Sakigake: is this old news?

So, I don’t know if this has been covered in another thread recently and I somehow missed it, but Hobibox posted some news on the 8th or 9th of this month. Apparently, Sakigake’s translation is complete and they’re in beta testing, with a projected June (of this year) release. If this is the case, I have to admit that I’m rather surprised with the speedy (relative term) delivery that defies my earlier expectations (back when I first read about it). I still can’t tell whether the game looks good or not, due partly to laziness, as I don’t feel like fumbling through the Japanese product page. Though, how could I be against a new game out on the market? My wallet, on the other hand, does have complaints. Complaints which shall be brutally suppressed.

I don’t want to just start a new topic to inform people of something they likely already know of or would soon be informed of, so I thought I’d see what people think of this game from what they’ve heard/seen/played so far. From what I can tell, it looks a bit different from your average B-Game localization. I mean, like less of a standard choose-your-own-adventure, interactive novel. Is this a strategy/tactics game? Is all of this explained throughout the first thread, in several key posts that I somehow forgot about? Is everything going to be o.k.? Are we going to make it out alright?

Am I a moron?


Well to make ya feel better, i didnt know…
Last i read about hobibox it was something about a bankrupcy.

So, with your post, do you know of any reviews of this game?
maybe even a preview graphics page?
how bout a story outline… anything would be nice to read about this title…

The silence of Finals week… And to think, i TOO should be studying right now…

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 05-11-2003).]

Well it is good to see some proces has been made with the game (i wasn’t too hopeful with hobibox on the, think alchemy girl etc)

The only difference i noticed is that instead of armoured gun sakigake it says Gun shield warrior sakigake.

About the game itself it’s about some mili operation(think tekkaman blade) recruits some girls and you use giant robots to eliminate the aliens. so i would put this game under a strat/avg cuz you have to make certain ingame choices.

Hope this kinda helps…

Originally posted by Gambit:
The silence of Finals week.... And to think, i TOO should be studying right now...

I was wondering why it seemed so quite lately. Then again, I'm out of school so I usually don't know when finals weeks are going on unless something reminds me of them. (Like last Friday.)

Hmm, don't remember hearing about this game myself. Although if you're ever unsure about whether a topic has come up before, you can usually do a quick search. We have a pretty well informed bunch here, but we can't cover everything. (Or sometimes, we just plain forget.) Great, now I'm going to be digging around for some information on this instead of working...wait a minute, why am I complaining about that?!?

I really don’t know anything about this game. I was, more or less, hoping someone else would have the “scoop” or “4-1-1,” if you know what I mean. (Do you?) You see, when it comes down to it, as a Japanese man I am a complete and illiterate failure. Which is to say, I’m not actually a Japanese man and I can’t read (very much) Japanese, either. I’m useless.

Though, did have a link to the J-product page if that helps. I don’t expect an English product page until July or Christmas. Some specific links of interest on Digi-Monkey’s site ( might be:

Character list with pic and voice samples -

Gameplay screenshots -

A mixture of event graphics and naughty depictions of bedroom-tomfoolery, complete with fluorescent genitals. (Warning! Lecherous behavior and private parts made of light bulbs may cause blindness in viewer/participant!) -

Or one could check out the demo videos on the hobibox news page. But, don’t take my word for it. I’m pretty sure that I’ve lied before. What’s to stop me from doing so again?

Gorky, what is it you are trying to ask? I can’t follow your posts, they seem kind of aimless. As far as Hobibox is concerned, I don’t believe they have folded, because I emailed them before and have gotten responses. But, it’s possible that most of their operation is in Japan, much like Himeya Soft. I can translate something if you want to provide the link.

Well, looks like J-List has this title up for preorder. July 2003 projected ship date. Has a little more information, but I’m not sure if it answers any of the questions you were asking earlier.

to be honest it dont matter to me, i wanna keep these companies in buisness even if my credit card is on fire… (ok i wish i had that kinda money) but hey im gunna try as best i can to help out the industry.

This game is looking very promising. If it is a game with stratagy/combat, it will be a breath of fresh air in the bishoujo gaming industry. ADV games are ok, but to be honest they are getting tiring. (Mainly due to their story, or lack of one rather.)

Too bad all I can afford is Brave Soul, my money situation has dried up due to unexpected expenses that have pretty much sucked up my extra funds for many months to come. (Stupid car problems.)