Screencap: I couldn't stop staring at her breasts

what the hell is this thread? :lol:

Well, since you asked … Everything? Seriously, I at first wrote this off as a joke or troll or something, but you seem to honestly want an answer, so here goes. It doesn’t describe anything about the picture itself, just the caption, which is about as helpful as “Yeah, so I’m looking for a movie. It had the guy with the thing, and then some stuff blew up. Anyone got a title?”. Then there’s the fact your original post doesn’t even give any indication that whatever you were looking for was even related to visual novels. And finally, no offense, but that topic title and the original post sound an awful lot like something a spambot would post.

I dunno, I found everything clear from the original post, but I didn’t know the game so I didn’t respond. But I’ll translate into English:

  • There is an EROGE, translated into English by some company. Possibly one previously affiliated with JAST, possibly not.
  • In this EROGE, there is a part where the narration goes ‘I couldn’t stop staring at her breasts’ because the scenario was talking about something else, the game was translated without having the graphics on hand and the thing that is currently showing on the screen is … not breasts.
  • The thread poster would like this EROGE to be identified.

Now, I vaguely feel like I can recall seeing this mentioned somewhere but I’ve no idea and with 100% surety have not played the game myself.

Was this an EROGE by Jast or an affiliate of Jast? Was this an EROGE by MangaGamer? Was this an officially translated EROGE? And the only EROGE that I have seen that I remember a character with a head up a skirt is Shuffle!. Were Rin had his head up Asa’s skirt when Asa was hiding him though I don’t remember if that is the anime and VN or just the anime. Don’t remember a line like that either so it might not be what you are looking for.

I think it’s indeed from Shuffle!, when Mayumi fell in top of Rin; MG’s translation had that mistake

I really can’t remember. MG had a good many errors in their early games. Still have some in the most recent games, but it has gone down. Shuffle is about the only VN I can remember that might have had this scene. Not going to look for it cause I lost my save file and don’t feel like looking for one just to find this one scene. So to the OP the scene MIGHT have been from Shuffle!.