Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei - 3rd Season

That’s right. It’s going live in July with the same production crew and voice actors: … -green-lit

Did someone say moar Komori? Fuck yea. 8)

I’m pretty fired about this as well.

Yea. Now wish they’d bring it over here, but I guess they want to wait a bit since the manga only recently came out. The show seems rather well know even among my less otakuish friends I know which somewhat surprises me.

Having a girl as impossibly hawt has Komori Kiri will do that.

I don’t care what the hell he says: god damn is Nozomu a lucky man. Even his own sister wants him. :twisted:

Official site for Season 3:

Zetsubou Shita! Zetsubou Shita!! There wasn’t enough Kiri in the first episode of the 3rd season! Zetsubou Shita!!!

Matoi was always there however. :stuck_out_tongue:

The episode did reveal the tremendous difference there is in Kaere and Abiru (2nd and 3rd place of the known cast). :twisted:

Also… Nozomu’s girls will kill for him. Oh yes they will.

The ending credit song kick total ass. We get to see what the students do at night (note to self: Kafuka is even more scary than I could imagine). :shock:

Episode 4 is full of win!!! 8)

It shows more of the slut split-personality in Kaere, lotsa Kiri love, all the main girls (except Matoi… damn it) in a bikini, Abiru revealing her love to Nozomu (she’s freaking cute), and a drawing lesson by Kiri and Matoi (once again showing how these two girls always seem to get along; probably because they both live with Nozomu against his will).

It’s also becoming clear, that Nami is the lead girl of the third season. The more we see of her though, the less normal she seems. :o

Oh yea… found this neat wallpaper that shows all the known girls in Class 2-He with their names (Kotonon is shown in her fake Net Idol appearance). Trying to find a poster that has all the male students, so I can see the entire class roster, but I don’t think fanboys would bother assembling such a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I swear… Nozomu has one of the hottest - albeit most dangerous - harems in the history of anime. :twisted:

Someone also pointed out to me how the entire cast of SZS has “real” hair colors (no pink, blue, green, etc). The only regular without black hair is Kaere, because she’s part American.

Hmmm… taking a closer look, that wallpaper is missing Marui, so it doesn’t have all the girls. :frowning:

From left to right: Kiri Komori, Manami Okusa, Meru Otonashi, Kaere Kimura, Abiru Kobushi, Chiri Kitsu, Harumi Fujiyoshi, Mayo Mitama, Kafuka Fuura, Nami Hito, Matoi Tsunetsuk, Taro Maria Sekiutsu, Ai Kaga, Shouko Maruuchi, Miko Nezu, Rin Itoshiki, Kotonon, Kanako Oora

Naturally Chie Arai doesn’t count, because she’s not a student. :wink:

Because there’s no such thing as enough Kiri. 8)

Damn… the animators like screwing with us…

Of course screwing with people’s minds is what makes SZS so much fun. :o

I can’t get over how cool Nozomu’s harem looks, when they look demonic (yellow/red eyes; vampiric features; etc) – or when Nozomu himself looks evil insane.

Also Matoi and Kiri aren’t so friendly after all… they no share when the camera is off them:

There goes Narg’s dream SZS twosome. :frowning:

lol… Kafuka disguised herself as a girl from another class, giving Nozomu a love letter, which naturally activated the Yandere mode in his harem girls.

I love how Matoi and Kiri react to the presence of more girls in the house.

Speaking of them… their battle for supremacy in the Nozomu home is still on going…

They’ve also formally introduced the “spacey” Kanako.

The blood is a side effect of Kafuka’s plotting to get Nozomu killed by the yandere crew.

Last but not least, for those of you following the manga: meet Tane, Chiri’s older sister. She’s like the anti-Chiri: obsessed with chaos and not staying proper (here mere presence causes dirt and disorder to spread). I doubt she’ll make an appearance in the 3rd season… too new a character. Maybe in the 4th season, if we get one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… something I just noticed. Has Mayo Mitama (the evil girl everyone pretends isn’t evil) ever spoken to anyone? I know she has a voice actress (Asuka Tanii), but I can’t ever recall her actually saying anything. Every time she shows up, it’s either just leering like a murderer, or committing some act of evil… but never talking…

It might be like Meru Otonashi where she makes only nonsensical sounds, except in 1 episode.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Recent episode features 100% more Kiri and Matoi - hikimori and stalker love for the win!!!

