S&M Case at the Supreme Court

Don’t make the twincest angry. You wouldn’t like them when they’re angry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Those bits you quoted are a perfect example of why I won’t interact with him anymore. Then again, I suppose it is kind of to be expected with someone who even chooses a name that is a bit hostile to everyone (even if it is written in the ridiculous net style of “1337”).

Just wondering… what does his name mean? I really haven’t followed this 1337 deal (is it leet speak or something?).

Yes, I am that behind the times. I don’t facebook, twitter, myspace… I am a caveman, I know.

B173 M3 - BITE ME

Honestly, I wouldn’t attach that much significance to nicknames if I were you, though.

Yeah, because if you did, I’d be Polish. Now we return you to your regular scheduled programming. :smiley:

I don’t do any of those things either. The reason I know such things is from playing lots of multiplayer online games when I was younger (e.g. Counter-Strike before it was a commercial product and was still in beta).

I used to play some multi-player, but the only games that manages to maintain any hold on me in terms of its MP aspects are Diablo 1 and 2.

I know a girl who gave her virginity to her twin sister. The sister gave her her virginity as well. They were in their early teens when they did that. I think they’re 30-something nowadays or so. They are still together quite happily too.:slight_smile:

If that’s true, that is the hottest thing ever.