Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls


Lookie at what teh makers of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory have been working on: Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls

Naruto + Tits + Moe + Tits + Dress Up + Tits + Panty Shots… that automatically captures the 14 year old male demographic. :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe if we beg Natsume really, really hard they’ll port it for the West? Nah… :frowning:

You never know. The 3DS is desperately in need of some games that might sell the system :wink:

Naruto? I almost automatically dismissed this as a narutard game. U shouldn’t say that.

But then I remembered there is some ninja chick game under sengan something name so I watched the trailer. Yeah, This i like but pity its on 3DS, probably an antipirate platform something but its stupid, I already have a DS i don’t see why i shold have to pay hundreds of bucks for other handheld gaming system…


I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow what you mean by “probably an antipirate platform”.

As for the game itself, I’ve seen numerous stories about it on Siliconera. The game actually uses the 3D technology for its … assets. (IfyouknowwhatImean.) The lead designer actually said in an interview “I heard about the 3DS, and I immediately thought of breasts.” (or words to that effect).

I think he’s referring to the 3DS being region locked in an attempt by Nintendo to stop piracy, so even if you import this game you can’t play it unless you have a Japanese 3DS.
