Rune Factory 2

LOL… you Harvest Moon junkies are giving me a hard time on purpose, aren’t ya. :stuck_out_tongue: This Harvest Moon comes out first, then we can expect Rune Factory 2 later.

If sales do really good and enough noise is made, the remake for it might make its way to the US in late 2009 or early 2010. However with Rune Factory Frontier not being a Natsume release for the US (another company has confirmed it for 2009), these may be their final releases. Which could explain why Natsume is now releasing other franchises in the near future.

Actually, the peeps at XSEED said that Natsume will keep releasing Harvest Moon titles. XSEED and Marvelous USA are just taking over the rest of the Rune Factory series, and other games from Marvelous.

I’m sure Natsume will still be as slow as ever though, despite the smaller load they’ve got now. But I don’t mind, I’m patient. Then again, Rune Factory 2 being dated for September took me by suprise… If it isn’t delayed, maybe they’ll finally get up to speed with the regular Harvest Moon games. We shall see!

Well other than the fact they made making money even more unbalanced in RF, i prefer it to HM so i might not be buying any more HM games…

I’m going to buy both games. :smiley: Can’t wait!

The first HM on the DS was bad…

Are you sure it’s an entirely separate company and not just a branch-company?

It’s Marvelous themselves: they’re bringing future Rune Factory titles to the US. Natsume isn’t in the loop anymore. I guess they still get Harvest Moon, but I wonder if that’s because Marvelous wants them to have it, or if that’s because the contract between Natsume and Marvelous prevents them from taking it back…

I’m not sure…probably contract i’d suspect as while Natsume is associated with Harvest Moon titles, I wouldn’t call it a strong association among most fans, especially as they’ve had numerous typo/glitch problems. Hopefully not having to go through Natsume will improve translation quality…i would always shake my head at “I would prefer a(n) _____.”

Kick ass. Amazon not only has the game available for preorder: … 998&sr=1-2

I also noticed that BradyGames is doing an official strategy guide: … _vg_text_b

It’s always nice to see a “niche” game begin to earn enough mainstream attention for stuff like that. :slight_smile:

Rune Factory Frontier. 8)

damn…these graphics blow the old one away…

Still wish Gamestop was taking preorders as RF sold out almost immediately.

For your information: Frontier is on the Wii. :wink:

no wonder :smiley:

Although it’s good to see it on the Wii. I’ve found HM games for console systems aren’t as good imo. They tend to have shorter seasons and/or days and less events. Or like save the homeland it doesn’t have any of the level of social interaction.

I downloaded the first HM on my Wii. I’m going to try it now. :mrgreen:

I love the old graphics. I don’t need nice graphics in a HM game. It makes me feel warm inside.
That’s why I like HM on the GBA.

i have this and DQ4 preordered…though i doubt i’ll be buying a strategy guide unless it has some decent goodies…

And the Twin Goddesses of Twincest smile upon thee. :slight_smile:

I’m also getting the US releases. While I own the Japanese originals, I wanna support the Western market, as well as see what changed in the official translations. :smiley:

Well as both games have twins in them…

Yes. The Gypsy twincest was the highlight of the entire Dragon Quest saga. Everything went downhill from there. Drives me crazy that Enix never made a DQ dating game. Seriously. They could use all the girls from the series, as the winnable loves. They’ve collected quite a cast too: twincest, loligoth, cosplayer, tomboy, etc.

Honestly however, I’m more excited for RF2 than DQ4… if only because RF2 has more of the craziness Narg loves. Like wife stealing and a priest that LOL’s about it (video spoiler warning).

I wanted to do that with uber-cute Dorothy, and let Barrett know who is the real love master, but the thought of that jerk kissing MY Dorthy is repulsive. So I never do a wife steal with her… because I make her mine from the start! 8)

And of course, in the second phase of the game, the RF deities bless the world with identical perfection. :smiley:

Ugh… so it begins…

Pushed back almost a full month. :frowning:

Could be a good sign - maybe there’s some bugs they found. But this late in the production time line, I doubt it. RF2 carts should be cranking in the factories right now.

Ah… it would appear the push back is related to $$$. Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness is out on August 26th. Due to the promising number of pre-orders, there’s thought that more could be sold if RF2 is pushed back. Natsume is worried RF2 will steal sales from HM - so a larger buffer of 60 days. Also the Harvest Moon for Wii is scheduled for September 16th.

Rune Factory 2 might get delayed again to 90 days (so a November time frame), so that it will be in line for the Christmas season sales. :frowning:

Also for you people with a Wii, RF: Frontier keeps looking better and better! The next HM in development, has a Harvest God too. It’s all about sowing seeds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well what they should do, though i doubt they will, is test the game out for stability and bugs those extra 30 days. That or they could use the extra time to put in Japanese VA option in addition to English.