Rune Factory 2

The translation is complete, so I’m certain it’s in the full commercial version. All the love point events are in English, as are the marriage vows. If they removed it, then it was at the very last second… and still be in the game for an Action Replay to unlock (i.e. they just remove the flags). I can also confirm that my beta is the same version that BradyGames got… and they’re doing the official guide book, which is getting released before the actual game itself.

Since we’re on the VA topic…

I’ve been told that XSEED was given the RFF license, partly because of the voice acting. Natsume lacks the “polish” to do VA correctly (as seen in the first Rune Factory), but XSEED has the experience and resources (as seen in the recent Wild Arms).

After RFF is released in Japan, I’ll see how they handle the mÈnage ‡ trois. Once I know how they played the twincest, I’ll send an email to XSEED and ask if they intend to cut that out. The issue isn’t the twincest per se, but the ESRB rating they want: I’m sure RFF could keep the full twincest with a Teen rating, but things get foggy if they want an Everyone.

They may look at what RF:DS gets rated as and how much the T rating impacts sales. I expect it won’t much and thus XSEED might be more willing to do it as the player-base for Rune Factory seems to be slightly older than Harvest Moon from what I’ve read.

Just saw the official box posted on Amazon. Despite the killing, romance, and sex (you have kids, so there had to have been sex) Rune Factory 2 is rated Everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even back in the fifties, when you couldn’t have a single queen-size bed but instead had to go with twin beds, nobody went THAT far. After all, even if someone is 50 years old and the star of a sitcom, it still must necessarily be the case that their parents had sex. And equally so for everyone else who ever so much as has a walk-on on the show.

Given that, unless the “violence” in RF:DS is so vastly more “realistic” or community standards are greatly strengthened i can’t see them giving it a T rating.

Bah, it’s still a murder simulator. Just like all the others, right Mr. Thompson?

Won’t someone please think of the carrots?

Rune Factory should be banned! It’s an unrealistic portrayal of agricultural life, with pagan religions that falsely portray Christianity, incestuous twin sisters, unrepentant slaying of mythical beasts, satanic sorcery, promotes that a husband should leave his wife after she gives birth to their child, and simulates life as completely materialistic. Rune Factory is really nothing more than a Blood Factory! Did I miss anything? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

In more important news, a new RFF marriage girl was revealed in a magazine article: Now there’s a miko to oppose the nun. Despite early rumors, I think there’s gonna be more than nine winnable girls. The official site appears to have room for 12 of them. That leaves 3 more if my theory is correct. :mrgreen:

Kinda old news, but each winnable girl has her own unique anime intro for the title screen. You see her intro, when she has max love points for you - but only one girl per play session I believe. It’s an incentive for the player to try romancing all the girls. 8)

Sound files in the American edition of Rune Factory 2 will be English replacements. For example the original opening theme has been rerecorded in English. Good news is that Natsume got outside help, and it isn’t craptastic like the first Rune Factory translation job: the new English version of the theme songs sound better than the original Japanese. :shock: Trying to get my hands on the commercial version sound files, to see how extensive the changes are and if the new VA’ing for various characters are as polished as the new theme songs.

For some reason I get a feeling that XSEED is this mysterious third party (and why RFF is now theirs). The end game credits will certainly reveal the truth.

Oh… the official site for RFF reveals that Candy is not winnable. :frowning:

RF2 has been pushed back again. :stuck_out_tongue:

First it was September 30th. Then October 16. Then October 21. Currently scheduled at October 26. Not complaining: Natsume does this all the time, plus it was predicted to be a November release to allow Isle of Happiness more time to sell. Not to mention the whole English VA replacement thing.

Twincest is always worth the wait. :wink:

Yea i figured the VA was going to be done. I would have liked, like Disgaea, if they’d have done dual voices…while I have to believe you that the VA could be better (and I have played a few games that I do run with English over Japanese VA) I like to have that option without buying 2 games, dumping the roms and patching them.

I hope the VA (and any leftover spelling/grammar) mistakes is all they change.

BTW, Narg, you heard anything about them adding anything to RF2? I heard that they are suppose to be ‘adding’ content. I don’t know if it’s just English VA though,

I asked my contact, and the only “new content” he’d tell me about was the English VA switching. Natsume lacks the resources to add more stuff into a game they license off someone… and I don’t imagine Marvelous giving North American markets more favoritism than their native Japanese one… I believe sales for HM and RF are about equal on both sides of the ocean - which explains Marvelous being so attentive to English gamers all of a sudden. However I doubt its like Konami or Capcom (where the US markets are substantially more profitable for certain titles than the Japanese market). They also made no announcement at E3, that RF2 would have more content than its Japanese version. Usually something that big, gets top billing. The whole VA thing, I can understand them being quiet about, since English fans were so pissed about the horrible job on RF1.

Official site for RF2 is open (really a page, more than a site):

The RFF site has been updated to officialize attainability of the clutzy DFC lolicon miko… and there’s room for three more girls. :slight_smile:

However Narg’s choice is already made up. 8)

The release date is October 21st again (at least according to Amazon and Gamestop). Looks like they won’t be needing those extra 5 days. :smiley:

Screenshot from the commercial version that’s out in a few weeks. As in the beta version, they didn’t get cut and still share. REJOICE!!!

One whole month… :x And I have to wait one week extra.

appropritate screenshot you got there.

Although it is unusual for Natsume to push a date forward.

Mana is the best (cutest). :slight_smile: I’m going to marry her.

Whoops, I accidentally pressed Quote instead of Edit. :oops:

There should be a option to delete a dubble post.

Two more of the potential wives have been revealed magazine articles, so the old rumor of only 9 girls was wrong. They’re RF1 veterans too. :slight_smile:

Game also includes a new summer event: BIKINI CONTESTS!!! 8)

When standing next to the other romances, you can see that Uzuki is pure lolilicious. :lol:

These girls are pretty conservative though… no strings. I noticed they haven’t shown the twincest in their swim wear. :frowning: