Sell My Own English Bishoujo Game?

Hi, I know this is probably everyone’s dream to make and sell their own version of those EBG.

Was wondering if one were to make and sell it on JAST USA or NITRO+ USA, is that even possible?

Who should I contact?

Where do I start? (I’ma programmer and also made several flash games, but I don’t know where to sell it legally. Coz my own country does not allow it.)

Many thanks in advance for those who can help me.

Hi, thanks for the post. While we’ve always stuck to products from Japan, since that’s the role we’ve always chosen to play between Japan and the rest of the world, if there was a non-Japanese game that was good, I think we’d be open to distributing it to our customers and letting them decide if they wanted to buy.

It depends on whether you make a game with H or not. If not, both I and some others here make a living selling games to the English market and can provide information.

With H, your options are different and in some ways more limited, although if you’re currently working in Flash there are a lot of H english flash games, some of which make money, and you might talk to some of those programmers.

You can sell stuff on English dlsite. I’ve never done that so I don’t know much about it and I do know that CuriousFactory rips off people who sell on English dlsite, but you can do it.

Hi, Thanks.
If I were to make a Game, i’ll make it as Japanese Style as possible. coz i’m a big fan of animes, manga, hentai, gal-ge and ero-ge.

if i were to place my items to be sold at J-List, which format do you recommend? Online Download along with serial number? or Mail a CD to buyer’s house?
I need to know this because it will affect the decision on making the game to be standalone or online based. along with serial number issues.

well, i’ve made some non-H games based on request.
But if this one i am about to make, it’ll be H, and probably very very H.

I was thinking if there’s any way that i can let Nitro+ or JAST to publish the game, and wat will be the requirements…

*btw, you sell non-H game, what kind of game? Kids educational? or more teenager type?
What is your condition on selling games? Who will be doing the printings?

To the best of my knowledge only one person makes any real money off eng.dlsite and he does it through releasing ‘games’ that are just tiny 3d video clips of futa sex. :slight_smile: otherwise, you CAN sell your games there but don’t expect to make more than a tiny handful of sales, nowhere near enough to cover costs.

As for what I sell and how, it only takes a moment’s research to figure that out! Use your eyes (and your mouse)…

Hmm… doing 3d sex does seems to be the only stuff that works on eng.dlsite.

as for what you are doing. :slight_smile: yeah, im looking at it.
lots of original games.
so, how’s your selling? must be very good hits.

Dude, if you are serious, and want to make decent money then u’l have to come up with something good.
as far as I know, developing games is all about team work, so if you are a programmer, u’ll need people to draw cg’s,scenario directors. Like Peter said, your game has to be good for Jast Usa to consider selling it. So its up to you, whether you want to be structured or not, independent artist or part of a company.
for games with lots of H content, U’ll probably need people good at drawing (and they are always in short supply), why don’t you do more brainstorming?
If you are looking for script writers or scenario director, you can PM me.

The other advantage of that approach is the ability to sell the game on maniax (where 99%+ of eng.dlsite’s content comes from + which has over a quarter of a million registered users - for example his most popular game, Sexual Fantasy Kingdom 2 has sold 910 copies on eng, and 1591 on maniax), without the need to translate a large amount of in-game text. Comparitively, the number of 2D eroge sold on maniax is far greater than the number of 3D works, so he’s tapping into a far less crowded market on the Japanese side too.

well, i was just wondering…
is there any other places or can anyone list down the websites where i can sell my own games?

and wat are the common deployments? DVD? Download?

Out of simple curiosity: have you tried your hand at actually making a b-game? Not doubting you: please don’t think that. It’s just that I’ve come to learn from personal experience, that producing a b-game from scratch is a rather unique process in comparison to other formats, when aiming for something approaching premium quality (especially as a first timer). Not commercial quality mind you… totally different.

I’ve realized how much I took linear mechanics for granted. :oops:

Non-taken. Don’t worry.
Well, I make games, mostly flash games, kids educational games, flash animations, 3d animations, and desktop programs such as bots and others…
I’ve never tried any B-Games or H-Games yet, and you might have a point there as a first timer.

But i do want to know after i’ve completed one, where can i sell them for a good price?
I won’t want to be spending all day long coding a game and in the end it’s just a lousy junk portal that sells games without any security verifications (where one person buys, others torrent it). :wink:

DLSite have a protect system, but you must pay for it.

Don’t worry; if your game is good, this will happen regardless of how much security you put on it.

Exactly. Companies like Sony and EA have spent [u]MILLIONS OF DOLLARS[/u] to create encryption and software protection for their stuff. At most it lasts a few weeks, unless it’s coded into the hardware itself, which then is bypassed via emulation (or shorting something out).

If it’s digital, there’s no means to make it impossible to crack, unless you want it to be impossible to use. That’s pretty much a hard fact of computer science. No way around it.

At best you’re only delaying the inevitable (like DRM)… at worst you’re annoying the customers who got it legit (DRM again). :stuck_out_tongue:

Narg and zalas are right. If you’re an indie developer, then unless your game gets on something like XBLA or Wii VC, then it’s going to be pirated, and there’s basically nothing you can do about it. However, what you DO have control over is how much legit customers are pissed off by your security precautions. Unfortunately, the main thing that DRM accomplishes is make legit copies of your product worse than the pirate copies.

(There is one exception: DRM to defeat ‘casual piracy’ works pretty well. By casual piracy I mean a guy puts the game disc in his burner and burns a copy, and gives it to a friend - or he copies all the files to his hard drive and runs the installer. Things that a casual user would do to make an illegal copy in simple ways can be stopped.

What doesn’t work: when the person decides to google a crack, or a torrent where someone already provided the crack. To stop that requires developing technology that can thwart sophisticated reverse-engineers from cracking your game (prevent the crack from being written in the first place). Nobody has ever been successful at that.)

Hi, thank you for all of your feedbacks on the piracy issues, well maybe I did not explain much or in details on what I was referring about.

My intention is to simply stop those noobs or newbies from just google and download or burn and play from one to another.

If one’s game were to be found from a torrent or pirated dvd store, then be it. I’m happy and it means the game is good.

However the reason behind making the game and sell is nothing special but to earn some money.
So instead of hosting up on a server and one person buy from paypal and ten persons clone it, i would like the portal or server to have some kind of serial number shit or online activation shit to do the job.

So that no wannabe Neo can just download and clone for sell.

It’s not some Hi-End security i’m looking for, I just need some basic protections. That’s all. :smiley: