Seasons' Greetings

Merry Christmas everyone, and a bright and prosperous new year ahead.

:slight_smile: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :slight_smile: , yeah, but I’ve the nasty feeling this BBS has a foot in the grave :cry:

Well … the BBS has had a foot in the grave ever since … Last time I checked, it turned out to be because of a huge uproar over v-mate devolved into general acrimony and so most of the regulars didn’t wanna hang out here anymore. (Nobody’s using V-mate at all anymore; the domain even de-registered. But before it was Peter’s downloadable-product DRM, it was GC’s last-ditch effort to avoid going broke; always-on net connectivity for disc-based games. The furor caused by that is the reason Peter’s been as light as he can get away with on the DRM.)

For a long while, Narg kept things alive by posting random twincest into threads, and generally by just posting a lot. But he hasn’t been posting much recently - probably because he’s doing so much work on his own project.

Oh, and I forgot to mention – a belated Merry Christmas, and a premature New Year!

Wat u mean nademonai?

But that’ll prolly be pulling skeletons out of the closet soo…

hope everyone had a nice christmas :smiley:

Yeah things have been slow here. I personally have been visiting the BBS quite infrequently for some time. Hope things pick up in the new Year.
That is one of the things about E-Marketing; tribes get formed and then fade away in the smallest times…

I will start the new year on a nice note by getting my hands on Katawa Shoujo… 4/1/2012 is a marked day on my calender my friends.

Huh, they actually finished that thing? I’ll be sure to give it a look.

I might even write a review on it for I won’t be kind to it just because it’s free or in English but I’m optimistic about it nonetheless. I did enjoy the trial.

EDIT: Mind, it’ll be competing with WHITE ALBUM 2.

Yeah, Have been following their dev blog a bit and got that news from the same. Last time I checked, they also plan to open up a studio for developing and publishing VN’s.
And that thing isnt totally free, there is stuff that you can have access to only after paying.

Well, given Narg’s last chronological post; I’d say he’s acquiring Star Wars waifus.
The only three regulars I can think of that actually disappeared are:
~Olf le fol-he still posts,just not as frequently
~Le nuage-No idea where he went,I remember one time he mentioned being a chemist.He could have had an accident.I know it’s morbid,but a possibility to consider.
~Kimuzukashii Meiji-No idea for him either.Maybe he’s level grinding in 2chan now.

Yeah, you joined in '08 :slight_smile:

The board was way more active once upon a time, but most of those people haven’t been around in years. The whole V-mate nastiness happened … back in 2005 or 2006? I can’t remember anymore. So I’m talking about stuff that’s basically ancient history now.

Most regulars here had short lifespans for real, I suppose (are you still feeling happy, grampa? :wink: ): … n-erogamer

Heh. That’s interesting.

Ladyphoenix, for example. She was a regular here for a few years - from the beginning of the establishent of the BBS, now that I think of it, since she was here before I was. Then she posted how she was having some real relationship trouble with her boyfriend. Then it got resolved and I think they got married. She barely posted after that and hasn’t at all in years.

Edit: She has a site, too … that hasn’t been updated in years. It’s got some nice info about a bunch of the early games PP released. She also worked on Gibo as an editor/proofreader/tester, I’m not sure which. But that was shortly before she disappeared, so I’m not sure if she’s been involved with any others. (I kinda doubt it).