There were even in despair! :o

They’re also still angry about having to share Nozomu… this won’t end well for sensei…

Last episode, Chiri tortured Majiru, after he groped her breasts. It seems we’ve still only seen a fraction of the damage this has left on his fragile mind. :twisted:

I’m also adding the critically autistic Oora-san to the top ranks of my favorite girl lists. She doesn’t do anything, but stare into empty space and reply in affirmative to everything, but it’s ever cute and adorable… the slow piano ballade that’s her theme song, only makes it more so!

I’m sure she’d say, “Doozoooo~” 8)

On a side note: I heard an interesting theory the other day, that SZS literally takes place in Hell (Nozomu’s personal version) - which is why he never dies despite what happens to him (and time always resets… the girls always fail each school year to be in his class again, nor do they age) - and that Kafuka is the Devil. The discussion then pondered if the girls were fellow sinners, or if they were just creations of the Hell environment to torture Nozomu.

On another side note: the manga recently confirmed what most people knew - that Nozomu is the junior teacher in the school, and all the other teachers have been diverting the mentally unstable children into his class room, while removing the normal ones that were accidentally sent there. This of course leaves the obvious question, of why Nami has never been reassigned… she’s not so normal after all.

That wouldn’t exactly explain the rest of the world, except maybe if he was the only one. Kafuka being the devil or some equivalent demon…well she does help him out occasionally in her own way, like getting Kiri to leave her house. Chie Arai seems more of the type since she seems to be the only one to have power over him.

Aside from being a gag? Probably because except for Kiri and Zetsubou himself she is the most delinquent person. They’d probably rather not bother with her.

What does Kiri wear under her blanket? Just her underwear. :o

Also the harem has taken active measures against each other, to stand beside Nozomu. :twisted:

Because we all know how this series will ultimately end. :o

Look at the bright side… errr… well… maybe it will be quick and painless? Okay… probably not. :frowning:

At least we know she won’t finally snap, due to a lack of chest size. Remember that Nami is normal. :stuck_out_tongue:


That would explain why Maru picks on everyone in class except Tar?.

That and Tar? doesn’t own a cellphone… she only has a pager that she thinks is a cell phone. :slight_smile:

At least those two have the lolicon thing going for them though… Chiri is really in dire straights. :stuck_out_tongue:

Come to think of it though, I believe Matoi and Ai should be switched around. Ai has a more expansive chest than Matoi… although I suppose Matoi being shorter, she might have a greater ratio.

This is the fourth time Nozomu has slept with someone… who’s a man that is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also they went and did it. :lol:

All the main girls except Matoi were featured in them.

Nozomu isn’t fooled by their eye candy panties though… but they did try it. :wink:

Also because it seems my original image seems to have vanished… here’s Chiri’s older sister Tane (messy and unorganized disorder). As most girls in the series, she thinks Nozomu is rather cute… but more importantly thinks he has a stable job and thus someone she could mooch off if they marry. Naturally, Chiri is NOT amused. She has hair like Kiri, because like the hikimori never gets it cut, only its uncombed and unkempt.

Naturally I’d like to see some Tane + Kiri yuri hentai. :twisted:

The 3rd seasons if finally over. While there were a lot of ups, there were a lot of downs. I think a combination of the series losing it’s novelty, and the animators running out of ideas, has brought SZS’s animated future to a close. I mean case in point: every episode in Season 3 used the same intro and outro material, wasting about 10 minutes of time. There was also only two intro and two credit sequences - earlier seasons had three times that many. Fortunately the manga is more popular than ever, so SZS will continue to entertain in the original format… but as an anime, I think they should let it rest and retire on a somewhat good note. Cash cowing it more, will only leave things in tears.

On a side note… Sayonara Kyuketsuki Sensei would make an excellent series. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: SZS with a vampire theme is awesome. 8)

Probably the end of seaons, but maybe not OVAs.

Kiri + Matoi… if they worked together, not even a defeatist like Nozomu could resist!!!

Behold the two women who live in their teacher’s house. :twisted: