Rune Factory 2

Good God… the translation quality of this title, may very well be the best released by Natsume! They use expressions only someone with REALLY good English skills (or native mastery) would understand - for example, “what’s up with that” and “waltz right in”. 8)

It may be that they might be trying for an audience with more sophistication with the rpg element that are used to having not only good grammar, but quality grammar as well.

Hee-hee. I got my hands on the English versions of Isle of Happiness and Rune Factory 2 this weekend. Narg won’t reveal his sources; but they’re legit. :smiley:

Isle of Happiness also enjoys the high quality translation. I played it for a few hours, and didn’t run across any noticeable typos or spelling errors. Whomever Natsume hired for doing the script, is outstanding, as they clearly have an army of proofreaders. :slight_smile:

The font isn’t all that hot though… but it’s nothing that destroys the experience.

My main focus however, was getting to the second story in Rune Factory 2. Narg is on a quest to determine if the twincest marriage is still accessible. I’ve been told it’s intact, but Narg has to see it for himself. I’m also curious if the daughter can marry the twincest (obviously the identical sisters have no issue with yuri) in the Western version.

is it randomly determined if you have a son or daughter?

For Isle of Happiness it is. I believe the sex is chosen when the child is actually spawned, so if you get a sex you don’t want, just do a quick reset.

Rune Factory 2 has a conversation thing that lets you determine if its a girl or boy.

All marriage girls in the upcoming Wii Rune Factory are hawt. Lapis (aka Lara in the Western version), now looks like an authentic nun. That’s so kinky. Can’t tell if I like her or tsundere Drop more.


There’s twincest in the upcoming Rune Factory Frontier!!! Check it out on the main page. See 'em behind the main character? They’ve got elven ears with the eyes of Desu and Boku! I hope you can marry them. :smiley:

On a less important note, there’s now a Harvest Witch type girl that can be married. Her name is Melody.

Oh man… another nun!? XD For the fan’s sake lets hope that Marvelous doesn’t do what they did before… It was pretty funny, but it sucked for that paticular character’s fans. There’s a nun girl in Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, called Alisa. She didn’t have any heart events, but I guess people liked her enough that Marvelous went and added them into the next game, Sun and Friends. However when you propose to her she refuses, because well… she’s a nun. So many people raged over that one, lol.

Narg: You figure out if Twincest is kept in the NA release of RF2? Also how is the translation quality? And did they have Japanese VAs? Otherwise i might have to aquire a Japanese copy, dump the roms and edit in Japanese VAs for my own use.

I should know about the twincest in another two or three days. That’s about how much more time I need to finish up the prereqs, at the rate I’m going. I am earning “heart points” with them however, so its looking good. Translation quality is great. I’m really impressed by it.

The original Japanese VA’s are fully intact (intro song included; no subtitles). This doesn’t mean it will be in the “production version” - but this card is the final beta. I personally know know that at E3, the English demo shown to everyone had the Japanese VA’s, and the representative there said Natsume was aware people hated the English dub in the first RF when questioned about it. So I’m 99% confident the Japanese will be left in, given all I’ve seen and currently playing.

The twincest in RF2 Frontier are so smexy! They’d better be marriage available - at the same time of course!!! I’ve been watching the official site to see where they put them. If they’re placed on the “townspeople” section, then I know they won’t be romanced. Hopefully that won’t be the case: Muu and Suu were pretty popular with the fan base. There’s also more winnable girls to be revealed… one still not mentioned on the site, has been seen in various magazine preview articles.

Well that sounds good. I guess they could add an option for English dubbed voices…they have at least another month now…

…just as long as they keep the japanese VAing, though it seems like translators for DS are wising up and listening. Disgaea for DS will not only have all the English VAing, it will have all the Japanese…including VAing taken out in the Japanese DS version. When I heard that, it sealed the deal for me. I wished they only had 2 save slots with more characters/slot, but oh well. 37+all special characters is still a workable number.

Ya know… now that you mention this, it got me thinking…

First off the Harvest Goddess is a fertility deity, so her whole deal is about reproduction and raising crops. Secondly, she’s married farmers and bore them children in other incarnations of Harvest Moon (which either take place in the past and/or other locations of the Harvest World). Doesn’t really make sense that her clergy would be celibate. I think Alisa is just adverse or afraid of marriage: that nun excuse really can’t be true. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… that’s a very good point. Then why the heck is the Goddess depriving cute girls from farmer love? When you give Alisa the blue feather she’s all ‘blahblah I love you too but I have dedicated my life to the goddess, can’t get married’. People even checked the game data to make sure there wasn’t some alternate way to marry her, bwaha. Alas it is impossible. Anyways, hopefully that won’t happen to Lapis/Lara, since players are able to marry her in a past game. Marvelous can’t be that evil now… making her look even cuter and then snatching her away. :lol:

Oh baby, the Harvest God can sow his seeds with me anytime.

A friend and I are pretty thrilled with the latest HM titles; the girl versions always felt like they screwed over the player in the beginning, after all in the PS1 girl version, the game ended when you got married and the same would happen in HM3 for GBC (although I loved that game to pieces - BOAT - I’d just save before my heroine got proposed to, get the ending, reload, then refuse him and continue playing). MFoMT allowed us to continue playing after marriage, but while the boy version had the Goddess as the special candidate, and the girls had three special candidates, but none of them were winners. Seriously, Gourmet, Kappa, and Won? Two of them aren’t even humanoid! I remembering seeing someone moaning on a forum when the three were released, asking why we couldn’t get say, the Harvest Goddess’ hot brother or something. Don’t even get me on DS cute, Skye was the only redeeming feature in the line up of new bachelors (and why did they remove the best friends option? How else is Claire or Pony going to experience their INNER LESBIAN?).

But with Island of Happiness, Tree of Tranquility, and ToT’s sequel, it seems our long, patient wait is over. None of the bachelors have made me go “Oh ew, no” and I am looking forward to all the releases Natsume’s planning (my wallet, not so much).

According to several leaked sources, there are NINE marriage partners in RF Frontier. There’s some speculation and doubt if Candy is one of them: she’s the girl sitting on our hero, in this magazine scan. The twins have been confirmed as winnable, but it is not certain if they are twincest wives and count as one. Thus the girls confirmed are: Annette, Drop, Lapis, Melody, Mist, Rosetta, and Selphy… plus the oh so wonderful twincest Elise and Elise (they both have the same spelled name; just pronounced differently). Nine girls total. If the twins count as one however, there’s still one missing (Candy?), for a total of ten.

There was some discussion on 2chan, which put up the argument that the twincest would be “rivals” and not the sharing type. The core factor of this being children: twincest implies having two kids from them (one each)… which would be different from the other wives (one apiece). Of course it could also be possible to just have the other wives have twins or something (thus everyone gets two kids). Narg is also slightly worried that if the pair are twincest, their marriage potential might get cut out of the English version. RF2 on the DS, doesn’t really marry the twins to the player per se, so they technically avoided that issue. That recent media stink with Fundamental Mormons in the US caused a ruckus about plural marriages…

Maybe the Witch Princess is right… maybe the Harvest Goddess is an evil bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

That or Arisa is a tease… leading you on like that. :expressionless:

LOL! Well don’t forget they’ve also added a Witch Prince, for those ladies looking for a “bad boy” lover. :smiley:


Harvest Moon is the closest I can get to otome games at this time. :cry:

I think it will come down to whether they think they’ll lose too many customers + time spent to rewrite and reprogram dailogue/script vs. the amount of political flac they’ll get. This isn’t a main-stream game and stuff that might raise such hackles gets brought over. Manga, FE, can have very low level of nudity, like a pose or something for fanservice and be brought over unedited unless its Naruto or something. Point being, it depends upon how main-stream RF becomes.

The age of the internet has brought more global awarness of editing than the past and there has been on some occasions public backlash to editing games that has reduced sales on some games. In the past I’d say its more likely than today they’d port it complete. Either that or they’d remove the possibility to marry the girls altogether, which is doubtful considering more global outlook Marvelous and bad press that could generate for their company.

Bwaha, yeah. Pretty much… So sad, but it’s better than nothing! Totally looking forward to the Harvest God and that wizard guy. And the whole cast of Tree of Tranquility. I think I’m gonna have to play through that one a few times. :lol: It’s just too bad Rune Factory hasn’t gotten a full on girl’s side to play, some of the guys there are pretty cute… But the whole second generation thing in Rune Factory 2 is cool.


[size=200] TWINCEST COUNT AS ONE!!![/size]

Marvelous is marvelous! They know the glory when they see it. First Muu + Suu and now we get Elis + Elis!

Do what you’re destined to do. What the gods command you to do. Reunite divided twincest. 8)

I hope they keep it. I know several anime series and manga have been passed over for translation in the US, because of implied twincest (Futakoi for example). :expressionless:

I know it isn’t concrete however. The twincest innuendo in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones was left intact and unedited. Of course the original Japanese script was more implicit (the final support conversation between the twins had Eirika and Ephraim profess they loved no one more than each other in the JPN version; the US version had them promise to NEVER leave each other’s side no matter who or what tried to separate them), but it was clear in the English version that the twins were waaaay more close than they should have been - both in what the said to each other and how other characters saw them (for example Ephraim liked to gently stroke Eirika’s face; Erika hated being away from her brother for more than a day or two).

I hope Marvelous keeps the twincest intact and winnable when Frontier hits the West.

Beta copy of Rune Factory 2 allows the twins to be “married” in the second generation.

Here’s the company that’s going to do the American port of Rune Factory Frontier. They have a nice resume of quality - they did the most recent Wild Arms for example. Even better, XSEED has no record of censorship to their imports, so I think we twincest fans are in good hands. :slight_smile:

Given that it is a beta copy and a late beta copy I’d say it’s highly probable that they’ll be kept in the US release, unless Marvelous’s real reason for delaying is to reprogram that at last minute (i doubt it since such a reprogramming would IMO push it back at least 3 months (due to need to change scripting behavior, rewrite all dialogs for and make them 2 people is an exhaustive process to due at the 11th hour) and then you have to test it to make certain it’s not buggy and get bad reviews because of Natsume’s usually buggy translations and have it then link back to them.

Thus IMO it should be in the official release. As to VAing…well it’s a lot easy to plug and place VAing so it could still be not good… :frowning:

However not sure if this will mean Rune Factory Frontier though. Xseed doesn’t have any censorship before, but I don’t think they’ve taken on such a topic before. However, it does bode a good sign at the least.

Though WAs started to fall after WA2