Seek old english translated Bishoujo games

I’m trying to get a Bishoujo game, Bishoujo game tie-in Anime, and Hentai Anime review website project rolling over the winter break from mid-december to mid january, and plan on getting a lot of the old releases that JAST USA still offers at this point, since they all seem like such good bargains too. But, there are some older stuff like Paradise Heights, Return to Paradise Heights, Ring Out and so forth that is just grossly out of print, can’t find them anywhere. It’s all very well for me to review brand spanking new games released from Peach Princess and Himeya Soft USA (God bless them, so sad that they folded… or did they?) but I trust everyone on this website concurs with me when I say the story is still the most important thing. If anyone has any leads on how to track down some of these older titles from Otaku Publishing, RCY, MegaTech, and so forth drop me an email at

Hey Bokmeow:

First, if you’d like to team up with the Bishoujo Gamers Review Club, we’d be happy to have another member (as you’re working on getting the word out, as is BGRC). I’m not sure if we talked before or not. Anyway just thought I’d mention that real quick.

As for Himeya Soft, I think they still exist, they just closed their San Diego office. They still have a website up, keep it up to date, and offer products to the English audience. I’ve ordered from them fairly recently (about a month ago), and they still seemed alive and kicking then. They’ve also recently put out the sequal to Eve Burst Error (Adam the Double Factor) so… I think they are still around.

As for where to get those older JAST - USA Games, have you tried The Right Stuf International? And, I don’t normally recommend this place, but you might also want to look at eBay (but be forwarned that you might be getting a copy of the game, and not the original game itself.)

Just some ideas

i’d be happy to help if i can, and if you want to affiliate your website with mine, we can trade stuff i also own return to paradise heights and true love, which are hard to find

email me if you like…i’d be happy to hear from you

Hi everyone!

I see this place that sell old Otaku and other game :

(edit by admin - URL deleted)

In “game”, or directly here :

(edit by admin - URL deleted)

I never order from them, so I donT’ know about their service.
but for people who look for the old and difficult to get game, it maybe a great place.

If someone order fromt hem, let us now how it goes.

I hope it’s help a little!

(admin note)

Kumiko apologizes, but that site is a pirate site. They might sell the games as well - it seems like they do - but they have content shown on their site previews that is a violation of copyright law, and any site that claims to allow downloads of movies and games for “members” is not one we would want to associate with directly.

Kumiko will post an alternative source below in this topic, though, okay?

[This message has been edited by Kumiko Kamiyama (edited 12-03-2001).]

Hmm, I don’t know about that site. I don’t trust a site that you can “download” games from. Especially since some of those games you can still pick up normally from other places like J-List.

Yeah, that worries me. The site looks more than suspicious. It looks illegal. But, thanks for the tip nonetheless. I’ll try digging around the net for some other e-tailers.

i dunno…that site…
if you look at their ordering form it says to mail any checks to Jlist

then again, the place still looks awful and…

I saw that but it still strikes me as suspicious. (I’m like that sometimes.) Of course having Peter Payne or someone from J-list could confirm if they’re legit or not would be good. I guess I’m especially curious since I didn’t see a link to J-list in the links section. (Which would seem to make sense if they were in partnership.)

I don’t automatically trust this stuff because it would be real easy to have mails go to a legitimate business, not related in anyways, but the site itself being non-legit (In this case, the legitimate business would just treat it like a regular order without knowing that it’s being used as a screen.) Sorta like those stupid emails I get claiming my AOL account info is wrong or expired. The link goes to a copy of the legitimate page and if you click on the links, they do take you to the proper AOL links but if you go through their “secure server”, you’re giving your info to the wrong people.

i think this sitei s legit…i checked ito ut pretty thoroughly and in the venus select review section, it talks about the packaging theg ame comes in, which leads me to believe you can only download a sample of the game (hence Review and Sample)

i am actually going to write Jast and ask them about it though, since i have a dialogue with them anyway because of my website

How do sites like these distribute hentai images on CD’s? I never quite understood these things. Seems rather suspect, but I wouldn’t want to see the images without story anyways so I stick with my Bishoujo games and my Dojin Soft.

I also need some help in finding a host that will carry Bishoujo content. I doubt either of the academic institutions with which I’m affiliated with will be willing to carry such content within this decade.

Finding a host that’d allow adult content is hard. Try – that’s where I met my current host, since no regular host was willing to accept a site that had hentai anime and bishoujo game reviews.

There are a lot of real feedback regarding different hosts there.

That was kind of what I was thinking. I’m sure no one will be the wiser if I said ‘do the H’ instead of ‘sex’ and ‘H-scenes’ instead of ‘Naked Pictures’. Besides, I think I’m trying to review Bishoujo and Hentai anime from an academic perspective, give it credibility, instead of the ‘gotta get all the H-scenes’ point of perspective that seems rather typical of many hastily thrown together sites.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 12-06-2001).]