Rune Factory 2

Juni - the “big” girl in RFF - is now shown on the winnable wife page. I’m rather curious to see what she looks like in her swimsuit. I know people are making fun of her on various RF sites (English and Japanese), simply because she’s fat, but I’m VERY pleased that the designers are being original and open minded with this.

It could be for technical reasons as well. Many games that offer dual language support, were designed with that in mind from the start: Castlevania or Soul Calibur for example. Rune Factory 2 however, was not given this premade readiness. Natsume also just replaced the relevant sound files with their own version - a cut and paste job pretty much. They probably don’t have the in-house programmers to actually code something into the game engine for dual language… or perhaps they do, but making it happen is waaaay too difficult. We already know Natsume has issues with releasing a game on time, without reprogramming stuff: imagine the horrible delays we’d get. :frowning:

Suckage. RF is already a niche title, so this piracy most likely hurts it. Considering that Natsume is lightyears better at translating a title these days, they are trying their best to stay in business…

Well at least the ROM isn’t as perfect as the real thing. I figured out that those “!” and “?” that keep popping in the text box, are the “character switches” that signal the end of a sentence or paragraph for the engine. They’re invisible in the legal game, but apparently the emulators show them. They also seem to have trouble with whatever method RF does spacing between letters. Natsume should use that more often, to cause havoc on the pirates. :wink:

Forgot to also mention that giving the twincest Marmalade on their birthday, makes them happiest most. TONS of love points.

There are still flashcarts though and those usually don’t have such problems or are quickly fixed since they are a consumer item rather than freeware. However those are far less mainstream as even emulators and a larger percentage of those people actually buy the games they play.

I just hope RF2 does well with sales. Natsume are my heroes for not cutting the twincest out totally. Sucks that they can’t marry the daughter: but at least the male fantasy has been granted - in all it’s E rating glory. :o

Peach Princess has been skimping on the identical love lately… and the DS seems to be my only hope of spreading the religious message about the Glory of Two. :wink:

I happily report that “bride stealing” is still possible in the English version.

Just stole Dorothy from Barrett. :twisted:

looks like the game still has it’s share of text bugs. I’ve confirmed that anytime you get a “Recovery Potion” made for you it says it’s a “Cabbage”

I’ve caught that one too: although it appears to be a programing glitch than an actual typo. It seems to change, depending on what items you’ve grown/shipped. I’ve had it shift to Cabbage, Insect Skin, and Cheap Cloth. I have ran into several typos though… Rosalind calls you Aaron if you give her a gift she really likes, no matter what your name is. Also when Mana gives her speech about being a teacher, there’s a sentence that’s cut off.

Meh… it’s Natsume. They’re not mistakes… they’re features. :wink: All joking aside though: its a lot better than the previous RF errors. I’m just happy the script wasn’t made all kiddie. Since the game is out on both sides of the ocean, I can point out some weird stuff about the RF2 world:

  • Anyone notice how ALL the first generation parents have no spouses? None of them. No reason is ever given either. Town seems to have a high divorce and/or spouse death rate. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Cammy (Gordon’s youngest daughter) looks nothing like her father, but as a lot of similarities with Natalie?

  • Gordon and Douglas are constantly hanging around Natalie?

  • No one minds giving kids weapons, forcing them into hard labor (farming), or sending them into the horrors of monster infested lands… but the moment children want to get married, the adults say they’re too young.

  • Tonya is insane. Not only does she have a psychotic obsession with swords, but she likes to send people to their deaths. :shock:

  • Jake always carries a sword with him (although being the apprentice of Tonya, I guess it goes with the territory).

* Gordon, Douglas, and Natalie were a party of adventurers in their youth… although what they did is never explained. Tonya could have been a member too, given her age and weapon experience (the local blademaster), but she never gives any indication of it… nor hangs out with them, so I doubt it.

On a sidenote: I wish you could marry the MILF. Tonya and Natalie are hot… plus they’ve had wild and freaky past romances, from their comments about it. :twisted:

There’s a few others

*Everyone in town is too busy to walk 50 feet and get an item and you’re their only salvation. The town would grind to a halt if you weren’t there.

*Hyper-monetary inflation has hit the world of RF. Taking a bath is 1,000% more than RF2, of course it jumped from 10g to 100g, but that’s beside the point :smiley:. While nothing else is that large, massive price increases are seen across the board.

*As a related note to the monetary inflation, everything in the game has value. There is no longer a concept of trash. Even those worthless boots you pull out of the water, those are worth 1g, as opposed to 0g in every other game.

