Rune Factory 2

I suppose they might, after a year or two has passed… but from how Marvelous describes things, Rune Factory is designed for the DS or Wii hardware in mind. I suppose it depends on how much trouble would it take, to reprogram the controller interface from Wiimote to a normal Crosspad.

On a side note, it appears the girls tag along with the hero, when he goes monster hunting. Unlocks animated movies too. Seems these girls like their men to be the buff strong type. :slight_smile:

Because of Natsume pushing the release date back, according to Amazon, the RF2 strategy guide will be out an entire month before the game. :roll:

Yea that would be the deal. It depends on how much revenue they believe they could pick up. At this moment it’s hard to say. I’m not particularly fond of the Wii’s interface and overall game selection and I know others feel the same. A lot of people I know are buying the 360, but I see that as an essentially dead system because outside the US, well it is. PS3 is just too expensive for the game titles they do have.

So it looks to me like most of the games I prefer are sticking to PS2 or moving to handheld systems, mostly DS.

Heh… the release for the strategy guide has been changed to “usually ships within 2 to 5 months” instead of an actual date. Even Amazon has given up on it. :lol:

Official site for Harvet Moon 9 (NDS):

They’ve completely rebooted the series: no recycling characters from previous HM titles. Rather than using a bastardization of Western American farming and Japanese culture, their using a bastardization of Western European farming and Japanese culture. It would appear Marvelous is paying attention that HM is popular in the Euro markets too. Should be fun! 8)

I guess considering the scenerio is a new location then not rebooting existing characters probably for the best (though I’m surprised they didn’t do Van for some universal consistancy considering he’s a wandering salesman).

But I really wish they’d reboot the FoMT scenerio for the DS.

Rune Factory 2 is now targeted at Nov 18 for release. Natsume themselves have confirmed it. Evidently some content was changed… as to what was added or taken out, your guess is as good as mine. I just hope it was a glitch, and not the twincest.

On the note of twincest… turns out that Eris and Eris in Rune Factory Frontier aren’t twins at all: it’s the same girl with two personalities (ala Chobits). :frowning: Got that info from the Rune Factory Frontier manga teaser.

Ojousama and Meido are listed as winnable on the site (although that news is old). Only one more winnable girl to go.

It’s probably the twincest. :frowning: Playing Princess Debut was fun, but it felt like the script was intentionally dumbed down for a younger audience, not to mention the whole “Here’s a diamond ring, be my wife— I mean girlfriend” endings. It could be that the game is targeted towards a younger crowd, but they’ve also taken out the best friend/lesbian relationships in DS Cute. :frowning:

That would REALLY, REALLY suck - because it would mean the twins were taken out at the very last minute and during the 2 month delay: there’s English screenshots of the twincest from about a month ago. I know Natsume wanted an “E” rating at the start, but I can’t even begin to predict how the ESRB does things - they don’t rate everything equally (because its always a random set of 3 evaluators).

I can confidently state, that the script in RF2 was not dumbed down. It has some fairly complex sentences. Not rocket science mind you, but more “advanced” than something you find in Pokemon. My contact is out of touch for the moment, so I’m totally in the dark. If I can’t get word from a source, I’m going to take a look at the strategy guide before getting RF2. :frowning:

no way you can find out about whether the twincest was taken out before the 18th? If it is or other major stuff stripped out, i might cancel it and move my money to CT, which i know SE won’t be stripping out because the CT market is just as large in US as Japan.

I’m hoping, at most, it was just them fixing glitches (always nice to think they would use the extra time for that) and adding in english VA (though i’d prefer the option to use english or japanese VA).

So does that change your opinion of the game or the girl?

Doubt they took that out, since the game was rated before they showed that picture…

I think they may have taken it out for a girl, but I think you can still “marry” them as a boy…

ESRB - blood and guts are okay, but god forbid any lesbian shenanigans!

Well, it’s good that the twincest option looks like it’s going through (although I predict a parent raising some sort of moral outrage at some point), I think I may play as the boy then in another file to go for them then.

I doubt it will be any more impact the outrage the Catholic church had over Dogma on future Jay and Silent Bob films.

And it would be nice to have a firm idea what they took out. Maybe it was just the Japanese dialogue, though that’s wishful thinking if that was all it was (and even moreso if they kept it in as an option).

Not until my contact gets back. :frowning:

He left to handle some family business, and is the only reliable source of info I can get about Natsume.

My opinion about RFF remains the same. I’m still locked in to get it. However it does make me want to choose Drop as my marriage partner. Twincest is a specific trait that defines a character: like tsundere or yandere. Eris is multiple personality… which is cute I suppose, but its NOT the same as identical sisters. There are just things twins can do, that a person with MPD can’t.

As it stands for the moment, I prefer unemotional girls like Drop, over multiple personality girls.

However if there’s a means to physically divide the two Eris into individual bodies… well… Narg will sign back up on their twintopian train. :wink:

Not until my contact gets back. :frowning:

He left to handle some family business, and is the only reliable source of info I can get about Natsume.
Well hopefully he gets back before then. The game isn’t due out this week.

Well i’ll agree with that at least.

Got some info: Because the romance in the second generation phase of the game, is an innocent childhood love type thing (rather than “romance” in the first generation), the twincest relationship remains untouched for the male child. I’m told there was never any serious danger of it’s removal during translation. HOWEVER! The twincest for the female child was looked at… silly I know (because technically the twins would have to be lesbians anyways), but while the twin sisters liking the same guy could be played off as childish - it ain’t so innocent with girls on girl.

I can attest from the beta, that the female child could form a relationship with the twins, however the points were listed as “Friendship” (whereas the boy had it listed as “Love”). Figured it was a censorship of a sort…

So its presently surefire that the boy can get the twins in the commercial version.

Figured as much. OTOH, it’s not to uncommon for children to have crushes on other kids of the same gender, but still grow up strait, since at that point they don’t think about it seriously…

Yea if that was there reasoning for the boy, then it should have held for the girl. Any info if Japanese VAing was left intact as an option? Also, you know if they were giving out goodies for pre-orders outside Amazon?

A cute monster plushie if you preorder, but only through Amazon (some sort of Natsume-Amazon exclusive deal).

No plan for VA selection last he heard: English VA’s replace the Japanese VA’s. Was really a data file replacement thing. The beta doesn’t have the English VA’s (its the Japanese VA’s; cart is an E3 version), so I can’t vouch for how good or poor they are. However the remixed English version of the theme song is actually BETTER than the Japanese version IMHO (posted samples of them in an earlier post)… so there’s hope. Also Natsume is VERY aware that the terrible VA’ing in RF1 made fans pissed - so they promised to do much better.

damn…i have it preordered through gamestop! :x

True, but well. most of the English VAing for handheld games i’ve not liked and i don’t really want to have to manually replace it…

You’re in luck: Gamestop seems to have recently gotten the plushie deal too.