Sengoku rance

i hope Daiakuji gets an english patch because i liked the anime
i would like to see an anime for this game

I actually had more difficulty with Daibancho, though I can’t remember why anymore. Rance is fairly simple on No star or One star difficulty, just wipe out one enemy, move to the next and so on. That way other nations don’t have the time to build up insane sized forces. The only nations that should give any real difficulty are the Takeda (once their generals join in), Shimazu/Demon (especially the guy with Special Cannon), and maybe Houjo (Ran+Suzaku and Soun with his summoning). Five star difficulty is only for those with an almost masochistic desire for increased difficulty.

I just wanna step in and say Rance - the man - is my hero. One day he’ll probably be killed by a horde of angry women who are no longer virgins thanks to him… but my god it would be a wonderful way to die. :stuck_out_tongue:

I figure he’ll eventually rape the wrong incarnation of the Demon King. He’s mostly gotten off lucky so far.

Don’t be absurd. Rance has the magical ability to make almost every woman he sleeps with fall in love with him. It doesn’t matter if it was consensual or not, hell he could completely destroy their lives and they’d still fall for him.

thought people might wanna know,

Kouhime is confirmed at being 12 years old

She has that 1 rape scene and that bath scene

So people might need to be careful.

Any advice on what difficulty I should choose on the second run? I’ve tried normal and it seems very easy…

I tried 1 star on my third playthrough (10 bonus points available), and I couldn’t even take down the last castle of Hara House. The defenders simply had too much HP. I’ve heard it’s easier if you select the Yin Yang bonus character (5 points); I’d selected the command flag +1 (10 points).

I’ve decided to stick to normal until I’ve accrued at least 30 points or so. I hate getting stalemated by insurmountable castle sieges.

Even if normal was easy I’d only recommend starting on one star until you’ve got some extra points to spend. Assuming you only have the 5pts for the True Route’s completion your best option is Elina, the yin yang bonus character. She makes the early going a lot easier with her All Guard Shikigami ability.

With only ten points your best bet is to get Elina and the Monk character. In the final siege against Hara your best bet is to either have Elina throw an all guard out and hope Shouji uses Volley, or try and get a shikigami attack off with her. The monk on the other hand will dominate anyone he attacks without costing anything to replenish. Once you have the points available the best options are the Takeda for obvious reasons, or Dokuganryu for Omachi.

On a side note I just finished Rance VI,not as polished as Sengoku Rance but damn fun nonetheless. It’s also way more satisfying thanks to the fact that it’s game over if you lose against bosses. On top of that the post game bosses are ridiculous (Post game Alberto was a serious pain, more specifically Anisu). Don’t think I’ll ever win the bonus fight against the Giant Golden Honey though, he makes Orochi look like a Squid Man.

It’s interesting to see how Rance becomes more and more of an asshole as the series goes on, reaching his peak in 6, then drastically cutting back in Sengoku.

One more question: Is there any hidden reward for Botan Hunt other than a few coins?

Well 6 was a lot darker over all than Sengoku so that could have had something to do with it.

Actually there is, they have a hidden counter for it but after doing the Botan Hunt’s enough times (the one in Sado counts more than the one in Owari) you will get one of the six great treasures. Of course getting all six can be a real pain but it does give bonus points if you need them.

He’s LESS of an ass in Sengoku Rance? Interesting…

Hmmm, interesting, thanks!