Sakura Wars to release with both languages … c-box-set/

One disk JP, one disk ENG track – can’t see how it could be done any better. Both sides kept happy without having to cut or do something funky with the files.

I was disappointed when I found out Ar Tonelico 2 had Japanese voice cut out (presumably to make room for the dub), resulting in both languages having only half the voiced lines of the original. I’m pleasantly surprised that NISA actually went to the trouble of printing 2 discs to avoid that this time.

My next question: just how big are these voice files in these titles that they can’t seem to fit the English dub in on a single 4.4GB DVD without cutting something else out?

My money is on it having nothing to do with a space issue - people have looked at Ar Tonelico 2 and said there was space available. Instead, it seems likely that the issue has something to do with the game’s coding.

I suspect when they changed the engine for Ar Tonelico 2, it was not possible for the same line to be voiced in Japanese, and not voiced in English. There are many ways to get around this without cutting things out (the most trivial would be "record half a second of silence, use that SFX everywhere the English track is to be silent’), but NIS America seems to have either bungled badly, or just not cared.

Considering the gamekilling bug in AT2, I’d say NIS America has a few lessons to learn about quality control. In a bad way.

Nice. More games should be released this way. Not that I’ll ever touch the English disc; half of Sakura Taisan’s appeal is the seiyuu.

NIS also confirmed Atelier Annie (DS) for later this year and it appears Atelier Rurona, the new PS3 title in ‘actual’ 3D is pretty well confirmed, just nothing’s official as of yet.

To my dismay, Gust (developer of the Atelier series) going PS3 may force me to pick one up eventually. Sucks that RPGs aren’t centralized on one console this generation like they were the last generation (on the PS2).

awsome they cater to both the sub and dub fans. I am a sub fan

Actually a number in English seem to be ported to the 360. The ports vary in quality.

However it’s still too early to tell the major Japanese companies have yet to signal which platform they will be under (and typically they try to be under one as it increases their sales too).