Sensei 2 Impressions

OK, Having gotten half the endings of this game so far, so I’ll post some thoughts and name some of our fellow posters specifically because I know their tastes well enough to give them some suggestions.

-Nandemonai- by all that you hold unholy, stay away from this game. It’s basically a slave training ADV game. The Women in the game are all teachers or student teachers and depending on your choices in the game it’ll send you on various paths through game. It’s mostly a domination / rape game. I’ve gotten 5 endings so far, and there are a total of 10.

For those of you out there who are decrying "But, Doug We all know that you liked X-Change, why don’t you like Sensei 2"

First of all the main character has few redeeming qualities about him, and it’s difficult to have any connection to someone who does such deplorable acts to the women in the game.

Second, there’s no comedy relief as in X-Change to alleviate the total ickiness of the Domination / Rape Scenes in this game.

I’ll play through the rest of the endings and give a post game impression.

Endings I have gotten (Kumiko-Shoko Ending, Both Sachiho Izumi endings and Both Yuko Seno endings for a total of 5)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 01-11-2003).]

Well, I personally didn’t find XChange all that funny. But I appreciate the warning, Doug. I shall avoid this game with all of my unholy might.

is there ANY consentual sex in this game? or is it all rape?

I got my copy of Sensei 2 today and indeed it does look like one of the darker titles I’ve played. I might reinstall Private Nurse and go for the second Maria ending.

[This message has been edited by DragonLord (edited 01-11-2003).]

you actually uninstall your H-games? I really can’t put myself up to do that. I mean all the hard work in getting the CG’s,

Personally, I haven’t had a chance to play Sensei 2, but I am looking forward it, as I enjoy the darker titles that involve fetishes, etc.

Remember people, it is fiction, not reality.
If you don’t like it, then don’t play it.

Yes, we all have opinions, but let’s make them constructive.

If there is anyone who personally has a sincere interest in Sensei 2, I would like to hear a review of it, otherwise, I’ll post something if anyone is interested.

Originally posted by Joshua:
Remember people, it is fiction, not reality.
If you don't like it, then don't play it.

Yes, we all have opinions, but let's make them constructive.

-Is an opinion only constructive when it conforms to yours?

Joshua you have totaly the right of enjoying this kind of games and express your opinion on this forum.

However we have also the right of disliking this kind of games and express our opinion too.

I respect totaly the people who have made this game and the ones who could enjoy it, but i have the right to say that personnaly this game make me sad and sick.

(sorry if i am not very clear, but english is not my native language.)

OK, I’ve gotten the other 5 endings so I’ll offer some post game impressions.

-Art: While not suited for everyone’s taste, (Meaning you Spectator Beholder) I thought that the CG’s were very well done. It’s nice to see that the characters actually had definitive Japanese ethnicity in their faces.

Control Interface: Text Box was excellent and the text didn’t seem squeezed in. The game was sluggish in some parts when changing graphics but nothing that took away from the experience.

Storyline: Personally, I didn’t like it. The reason I didn’t like it was the excessive amount of Domination / Rape scenes in the game. Shiuchi is very unlikable and it’s difficult to have a connection to a character who commits such heinous acts.It’s strictly an Adventure game and has no Sim elements in it. It’s a short game even the first time through (about 4 hours without skipping) and the ending variations for 4 of the women are a case of making the alternate choice at the end of their storylines.

Audio : Voice acting was excellent, I believe the music was MIDI and it was all right. It set the mood for the scenes and did it’s job.

Overall I’d give the game a 75% rating out of a score of 100.

Played on:

Win XP Pro
AMD 1700+
EpOx 8K3A+ motherboard
512 mb PC 2100 memory
Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 3.0 Drivers)
Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer (8/23/2002 Drivers)
DirectX 9.0

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 01-11-2003).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
is there ANY consentual sex in this game? or is it all rape?

Not that I saw, well if you consider the encounters after he breaks the women's spirits consentual.

Originally posted by Crimson:
you actually uninstall your H-games? I really can't put myself up to do that. I mean all the hard work in getting the CG's,

The only reason I uninstall them is that my HD space is getting low or else I wouldn't.

Hmm…considering most of the responses I see here, perhaps I should drop a word of warning to those who might want to buy G-Collections’ next game, Tsuki. It doesn’t appear to be a sim, and its emphasis is also on the domination/rape theme. Potential buyers should keep this in mind. (Frankly, it puzzles me how this game can be linked to Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that occasion supposed to be, you know, more romantic?)

Originally posted by Groschat:
Joshua you have totaly the right of enjoying this kind of games and express your opinion on this forum.

However we have also the right of disliking this kind of games and express our opinion too.

I respect totaly the people who have made this game and the ones who could enjoy it, but i have the right to say that personnaly this game make me sad and sick.

(sorry if i am not very clear, but english is not my native language.)

Most of the time, when people say their English isn't very good...they know enough to know they aren't fluent. This usually means they take pains to make what they say be correct.

In this case, what you said couldn't be more clear.

Hmm...considering most of the responses I see here, perhaps I should drop a word of warning to those who might want to buy G-Collections' next game, Tsuki. It doesn't appear to be a sim, and its emphasis is also on the domination/rape theme. Potential buyers should keep this in mind. (Frankly, it puzzles me how this game can be linked to Valentine's Day. Isn't that occasion supposed to be, you know, more romantic?)

Are you sure it is this game ?:
Because i dont speck a word of japanese, but he is labeled as "tuki" and not "tsuki".
Moreover there is a Trabulance game which is called "tsuku".

Originally posted by Doug:
-Art: While not suited for everyone's taste, (Meaning you [b]Spectator Beholder) [/b]

Heh :3. Well, I did say before that the art in Sensei 2 is not to my taste, there's a few more things that Sesnei 2 has against it too:

1. I'm no big fan of teacher-student relationship in B-games, but usually I can live with it; but I don't know about this one, since this game is ALL about student-teacher relationships.

2. Like Ladyphoenix, I like at least some consentual sex at some point in the game, but it sounds like this game doesn't have it, which lowers the value of the game from my point of view :3.

Actually, I think I'd rather save my money for PP's games, some older games I haven't got yet or for Tsuki [img][/img].

I may change my mind and get this game at a later point, but for now, this game is not a priority of mine, and is rather far down on my list of games I might buy.

Well, I worked my way through all 10 endings as well. And I’ll admit that I don’t particularly feel comfortable about a single one of them. Definitely a “dark” game. But I’ll go over some other aspects:

Gameplay: Like Doug-san said, it is a rather short game. Very few decision points and not much complexity really. And the decision makings seems just a bit odd to me since it’s really easy to be on one path and then suddenly head down another with just one decision. Oh and I didn’t realize how much I missed the “skip previously read messages” type of skip until I overran a scene I hadn’t seen before and had to go back.

Storyline: For me the problem was the storyline was a lack of character development. Maybe it’s the psychologist in me, but I like to be able to somewhat understand the reasoning behind the character actions and except for one or two characters, not enough is given about the characters to help give me such understanding. And sometimes I had trouble correlating the decisions with the pathway logic, but that may just my subconscience rejecting my alter-ego’s actions.

Other bits: Hmm, there are a few scenes where the story text seemed a bit odd, but I later found out it was because they related to a path which I wasn’t on at the time. (Mainly it was a brief moment of “huh?”, then I continued on.) And there were some parts where it seemed the CG image seemed to lag slightly behind what was happening in the text but that’s happened in other games before, so it’s not that big a deal.

Hmm, can’t think of a good overall rating myself. And I think a person’s enjoyment of the game, more than any of the other games out, depends on what one’s comfort level with the content is. (Heck, I’m still trying to think of how I want to phrase my review of this game.) Oh well, anyways, that’s my impressions from the game…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh :3. Well, I did say before that the art in Sensei 2 is not to my taste, there's a few more things that Sesnei 2 has against it too:

1. I'm no big fan of teacher-student relationship in B-games, but usually I can live with it; but I don't know about this one, since this game is ALL about student-teacher relationships.

2. Like Ladyphoenix, I like at least some consentual sex at some point in the game, but it sounds like this game doesn't have it, which lowers the value of the game from my point of view :3.

Actually, I think I'd rather save my money for PP's games, some older games I haven't got yet or for Tsuki [img][/img].

I may change my mind and get this game at a later point, but for now, this game is not a priority of mine, and is rather far down on my list of games I might buy.

Yeah, i prefer consentual sex in my games too.
If you ask me, i want G-Collections translate other games from D.O., like "Gakuen Renai Shuiho" (lots of romantic teacher-student relationship, w/ consentual sex), "Crescendo" (pure romantic adv), "Kazoku Keikaku" or "Suregami no Mikotachi" (A fantastic Adv/RPG W/ Battle-system).

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Yeah, i prefer consentual sex in my games too.
If you ask me, i want G-Collections translate other games from D.O., like "Gakuen Renai Shuiho" (lots of romantic teacher-student relationship, w/ consentual sex), "Crescendo" (pure romantic adv), "Kazoku Keikaku" or "Suregami no Mikotachi" (A fantastic Adv/RPG W/ Battle-system).

Heh, I didn't say that ALL had to be consentual in the games I play :3. But, right now, Sensei 2 has too many points against it as said above, and on top of it, some of the other things that Doug said makes the gmae climb even lower down on the lsit; it's short and doesn't seem to have much of a story. Simply too many bad points for me to be thinking about buying it now.

I've seen a little of those games you mentioned, and some of those looks good [img][/img]. But I'd also like to see Fortuna and Sho/Ki/Mi from ZyX [img][/img].

Yea me too i would like a translation of Crescendo. The artwork is really wonderfull.

Originally posted by Groschat:
Yea me too

Me three! [img][/img]
EDT: (I just visited the D.O.-website in order to confirm those rumors about the nice artwork.)

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-13-2003).]