Santa Girls!!!

Hey 13th, it’s ironic you keep using graphics from a STRONGLY aligned Rape/Brainwash/Dark-themed game like Ail’s (Riva’s) Christmas Present…
Another Sith trick for sure :stuck_out_tongue: !

Thy words honor us…

“…Hai desu…”

We are merely humble Acolytes…
That is our dark calling…my Sith Lord…(Vows deeply)
The darkness…it’s yours if thou have the strength…

“…Watashi wa memai ga shimasu…”

…Darkness is often misunderstood…
But, we will always remain…forever hidden in the darkness…until…

“…Anata wa tsukareta’n desu ka…?”

“CHRISTMAS PRESENT” is indeed something from the dark side… :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG I love you!!! Believe it, lol!

[ 12-17-2007, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]


…A little late now… But let’s add 'em anyways…

Its still winter…ne…?

It’s never too late for sexy girls.