!!! You can steal your rival’s wife in this game. :twisted:

Kay… this is how it works…

Every girl/guy that can be married (well… all except one) has a rival that you have to compete against. Nothing really new for RF and HM gamers. Well get this: You ALWAYS get invited to rival weddings in RF2. If you are not married and go to the wedding, and it so happens that you have max love points with the potential lover getting married, during the rival wedding the preacher gives that classic “speak now or forever hold your peace” line.

If you meet the conditions above, then you are given the option to confess your love for the girl/guy. Bam! Would be rival’s spouse will claim that he/she always loved you, and was just desperate to find someone to be loved by if they couldn’t have you. Your wedding event happens immediately afterwards.

Heh… of course your rival HATES, HATES, HATES you for this.

I love it!!! :twisted:


Now all the need is RF: Harem Edition O_o

Oh, ho, ho, ho! The twincest attempted marriage was posted on YouTube by someone several months ago.

And well… you can also attempt to marry them as a girl too. Bisexual twincest!? OH BOY!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hence my fear that Natsume is gonna censor the twins in the English version… I hope not… I really hope not. :frowning:

Censorship sucks ass.

I agree. But what can we really do about it? If it’s just a lazy removal, then you could probably Gameshark the feature back in - but in that case, Natsume wouldn’t translate the event (seeing as how it shouldn’t be seen), thus English gamers still would be denied the twincest.

The huge problem, is that Natsume will want an ESRB for Everyone (the same that the original Rune Factory got). I doubt identical sister incest and pesudo-lesbian love will get that… it would be a Teen rating at least. :expressionless:

We could hope that it will slip by the censors… but given that everyone who likes Rune Factory already knows about the twincest, that’s gonna be hard. :frowning: Our best bet, is begging Natsume to let Rune Factory 2 sell with a Teen rating.

The bad thing is, I don’t really see that happening. Harvest Moon can get away with alcohol and giving girls presents until they marry you, and it would be easy enough to keep it E if they made the sisters have separate paths, but then that takes all the fun out of it. Of course, it’s not like they’d be showing you lesbian incest or anything, it’d be just as innocent as all the other games are. But you never know, it’s all up to Natsume and the ESRB, now.

Well the good things is most of the games are, in general, getting less censored overall are far as content removal. Nintendo’s handheld division is also run seperatly from their catridge division and the former is a lot more lienient about what gets translated. Rune Factory is also geared at a somewhat different audiance than Harvest Moon, more guy audiance than girl, slightly older and obviously more into action rpgs.

Since they don’t actually get married, I doubt they will do anything.

Whoa!!! :shock: … -this-fall

It’s already been licensed and translated, in less than a year! Natsume isn’t like that… they usually take 12 to 18 months before releasing something!

That’s the power of twincest! 8)

News from some E3 insiders:

Release date is September 30. Game is already complete. Release is delayed for two reasons:

[list]#1: The first DS Harvest Moon title hasn’t been released yet and Natsume doesn’t want sales from either title to hurt the other.

#2: Typo and bug checking (the Japanese version had lots of em).[/list]

It seems Natsume has been “outsourcing” for importing services, which accounts for how this title is already ready. :smiley:

I have it on good authority, that the twincest was NOT cut out. Praise to the Gods!

Wow! They’re doing a quality check on typos! :smiley:

You mean Island of happiness?

Rune factory 1 is coming out in september in Europe. :lol: I’m glad I imported my game. 8)

Well it’s not their first DS Harvest Moon game. They have Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS Cute…they even have 2 versions of the DS former.