Seinarukana Game discussion

With the 18+ version of Seinarukana released, please use this thread to discuss the game :slight_smile:

This discussion was created from comments split from: Seinarukana pre-release thread.

holy crap, I didn't realize the game would be out NOW, I was gonna pre order it but I thought I had lots of time (especially since Yumina was up for pre-order for really effing long before release)...Guess it wont be much of a pre-order anymore.

That said I too have customs issues when ordering from the states. I'm confused about the digital version of the game, not the steam one, but the digital one on jlist.. is it like the physical version where it features both versions? Or do I absolutely have to order a physical copy for the both version? Though I'm tempted to risk the physical regardless cuz the box looks nice, argh.

Flowchart on Twitter does good job explaining. That being said, the physical edition nets you both the adult version and the steam version with different content instead of giggity scenes. Note the box is a standard DVD case and nothing special. But the poster is freaking humongous. I recommend the physical version. Unless you lack a DVD drive.

Like I said, physical copies are a turn off when they are coming from the states for me because I've had bad experiences of them charging me 30-40 dollars duty for a 40 dollar product, or being over half a year late... one time I got both. Ordered a 20 dollar game, it came 10 months late AND they charged me 30 bucks duty, score!

I really can't afford a duty payment either since this year is looking to be some serious abuse to my wallet in terms of gaming, as it is I didn't even get dark souls 3 yet despite me being a pre-order midnight release pickup fan since hte first game (well I didn't pre order demons souls, but I did get it some time before dark souls). I've been waiting for this game to be translated since like.. I dunno, 2012? maybe even longer, I forget.

You guys really need to work on that typesetting thing.


Was hoping that i can use my save data from the Japanese version but seems like i cant. Any way i am able to convert/adapt the Japanese save files to be use in the English version? On my 3rd run over there and i pretty much don understand any of the story line T_T. Don wanna restart everything again

I’ve been really enjoying the game so far. It took quite some time before I started getting into any fights. But I’m a slow reader. I think this is quickly becoming my favorite visual novel. I’m really hoping this game sells well so we can see some more in the states. I wouldn’t have even heard of this game if it wasn’t for the OP posting about this game in another forum I frequent.Loving the game though. Glad I got a physical copy.

I payed for my order on Jlist on Saturday. I imagine the US postal service is closed weekends like the Canadian one so I wasn't expecting to see any info until Monday of course. But Tuesday is over and Jlist says 'processing', not even shipped yet, but my cash was already withdrawn on Saturday. I know Jlist is a reputable site, so I'm not calling foul here, but I'm curious. Do they say 'processing' long after an item is shipped typically?

The game is amazing tbh, I just reached Chapter 10 of Nozomi route and I’m 90% sure I will be trying out a second playthrough in Narukana’s route. Dunno if I’ll ever do Super Hard, but it’s possible.P.S. Narukana OP pls nerf

People who are surprised by it being amazing, I'm getting vibes they never played Aselia first, which is a shame. I've heard some people say that the connections between the two games are fairly minimal. However I don't think that's what's really important. Aselia really makes you understand and appreciate the scope of Eternals. I get the impression Seinarukana kinda throws that part of the game's lore at you really really early, and I can imagine people who jump straight into it take the scope of the lore and all that for granted.

I 100% agree. I definitely love Seinarukana and will probably invest enough time for at least hard mode and all the routes, but Aselia’s imapct on me was greater overall so far (only on ch5 though so well see). When a certain someone shows up and does a pretty big thing I feel like it was treated too much as ‘just another day that ends in y’ situation. Aselia had such a fantastic Escalation pace that it never felt ridiculous or unearned. Seinarukana hasn’t done that yet, but the narrative differences are there.

I played through the first game many years ago, and it’s basically the only reason I got seinarukana. The experience with this game is so massively enhanced if you’ve gone through the first game I can’t even express it through words.In fact, JAST, you might want to release Seinarukana and Aselia’s steam editions at the same time, or at least chronologically. It’ll let people get the best of both worlds.Best 50 bucks I’ve ever spent, goddamn. I’m already done with my 2nd run, narukana route was amazing. I’m sure Super Hard/Eternal will be super (painful) fun.On another note, something that might be a translation mistake: Nozomu calls himself by a certain title at the end of narukana route, yet his status screen shows ‘Nozomu the [name of the sword]’ . Is this intentional or was it a hiccup?

"Massively enhanced?" I played through both games several years ago, and Seinarukana is pretty standalone. Even the lore is somewhat disconnected with the godbeast + reincarnation additions that I don't recall having any place in the original setting of Aselia. The only significant continuity I remember off-hand is the character Euphoria from Aselia's route. The connection there is so slight that even that is forgettable. This isn't like the Ikusa Megami series where there's a timeline and previous events, lore, and characters are constantly referenced in later games.

Actually after I had decided to play Seinarukana I was debating on picking up Aselia the Eternal so I had something to play while waiting for Seinarukana to come out. But when I seen Aselia was cut and censored I decided against it.Don’t get me wrong I don’t NEED hentai scenes in an RPG to stick with it, but I don’t like the idea of supporting a game where the hentai was removed. It kind of reminds me of the whole Fate/Stay Night fiasco. I feel like if Fate NEVER had hentai in it to begin with, I may have been able to enjoy the anime series, but when they release the anime and basically pretend the source material never had hentai in it, it bothers me. But I don’t want to de-rail the thread into a censorship debate.Love this game so far though. Really digging the battle system too. It feels like such a classic RPG.

But Seinarukana doesn’t really introduce any knowledge of Chaos and Law Eternals and that stuff, which is at the end of the story the only thing that matters. What it does give comes from narukana’s perspective, and I say it compliments the first game pretty well.

I've started Seinarukana and naturally I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Even if the connections to Aselia are made to be minimal, it is still fun to see some subtle connections such as a Shrine being the place where major events take place, and Tamaki Kurahashi being a character at the Shrine in the beginning of the game who is related to the Kurahashi's naturally. Very great music as well naturally. It is hard that it appears to be locked until you beat the game the 1st time.

And I really like the Name of Nozomu's Eternity Sword as well.

I am curious on when Law/Chaos Eternals will be officially introduced into the Story, but I will find that out as I continue playing.

I’ve been dutifully playing my review copy, logging ~60hrs. I’m currently in Ch. 7. My goal has been to complete every mission with SS rank without a guide. Doddler provided a useful reference with the rank conditions for every mission.

I’ve been critiquing the translation as I go. I’ve documented the major translation errors I’ve identified here. This is a work-in-progress that I continue adding to as I progress.

@Erl Konig said:
You guys really need to work on that typesetting thing.

Grrr, thanks, which version is that in?

@Peter Payne said:

@Erl Konig said:
You guys really need to work on that typesetting thing.

Grrr, thanks, which version is that in?
April 2016, so that would’ve been the original adult release. There haven’t been any patches, so the bug should still be present.