Seinarukana pre-release thread

@Ghaleon Ghaleon: You probably saw the September date on a new outlet site like ANN, we had announced at AX that we were aiming for a September release. Sadly because we have been without a Graphic designer (hopefully he'll be back soon) and some problems in planning, we haven't been able to get the resources together for the LE edition yet. The game is undergoing testing while we wait on the decisions for the LE (tentatively done) so looking at 1-3 weeks for the Preorder (this just my estimate based on an optimistic pace) and 3-8 weeks for release (again just my guess based on what we have left to do).

as for the Dev log, I bump the game progress post to the front every time I update it (we acutally used to use tumblr for the blog, but we're hoping to set up a system of announcements and news on the tumblr, support via freshdesk and our support email, and discussion on the new forums (which I will be working on later today to get the finishing touches on before we launch.

Thanks for the response (you too sana! =) ). I think it was AX now that you mention it.

That said issues and whatnot are understandable to me. I don't compare every delay to duke nukem forever, and I don't spew that copy-paste "I'd rather the game be of good quality than released now blah blah" stuff. I actually know that making a game is work, hard to schedule, and subject to issues. My only gripe was with the difficulty of keeping informed on a game that has been started years before many games that seem to be updated here.

Also... new forums?! These are already new to me! lol. Just a month ago or so I was checking the forums! I mean I know that these are probably more than a month old, but I was only made aware of these since then.

Have you folks decided on a price yet? I'm only asking because Yumina had a preorder site over a year in advance and I don't recall the price changing on me for it, so I'm wondering if you felt that was a mistake and have changed since then or simply haven't decided on it yet.

It's been a long time since JAST priced the digital version of a game over $40. I doubt Seinarukana will be priced any higher or lower.

These forums have been around for a little while to say the least, the problem is that even though they are more "modern" than the old forums.jastusa, they are not very functional. The next iteration of the forums should be a happy restart, we'll have gamerfication (titles and ranks to collect) and it will be mobile compatible for easier use on tablets and phones.

The reason why we haven't been able to get the preorder page up (nor a price) is because we don't know what is going in the LE edition (so we do not have promotional materials, a mockup etc). I would assume it will be something similar to Aselia. (I'm not on the team that has been working on it so I'm not as well informed as I want to be <- we'll be working on how to improve our internal communication and workflow with our future products.)

The JList site renewal took us for a loop so we're scrambling to get that done as our first priority. Of course Shiny Days will be releasing in the next bunch of hours. And the JASTUSA downloads have been converted to repository style on our back end so we can roll in patches and game fixes more easily. So we've been busy to say the least.

We're currently waiting for the orders to update on our new database so that we can try the new automatic processing for JList. Fun stuff-- Hold onto your butts.

I dont think aselia had a LE version. Need to play that game once works dies down. But I have other rpg to play in meantime till Seinarukana release TITS SC and CS being a few. seeing it released by christmas be a nice present to myself lol

Are there any new updates on this VN? Just curious.

Soo is anything ever going to happen with this?

Based on the “finalizing LE materials” status that the game’s been in for the past 3 months, good money’s on yes but probably not until Sonicomi is out. My bet is Q2 2016.

@Mike: That sounds about right. “Flowers: Printemps” has also been announced and promoted recently, while I haven’t heard a peep about Seinarukana except here on the forum and in the devlog’s fine print. I’d say chances are good they’ll want to get both “Flowers” and “Sonico” out the door first.

I’m actually very okay with a delay if it means they’re taking time to do some quality assurance, though. Being a title with a heavy amount of gameplay, I imagine there’s more to test. Better a little tardy and high-quality than rushed and buggy!

Judging by Sonico's estimated release date of Summer 2016, a game for which JAST has already started promotion, we may be looking at Fall 2016 or later for Seinarukana.

Seinarukana to be released on Steam

(JAST Progress Log)

@JAST: Assuming you're also releasing an adult version, I'd be happy to review and promote this game if you provide me a review copy a month or so before release. I played the game in Japanese several years ago and liked it, so unless your release is buggy or poorly translated you'll more than likely get a favorable review from me.

So when Seinarukana becomes available for Preorder. Will there be a similar thing to Littlewitch Romanesque where you also get a Steam Version for Preordering the Adult Version?

The official website for Seinarukana is up. The trailer is excellent and should help sell people on the gameplay. That synopsis looks surprisingly familiar.

JAST has stealthily launched a Steam Greenlight campaign for Aselia the Eternal! Apparently it'll be sold alongside Seinarukana. They call Seinarukana a sequel, but the settings are only tangentially connected. You won't miss much if you jump straight to Seinarukana.

Will I be able to buy this on steam? These shipping costs are hurting my wallet...

Erikonig: Eventually it will be available on steam. Right now we have the preorder for the packaged edition ready. The download and steam edition preorders will go up as we get the pages and resources online.

When I check the JList Website to Pre-order the Physical Limited Edition, I click the Game Edition drop down menu and only see the "Regular Edition". and its $44.95. Is this the Price of the Limited Edition? I just want to be sure that I'm ordering the Limited Edition and not the Regular Version by mistake.

Aurora3500, after looking at the trailer, I’m pretty sure the regular edition is the only physical edition of this game being offered. The trailer talks about a “limited” edition, but the features match up exactly with what J-List is calling “regular edition” from what I’m seeing.

That confused me as well, though. If I’m wrong, Tim or other JAST folks, set me straight. (Or at least clarify: is what’s currently on pre-order on J-List the fanciest version of this game that will be offered?)

JAST answered this on Tumblr. There will only be one boxed version of the game, and you're looking at it.

We had hoped to (and were working on) getting an LE together, but the product samples we got were problematic (quality) and we there wasn't enough material to make something really exciting so we had to let the idea go and tried to pump up the regular edition a bit (have a poster and steam card going in)

I think the video was prepared before that decision so it may still mention LE.

What the heck does “extra content coding” for Eien no Aselia mean? You aren’t uncensoring it, are you?