*You arrived at the start of the game from coming from the docks, yet there’s no ships except to the island and no shore to wash up on (piers and stone walls like the entire city shoreline)…so how exactly did you arrive?

*On that related note, Yue mentions she’s a traveling merchant that travels to different cities…so if that’s the case, and she’s around all the time she must have some advanced time/space manipulation and thus be among the most powerful merchants in the RF universe.

*Jake hates humans and yet he willingly goes to work next to one almost every day and seems fine with it.

Anyway this game could have used more engine optimization. In town, there were 4 others and myself with only myself and 1 other moving and the game slowed to a crawl. Seriously, those other 3 were just standing around, yet the game was forced to take them at the same priority-level as myself and the other character.

Also, how long after RF1 does this take place? Have they mentioned how long elves can live? I think it was suppose to be like common folklore for quite some time, but ifso, how long does it take elves to mature?

Heh… yea. But seeing how it was in the Japanese version, I can’t hold that against Natsume. :slight_smile:

The original developers should have limited things with only 4 characters at a time in the town zones. It kinda gets annoying during the 2nd generation, since there are even more people wandering town. Monster zones don’t seem to suffer as badly - so I’m assuming its the colors and detail level used in the city maps. That or there’s a part in the code that’s just clunky at rendering certain things.

One thing that disappoints me about RF2, is that there are fewer dungeons and bosses. The boss battles - except the final one - are kinda sucky too. However I love the greater inventory of things you can grow/make/collect, as well as the second generation feature (which means a much larger cast).

I’ve been wondering that too. Japanese guide book claims it’s “a few” years later, but whenever Cecilia refers to Raguna, she does it in past tense (which you usually do when they’re dead). On the other hand, when talking about Tabatha (the dark elf), she speaks about her in present tense. There’s also the obvious fact, that no other RF1 character makes a cameo appearance. Cecilia is only a half-elf, so she can’t live as long as true elves (which conventional Japanese anime tends to follow the idea that they’re immortal or live thousands of years). I assume half-elf children mature at the same rate as humans, but slow physical aging at a certain point. Orland, the default child of Cecilia and Jake for the second generation, is physically the same age as your own child.

Norad Kingdom is still around, however there’s a global war going on that Norad is neutral (Yue brings it up a lot), so I’m assuming that means the Sechs Empire is being besieged (or attacking everyone) after the the events of RF1. Kyle (and thus his child) are also of the sacred bloodline that has the power to slay dragons. There’s only one other person like that in the RF universe: Raguna. Thus there’s no question that Kyle is related to Raguna somehow. If he’s a descendant and not a family tree branch, it has to be two or three generations removed: one would assume Cecilia knew Raguna’s child. She’s never met Kyle until the start of the game.

On the whole, it’s hard to tell. RF2 could be a few decades or a few centuries after RF1. I’m thinking it’s somewhere in the region of 50 to 100 years. Things have obviously changed in the world, but not a whole lot. Technology level seems to be about the same. While you can’t own a gun, there are cannons on the shipwreck in the tropical island… and you get gunpowder as an item for crafting stuff. I believe Ray or Barrett mention the town needing a steam-powered machine in one of their “fluff” comments.

I’m wondering if that means there will be more technology in the future, and less magic. As in RF1 Norad was about the only area with a lot of magic. The Sechs Empire relied heavily on machinery, so it appears on some level the word is built on a balance of technology or magic, at least when technology becomes to the point of the basics of gunpowder and the industrial.

EDIT: Looks like there is already an un-dub patch for the game out. Most people using it probably won’t have a legit copy of either game though…even the English one. :frowning: Most of the voices are okay, nothing special. I don’t like or dislike them, but Cammy’s VA almost always sounds a bit to much like she’s straining her vocal cords. See a company needs to be really innovative and allow selective VAing replacement. For anime, that’s not so easy, but video games, the voicing is, with the exception of movies, generally kept in their own files.

More importantly, I really don’t understand why they only want you to have 1 savefile/character.

Yea. I figured it wouldn’t take 'em long. As I noted before: it’s only a file replacement. What bothers me however, is seeing pirates now claim: “I refuse to buy Rune Factory 2, because of the shitty VA’ing.” :roll:

On a sidenote, I’m surprised no one caught this: Dorothy and Cammy are sisters, the daughters of Gordon. You can marry Dorothy and have a child with her. That child can date Cammy… Cammy would be your child’s Aunt.

