Rune Factory 2

okay. I was going to say, I don’t think Gamestop would have just sat by and let their customers shift their $$$ to amazon. Yea it’s not as much profit as their used copies, but it’s still profit.

LOL… well not everyone got in the deal: Best Buy and Wal-Mart aren’t offering the plushie. I wonder what deals with the Devil did Gamestop offer… or threaten. :wink:

Wal-Mart and Best Buy never give out pre-orders. Well occasionlly for special items Best Buy will. That is one big reason.

Aw, figured they’d remove the girl/girl relationship when I read here that something was changed in Rune Factory 2. I remember the Harvest Moon DS Cute madness all too well, but personally I was also mad at Marvelous for being lazy and not making up some more new guys to replace the magical girls, lol. I kinda felt bad for Natsume, cause leaving in the Best Friends thing would give them a bad rap, but taking it out also upset quite a few fans. Lose-lose situation, really. Alas, people can’t be as open minded about these things as we’d hope.

Or they could just decide, “Hell with it. We don’t care about the rating so much, as long as it’s not M.” At M in the states a lot of retailers won’t sell them to those under 17 without a parent. T they still will and most parents I know don’t care (even with young kids) if its T. Hell a lot don’t care if its M, but rated M would require the parent their at someplace like Wal-Mart, which means the kid can’t just go with his friends and purchase it, unless one of them is at least 17.

Yeah, that was something I thought about too, but even if they raised the rating because of the content, it doesn’t change the fact that Harvest Moon’s audience is mostly younger kids. Some angry parents or whoever would find out about the feature and cause a stink about it regardless of the rating. Natsume said it themselves to a person who gets early review copies of their games, they didn’t want to be a scapegoat for people who’d get angry and insist that they’re ZOMG CORRUPTING THE CHILDRENS!!! :<

I don’t mean to get too off-topic here, but with proposition 8 and other bans on gay marriage passing lately… it shows how a lot of America feels on the matter.

True, but If I was in charge of their marketing I’d still find it worth it. Rune Factory is aimed at a slightly older audiance (at least RF1 seemed to be by their press releases), however even if it’s not, HM and RF for all their popularity are still niche titles. When you have a niche title and want others to try it, one of the best ways is controversy. Almost nothing gets people to watch a movie, read a book, or play a game than hearing how bad it was that parents were so outraged.

Now if this was Pokemon, that’s another story. Pokemon is not a niche title.

Rune Factory Frontier… now with more fat chicks! shot No offense to anyone who is, or anyone into that of course. I just thought it was interesting. She looks pretty cute too. Guess she’ll be filling in the last spot on the official website sometime soon. So Eris/Eris will probably be the secret bride…? [EDIT] Oh lawl my bad, I didn’t even notice that Eris/Eris already had a page on the site. I’m blind. =P

New scans also show off some more characters and the children in their three stages.

Heh… I’ll be damned. I would haven ever expected someone like her to be a marriage girl. Don’t get me wrong: I have nothing against that… it’s just a total 180 on what you EXPECT thanks to the ugly nature of how society sees attractive. Interesting to the max. 8)

I also like how kids have three stages of growth, rather than just one. I wonder if the kids have their own generation like RF2.

The two Eris are already on the official site (two personalities in the same body; so it’s literally two girls in one… not twincest like I hoped). That would cover all the “potential wife” spaces on the official site.

This is true given the way society views things. Maybe market research showed that enough of a customer base wanted it the rest wouldn’t be turned off if they at least made her cute.

I’ve noticed that a LOT of the male NPC in RFF are the bisho type. I wonder if they’re going to make a “girl version” for it. I mean it’s a given for your typical HM title, but RF hasn’t done that yet. In any case, they updated the site with more NPC’s.

We also get RF2 for the English world in 24 hours. Some Gamestops already have them. Trying to get my hands on one this afternoon, but I think the manager will make me wait until tomorrow. :expressionless: Also another title with twincest in it (even though you can’t win them IIRC) - Luminous Arc 2 - is out on the same day. English voice acting for LA2 is mixed though: some are great; others not so great.

Twincest is fully intact. Even the girl can win them. RF2 for the win. 8)

  • Correction: YOU CANNOT marry them with a girl… see post down the thread.

Haha, awesome. XD Need to pick that up soon.

And yeah, putting all those cute guys into Rune Factory Frontier is just cruel… XD But honestly I wish they’d just think ahead and just put everything in one game like they’ve been doing with the main series lately. RFF looks like it’s pretty huge though, so if it serves to make a more fleshed out game, then I’ll forgive them if they ever make me double dip on that title. :V

Okay, then what did they change beyond VAing?

I noticed a couple offhand:

  • There was a glitch on the Shooting Star Festival with Dorothy, that cause it to occur in the daylight, instead of at night. That doesn’t happen anymore.

  • The amount of friendship/love points you earn from giving items is working properly (some characters got more than others in the JPN version).

  • I think items got renamed from what they were in the beta cart: they’re not “direct” translations (which were akward sometimes).

English VA’ing is kinda mixed. For some characters it’s dead-on, for others it’s kinda annoying. Still MUCH better than RF1 in my opinion. It’s kinda funny though: odd to hear a white guy with a black man’s voice. :stuck_out_tongue:

Script wasn’t dumbed down for “Everyone rating” censorship: for example Barrett is still an atheist who mocks Gordon (the priest) about religion.

Most Important Info: Twincest’s birthday is Fall 29. They love to eat Tomato Juice, Omelet Rice, and Pudding. NEVER give them Sardine Sashimi. They hang out in the hospital 2nd floor or inside the school. 8)

Ah fuck… scratch what I said earlier. You CANNOT get the twincest to marry the daughter. My initial report was because I took it from the official guidebook, which does not specify that the twincest are a male only option. Oddly enough it specifies that other girl characters can only marry a boy, and other boy characters can marry a girl. However for the twincest it doesn’t say anything at all, except they are bridal option for the second generation.

I’ve just finished a game with the daughter and confirmed it for myself: the final quest you need to do, for the daughter to marry the twincest, isn’t available in the English version. I’m going to see if a AR/GS will unlock it. Gonna need time to hunt the deactivated flag though… not good with hacking via AR or GS.

The boy CAN marry the twincest. Which I’m not complaining about: but if you have incest twin sisters, you’d think having them focus that lesbo love on another girl would be fine. I guess America is ready to accept the male fantasy of winning twins, but not a female fantasy of it. :roll:

Sorry for jumping the gun like that. My fault for not confirming it myself. :oops:

I’m currently seeing if you can do the “bride stealing” when a girl has max love points with you, but is proposed by the rival first, and you interrupt their wedding to win her back. Not mentioned in the official guidebook, and it was an “Easter Egg” in the Japanese version.

Hmm…well it sounds like it’s a mixed bag.
Bugfixes and gamebalances = :slight_smile:
English VA = :?
Removal of Girl Twincest = :frowning:
but keeping twincest for the guy = :smiley:
not keeping the option (even unlockable) for japanese VA: :evil:

BTW: Does the game still “forget” you’re married/engaged?

Aw, darn. Don’t worry about jumping the gun. I forgot to tell the person who’d be most interested in that anyways… so now I don’t have to disappoint them. XD Still, at least the guy can go for the twincest.

Please be sure to share if you have any luck with AR/GS codes though! I’ve been wanting to try that with Harvest Moon DS Cute since it doesn’t seem like anyone else has, plus one of my friends wants me to try, but I don’t have an action replay for the DS yet. 8V I used to make codes back in the PS1 days though… so hopefully it won’t be too hard to get back into that, haha. Of course I’ll be sure to mention here if I make any progress too.

Visiting the Internets, I’m sorta shocked people are so hateful of the English VA’s. Granted that they’re not perfect, and a handful are terrible, but overall it’s really not that bad. Some characters are perfect even. To be honest, some of the Japanese VA’s were kinda annoying to me (a squeeky mouse isn’t always the greatest voice to have). I suppose it’s the “purist” thing…

Here’s a vid that showcases everyone’s “morning” greeting in the English version. Semi-spoiler, since is shows what happens during the Dance Festival with the second generation girls (twincest too). :slight_smile:

In the vid, there are weird character errors in the text box… I think that dude used a ROM: which is really sad. It just came out… :expressionless:

Some games have Japanese voice actors I don’t care for, or whom the English ones do better. .hack, i didn’t care for Piros’s Japanese VA…although I didn’t care for his English VA either, but it wasn’t as bad.

I just want to have the option to switch, that’s all. Why is it so hard for them to get a larger cart size from Nintendo and put them both on (besides from Nintendo being to stubborn)?

Yea, the roms are usually out within 48 hours of the game’s release if they’re anywhere near popular. Just search for a title that’s semi-popular late in the day when it comes out. Chances are you’ll see it. If not, try again the next day and if you don’t see it somewhere, you probably aren’t looking in right places, or the title wasn’t as popular as you thought. I remember when I was looking up some reviews on Apollo Justice the day it came out to see how it compared, translation wise, to the last Phionex Wright game 1/2 the posts I got were in forums of people asking basically “Why hasn’t the rom been uploaded yet? It’s already been out several hours, Game X has already been dumped and it came out the same day.”

But, well at least he chose the right dancing partners.