Seitokai Taisen Tenku no Yumina

Seitokai Taisen Tenku no Yumina needs more love around here. The title is due out at the end of this month (delayed since November).

Standard “Wizardry” dungeon RPG with a few eye candy features here and there (like party talk while you’re moving about in the maze)… although the battle engine looks very fun: that “over-the-top” style from Super Robot Wars. Overkill + Overkill = Whee!

Did I mention twincest? Also loligoth tsundere.

Title is also from one of Will’s newest branches… that means we could beg/threaten/negotiate/whine/protest/butter-up for Peach Princess to get it in 2010 or 2011. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got it on preorder… trying not to get too excited, as too much hype can lead to tremendous disappointment… but this title seems to be on target. Guess the truth will be known in three weeks…

I grabbed the two demo movies a while back, then proceeded to completely forget about the game.

To be honest, it didn’t appeal to me THAT much, but I’ll see how it reviews when it comes out. It’s still a possibility.

well pre-order the game, since the Maker erternal is made up of a bunch of Xuse guys after they bolted from there. Specifically alot of the people who worked on Seinarukana: spirit of eternity sword 2 some of the game play is the same on yumina from the trail that available, thoug h you have to mange quit ee a bit mroe now.
To narg and lacer-x here the for the trial Its 531 megs

Seitokai Taisen Tenku no Yumina was released a week ago, and it’s doing rather well on EGS (median 80, mean 79 from 21 scores, and it’s ranked 225th by mean overall). Still early days, but this sounds like it would be an excellent title for Peach Princess to consider licensing.

So long as they license Sekai de Ichiban NG na Koi and Haruka ni Aogi first =P

I suppose Narg knows the truth by now, but I’m with Lancer-x on this ONLY 8) .

Yes, well, NG na Koi is a polarising game! Narg’s with the ‘I hate it’ crowd. I’m with the ‘it’s the best game in the entire lineup’ crowd. =P

I suspect Narg and I see our eroges in very different ways - I played Aster because of his review of the game, but looking at the review after playing it, it’s like we were playing totally different titles!

You only plow the twincest once in that game. Twincest is best of course, but the event wasn’t handled quite as great as I hoped it would. Don’t get it for just the twincest. :wink: I’m sorta stuck at a certain point in the story, because I didn’t spend enough time grinding or something… combat engine is a bit more complicated that I first assumed, so I tend to lose a bit. Probably doesn’t help that Prince of Persia takes up most of my gaming time.

Heh… well given how we both have different fetish priorities, I’m certain we view eroge in very different ways: NG na Koi as only one of dozens of examples. I’m not that huge a Crowd fan myself (Anim is perhaps the only branch that seriously keeps me interested in them for any length of time) but I would never go so far as to claim NG na Koi is the best that entire company has to offer. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have an obvious bias towards twincest, a sucker for gothic lolita, and prefer heroines that needlessly suffer… be it from enslavement, tragedy, mental insanity, etc: hence my love for dark eroge (and as of late, picking up every yandere title I can afford). However there’s the occassional time when an “innocent” or “cute” title might tickle my fancy for a bit… just to gain a prospective on things. :wink: NG na Koi simply lacked everything I’d look for in something I want, and fails to keep my attention with the offerings it does provide. That I could predict how three of the four story arcs would tailor out, didn’t help anything either. I merely found nothing special about it… generic at best - lots of profanities at worst. I traded off that title only a few weeks after getting it… probably a tentacle rapefest, knowing my typical pattern.

Actually, you misunderstood me. I made a far more outrageous claim than that. I’m not saying NG na Koi is the best game Crowd has to offer*. I’m saying it’s the best game out of that entire licensing thread (in other words, better than HaruKani and Bullet Butlers!).
*Besides, NG na Koi isn’t a CROWD game. It’s a HERMIT game! (HERMIT is a Will sub-company/branch). They also did Folklore Jam, a good title to watch out for by that company.

I guess this is one area where our tastes overlap - I love utsuges, as you probably know by now!

This is interesting, because NG na Koi was exactly what I was looking for at the time. I found it actually a pretty unique and refreshing title - enjoyed every minute of it. I never got bored (there were plenty of times in Haruka ni Aogi and even Bullet Butlers when I found myself getting tired of the game, but pressed on because I knew there was awesomeness to come - I was right), I found the humour actually funny (I rarely find humour in eroges funny - some scenario writers like LooseBoy manage to get humour just right for me, though) and I liked all of the characters.

Yes, it’s a bit predictable… but I find most of the eroges I play fairly predictable, so I didn’t mind that. While it doesn’t cover and particularly special themes or concepts, I found it did what it did refreshingly well, which is why it seemed like I was playing an eroge that was quite different to anything I’d ever played before.

It’s my #15 top eroge, between Yukiuta (#14) and Sumaga (#16) at present. I’m just surprised that the game is as polarising as it is. Sumaga’s the same, really.

LOL… which goes to show you how little respect I have for NG na Koi. I don’t even respect it enough to remember who made the thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Folklore Jam: Narg knows well enough about it my friend. Twincest can’t hide from me. No exceptions. :wink:

Sadly I didn’t get that same feeling. All it did was remind me of a dozen other eroge I bought and played earlier in the year… thus my view of “same flavor, different wrapper.” Maybe if it was released earlier, I might have viewed it in a better light… but as it stands, it’s just another conveyor belt ero to me.

Now if it had twincest… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :lol:
(This is the part were Baldo would tell me to play it on two monitors at the same time.)

was gonna do a write up on it earlier last week , but I ended up with the wrong version ordered the deluxe version ended up with regular edtion., did not touch it cause I thought I had to send wrong edition back to himeyashop.
so I get this email Dear Customer,

Thank you for your email.

We are very sorry for the mistake.
The First Press Special Edition of Tenku no Yumina will be shipped out
to you as soon as possible.
You do not need to send the wrong version back to us because it is our

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Best regards,

HimeyaShop Customer Support
so now i got 2 copies :lol: so gonna do a write some time later in the week on it

I suspect this also means that someone got a deluxe version instead of a regular edition, however it’s nice to see that the Erogoddess really loves her faithful :lol: . … id/1011447 … id/1011446

Still not sure if I will ever buy this game, but can anyone tell me/us something more about the “Artbook, SD Character Mobile Phone Cleaner, and BGM Soundtrack CD” coming with the deluxe edition?
It’s impossible that Peapri will release that stuff (even in the case of an english release of the game itself), and I’m curious to know if those extras worth the price.

yeah baldo I will let you know Monday about the extras if no one else post anything about by then

well the artbook is 43 pages with about 41 of them line drawing and info in japanese I think its ok, mobile phone cleaner are ok I think has SD form of the 4 main character on each of the 4 cleaner. I like the bgm sound track. it is 56 tracks spread across 2 cd, nice varierty of music

Hmm, I think that the artbook is the only extra really interesting here, IF it contains interesting trivia and exclusive, full-color graphics.
Will await your write up before deciding, however thank you for the info :mrgreen: !

you can try the trial , which has some of the beggining parts of the game , I recomand d trying it out if anything
here the link just scroll down a bit … fym=200901

I just got it today.?I also,?order the Delux edition. Wow it pretty big. Anyway, Since I order from special place I recieved extra piloow cover. :smiley: and Vocal Correction. I have three music CDs now. Will I have to go back to the Work. I wll install when I finsh the work.

Hmmm… almost finished with Seitokai Taisen (70% gallery unlocked), and I’m not as happy with it as I thought I’d be. However I believe this is due to me not like the story’s “style” than an actual dislike for the game itself. The artwork and presentation are really top notch. I’m sure everyone agrees: those “2D cutouts” are cute as hell.

Cruising around the various bgame boards and blogs, I’ve seen people use screenshots of this game for avatar pics and site banners. I assume this means it’s a well loved title? Last I checked, erogamescape has this listed as an 80+

Finally I finshed a tenku no yumina. Took me about 160 hours to complete the all of the CGs, and Scene. I have save files that has clear data. normal, hard, super hard mode. If you need PM me.