You read that right: you can marry your auntie.

Can you say incest? I know you can. Hell yes to incest! :lol:


I may still try the undub. The only VA i think so far that’s actually good is Gordon’s. A few i don’t know about.

Also I’m suprised no one has noticed the Popeye easter-egg reference with Jake and Max in the first generation. Was that in the Japanese even? Maybe I’m getting to old.

As much as I am in to the forbidden fruit of incest in stories, marrying an aunt-by-blood is too much for me. I appreciate the effort (even if I’ll probably never play this game, since I’m almost strictly a PC gamer), but couldn’t they have made it a cousin instead?

Actually, marrying your aunt would be more incestuous than a first cousin. Your mother and her sister (thus your aunt) - generally speaking - share the same genetic makeup. Your first cousin, would introduce new genetic material from another bloodline… unless that person is also the result of additional family incest. So in a lot of ways, sexing your aunt would be the same as sexing your mother. :twisted:

Dorothy and Cammy are true sisters… so what’s in Cammy’s DNA would also be in the child of Dorothy. While Kyle introduced new material into the pool, his child marrying Cammy does not: it’s a taking a step backwards. His son would be his own cousin. No branching in that family tree. :o

That’s exactly my point. There is a slim area where it is alright with me. As I stated in another thread:

On a completely different note:

The part about weapons, labor, and monsters is different from Princess Maker 2 (the only one I’ve played, before I learned the truth of it being pirated) how?

No moms or daughters, but sisters are okay? My list wouldn’t be as restrictive. :o

I’ve learned there are some hot “Grand-prefix” in the eroge world. Especially when it deals with elves, goddesses, phantoms, and vampiress. :twisted:

In Princess Maker 2 she can get raped by bandits. RF2 even has it’s limits. :wink:

Ya know… when watching the second generation intro movie, you get the impression that Kyle was supposed to have twin children. Kinda sad they couldn’t incorporate that into the game itself. :frowning:

The question also is asked, how much older is Cammy compared to the character? In the first generation she appears to act like a very young child, 3 or so, but she looks more around 10 or so. Also, does she have elvish blood in her, which would slow her aging down somewhat as well.

Finally are you sure she is a full sister to Dorothy or a half-sister? If we don’t know, then she’d only be his half-aunt, in which case the genetic similarity wouldn’t be nearly as much.

Cammy and Roy are 6 or 7 years old in the first generation. Marvelous was lazy, and didn’t want to create two sets of “paper dolls” for them, so they look the same in both generations. The paper dolls they have are what they are supposed to look like during the second generation: 13 years olds. Cammy’s boobs really give away her “hitting puberty” thing (amazing when you consider the RF world is mostly DFC)… and when the paper dolls of other children during the second generation pop-up on the text screen with Cammy and Roy, you can see that Cammy and Roy are the tallest. This makes Cammy and Roy the “pack leaders” of the second generation children, which was more obvious in the Japanese version, because all the kids kept calling them senpai. Of course Kyle’s child is right behind them in the chain of command…

Dorothy and Cammy are full sisters: although the identity of their mother is never given. Somewhere in the game, Dorothy states Cammy looks more like their mutual mom than she does. Honestly I find that rather humerous, because Cammy looks a lot like a younger Natalie in many ways (same eye color, same hair color, same hair style if Natalie didn’t have hairclips; also it seems that Cammy is destined to have huge oppai… which is what Natalie and Alicia have). During the “romantic festivals” (the dance, the stargazing, etc) Natalie always states how Gordon and Douglas were rivals for her hand… and those are the only men she ever brings up from her past. :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact that RF2 has fewer dungeons than RF1, Cammy and Roy lack different generation paper dolls, the animated intro shows Kyle having twin offspring, and the lack of spouses for the first generation parents, causes me to wonder if RF2 had content cut due to deadlines or dwindling budget. Add on top of that, the “bullet time” when too many characters are on screen and a surprising number of bugs in the Japanese version. That’s usually evidence of something being rushed into post production…

Guess you can’t get any word on that can you? I would assume that it’s likely something was cut, somewhere. Almost no game goes through completely uncut. Who or what was, I don’t know. However, given that they started work on RFF even before RF2 was released state side means that the sales of the game can’t be so bad they they have a dismal budget. It sounds as though Cammy may have originally been Natalie’s younger daughter, but moved because she had two other children?

Also, what about Cammy and Dorothy’s father? Yes, they live with Gordon, but being a priestly figure, he may have taken the both in if their was an affair. It’s also possible that Dorothy talks about their mother in the sense that she knows her and thus assumes automatically Cammy must have the same mother. Given that Cammy is so young, she may not remember her mother and thus believe what Dorothy says.

Maybe the game was too ambitious for the amount of space and time? Maybe they’ll make an uncut version on the Wii. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly no. Usually information about what got cut during development is mentioned in the Japanese guide book (the dev interview part). Unfortunately there was no such section in it… which is kinda odd in of itself. Marvelous doesn’t hurt for money - that’s for sure ¬ñ but they don’t spend a lot on their game development either. Generally speaking, Harvest Moon and Rune Factory are just “cash cow” titles that they create within a standardized 9 month period. Easy to hit a deadline with rushed schedules like that; and the closer a dev team gets to the deadline, the more money tends to be spent (hiring more programmers, graphic artists, etc). However, Marvelous does a lot of things in house: so if I were forced to really make a bet on the matter, I’d say they just ran out of time and did cuts. But budget crunch can’t be discounted either.

Well going with the information given in the game, Gordon became a priest only recently: hence his completely non-priest ways: he’s obviously an alcoholic, womanizer, and has unorthodox views (he finds it hilarious when a marriage is interrupted and the bride is stolen). Gordon used to be an adventurer who specialized in hammer weapons, travelling with Douglas (the brawler) and Natalie (the healer). At some point Gordon lost his eye fighting a dragon (which I assume the trio defeated together). After becoming a priest he takes the vow of pacifism, and some time later gives Kyle his old weapon - which is powerful enough to crush rocks - to perform a task in his stead.

Cammy and Dorothy are old enough to know their own mother, and while Gordon is a bit on the wild side, the town respects him. He also keeps his word, no matter how difficult it makes things for him (case in point being the pendant he was making for Dorothy; without Kyle it would never be completed). In all seriousness, if Natalie couldn’t choose between Douglas and Gordon, I suppose she picked neither of them. Also while Natalie talks about Douglas and Gordon courting her, she never states if she actually fell in love with either of them. From time to time Gordon talks about his own youth, and describes himself as quite the ladies man: he admits to dancing with many girls during past Dance Festivals. So there’s a chance Gordon didn’t love Natalie, in as so much as she was a “prize” he didn’t want Douglas to have (because they were always rivals). Perhaps Douglas saw it that way as well… and Natalie obviously knew the two were fighting for her attention, so she just played along too.

I think it’s safe to assume that Gordon was a loyal husband to the woman who he eventually married. Dorothy is older than Cammy by at least ten years, if Dorothy is 16 to 18 during the first generation story (which seems about right), so I’m pretty confidant she’d know if her dad remarried… and Gordon makes no indication that he had more than one wife. Therefore I’m certain Cammy and Dorothy are true sisters. Seeing as how you have twincest in the second generation ¬ñ which is just a form of lesbian incest ¬ñ having someone marry their aunt is really a minor taboo. That kind of stuff happened in real life… just look at the history of European royalty.

Ignoring the possibility that RF2 was released with 50% of the first generation cast removed (all the spouses): perhaps a town tragedy occurred. Considering that Gordon only became a priest recently, perhaps the “dragon battle” he jokes about with Kyle, was a dragon attack on the village.Obviously the RF series has a thing for dragons as the final bosses; RF2 is no exception. The surrounding Monster Gates make it pretty obvious that the town isn’t the safest location in the world… it’s also rather suspect that EVERYONE in the first generation has battle experience and can wander the forests without much trouble. Even the children aren’t phased by what they call, “weak monsters”… as if they’ve seen a powerful monster.

All in all, reguardless of their romantic feelings (real or not): Douglas, Gordon, and Natalie are close friends. They travelled together and slew monsters, so that alone gives them a close bond. Being childhood friends, obviously doesn’t hurt either. The trio have something in common - lost spouses and raising their children as single parents. So with that in mind, the fact that they always hang out with each other, probably doesn’t mean Gordon and Douglas are still hitting on Natalie… Although as MILF-tastic as Natalie is, it doesn’t hurt to think that. :wink: Also Tanya is pretty hot herself, but neither men try sexing her or anything… although Tanya is obviously unhinged and that could be scaring them away. :lol:

It’s possible that the RF2 cast returns in another title. RFF takes place between RF1 and RF2 ¬ñ and RF3 is rumored to be another DS title for late 2009.