Script Kiddy Hackers

lol… some ass wipe hacked my TokiMemo4 site with some really good stuff on September 1st. Aside from totally ruining the place, when attempting to clean the site via remote desktop, it tried to hijack my rig (via the SQL database no less). That was his mistake though, because I lock that up as tight as I would my twincest slave girls. :wink:

So while intercepting and nutering the data stream his bots were trying to send, I got some interesting garbage like the file below (it’s like this person wanted to thermonuke people’s computers). Why do idiots waste their time with this kind of stuff? Is it for a power thrill or something?


Anyways… if you have a Wordpress blog being hosted on GoDaddy, I’d recommend you double check your site files and change your FTP password. Looks like they’ve been compromized by something, and it’s using a SQL injection with some Java stuff to send FTP passwords to a hacker repository in Russia.

He’s probably getting paid via referral programs for most of that. It’s probably him attempting to upload fake sites to your computer.

I don’t think people that ‘hack’ for the thrill of it are really all that common nowadays. It’s all commercial, now, often associated with large criminal organisations too.

Yeah, unfortunately, money started really getting into malware a few years ago. Recently, though, it’s to the point where the old communities of people who did it only for fun have just about died. See here:

The VXers (the hobbyist virus writers) can’t even get enough material to fill a newsletter anymore. People write viruses to illicitly get money now. They run essentially an IT shop, complete with testing suites (malware isn’t done until AV can’t detect it anymore) and paid support for their customers (people who distribute the viruses). People don’t write viruses because they’re bored anymore. (I mean, sure, some do, but there isn’t an organized community of such people anymore.)