Rune Factory 2

This would almost make me want to get a Wii…but not quite.

Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends.
It seems they created a smaller playing area. :x

Is there anyone who played Innocent Life?

Actually, the remake for Isle of Happiness has more “land” to cultivate and explore. That overworld map is misleading. :slight_smile:

It did however, cut a few things out. For example you can’t ride your horse anymore and your rival marriages don’t have children. However they added MUCH more than was taken out. Plus it uses the directional crosspad for movement, rather than just the stylus alone… although you can change the options to go into “stylus only mode” if you want.

Overall the remake is superior… but unless you’re a hardcore HM fan who has to won EVERY version of the game, its not all that worth getting after playing the original.

I’d recommend waiting on HM3 DS… which everyone knows will be in the works once RFF is completed. That or a RF3 DS…

I already have IoH. Nice game, but I like Mineral Town games better.

This month is going to be the best month of the year!

RF2, Time Hollow, Saints Row 2 and best of all: Fallout 3!!! :smiley:

Which one appears to be having more sales (obviously RF2 only has Japanese and preorders to go by)? I’ve been wondering if Marvelous is planning to slowly switch gears and make RF it’s flagship title as it seemed to me other than some nitpicks (and groans over the english VAing), most people prefered RF over HM.

Well… fuck…

No official reason is given for the delay.

I think its because Princess Debut was just released, and Natsume wants to leave a “sales window” so people have time to buy it (i.e. they won’t be forced to pick one or the other, if they can only get one game this month).

Watch it get pressed back into early December to it can be in the Xmas rush. I want my twincest damn it! :frowning:

So… anyone get Princess Debut? I’m gonna pass and wait for RF2. :expressionless:

No, to girly for me.

LOL. Princess Debut is definitely not the kind of game I’d imagine a guy picking up. I wanted to get it as soon as it was released, but I’m totally broke right now. Will pick it up as soon as I can though.

Also dang… that sucks @ the Rune Factory 2 delay. I hadn’t even heard about it. Still, I’m sure my broke-ness will continue into the end of the year… so the more time I have to get it, the better. >_>

if it were reversed i’d try it out. If it wasn’t a rythom game i might even pick it up in the bargain bin if it found its way there…but both of them together is just to much for me.

I would buy Princess Debut if not for the fact that Imagine Figure Skater suuuuuuuucks. It’s pretty but the gameplay is annoying and not very fun. Which is making me slightly wary… I don’t know if the games are actually related in any way but they’re similar in some content. They both are cute girly games with 2d+3d anime graphics and rhythm gameplay. so I’m waiting for more people I know to get Princess Debut before I buy it.

So far the people who have copies say that it’s cute and not very hard and no one has complained about it horribly… Dunno. I may eventually.

The things that bugged me about the skating game were the mindless circling around locations trying to figure out how to advance (like in old hgames and it sucked then too), the prospect of huge amounts of repetition of not-very-interesting minigames, and most importantly the REALLY IRRITATING voice acting.

DS games? IN a bargain bin? Not anwhere I ever shop. Those things hold their value pretty well… the only game considered crappy enough to really get ‘dumped’ pricewise that I’ve seen is Sprung. :slight_smile:

Wow, didn’t know Imagine Figure Skater was so bad. Was slightly curious when I found out it wasn’t made by Ubisoft, but I never picked it up because it looked like it was JUST about figure skating… and I’d probably get bored of that, lol.

As far as I see, the figure skating game isn’t directly related to Princess Debut. They are definitely similar looking though. Spike developed KuruKuru Princess (aka Imagine Figure Skater), and then Ubisoft liscenced it here and chucked it into their Imagine line. Princess Debut was commissioned by Natsume’s CEO ( interview ) and developed by Cave.

But yeah, I haven’t found a single critical review of Princess Debut either, but I’m gonna go ahead and blindly buy it, haha. Will be sure to tell you how it is.

Well, there are some wacky minigames to play. Like… eating sushi while trying not to eat kittens. (???) Or curling for penguins (Which is mildly fun.) And the skating competitions wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the horrible voice acting. The girl talks in an i’m-so-cute really high voice and she talks CONSTANTLY while she’s skating… “Whee! Look at me! Let’s go! Tee hee! Woohoo! Here we go! La la la la!!!” It makes me want to stick forks in her eyes. :slight_smile:

There’s storyline stuff going on with rivals and lost kittens and cute boys and so on, but it’s just too irritating for me to play much of it at a time.

I’ve seen a few in there.

Send all hate mail about Natsume’s RF2 delay to Graham Markay. For 11 years, he’s been dating changing our fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well considering the next few months are lined up with games i plan to buy anyway this isn’t all bad…except that i’d like a date and have them stick to it.

Personally - along with stopping the constant release dating raping - I wish Natsume would take some effort on the English site for the titles. Just looking at the [url=]Princess Debut Japanese site[/url], you can see there’s no love for America and Europe. Same goes for Rune Factory and Harvest Moon. :expressionless:

Princess Debut…okay it’s udnerstandable since it hasn’t been marketed as much so sales aren’t expected as high. Rune Factory, maybe they could make that statement atm given that only 1 game was released so far. But Harvest Moon? They heavily rely upon the overseas market, at least for their standard harvest moon releases.

Moar info and screenshots of what the beach events are like in RFF. They also give more details on the “oh-ho-ho-ho” girl and her mysterious dark elf maid.

Ragna is also going after the wrong melons! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Movie teaser of the game, showing some bits of gameplay in action, as well as a few anime intro cuts: … index.html

The BGM music reminds me of Sakura Taisen for some reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

wonder if they will be porting to ps2. They’ve ported all the console HM games over (though not always in the best condition).