Sensei 2

Has anyone here played G-Collections’ Sensei 2? How did you find it? I’ve gotten 8 out of 10 endings and so far each one has been disturbing to say the least.

I did.

Of cause, all plots in this game are misogynistic. That’s what is to be expected from a “dark” game (at least, I would expect that). A “good” ending in this game means, an ending good only for the main character.

Nonetheless, I think the story in this game was well-developed, particularly if you take the Kumiko-ending#1 into account. I suppose, you have not yet gotten the Kumiko-endings because all other storylines serve very well the purpose of concealing the path to these endings.

If you don’t mind, I’ll send you my current version of my review. (Perhaps, there are some more iterations between bokmeow-san and myself until it reaches it’s finalized state).

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-27-2003).]

That’s true, I haven’t gotten any of the Kumiko endings yet.

I found the game hard to take regardless. Then again, it really isn’t my cup of tea. Hmm, I don’t know if I would say the other endings were used to conceal the path to Kumiko’s ones. They were more of a way to distract rather than conceal. As long as you were focused on Kumiko’s ending, it was easy to work out.

I, too, found the game rather disturbing. Technically well put together, but way too dark for my tastes. I regretted having purchased it. Wish I’d gone for Tottemo Pheromone instead.

I have no stomach for anything along the lines of Sensei 2. You literally could not pay me to play the game.

I got the game and I regret buying it. It was way too disturbing for me. I got one ending a few weeks ago and I haven’t touched it since.

[This message has been edited by Prettz (edited 05-27-2003).]

I got all the endings of Sensei 2 and ALL of them were disturbing. Didn’t even reveal the real reason behind the “ominous blood” etc etc. This is probably the G-Collections title I like the least for now.

Originally posted by rowena:
This is probably the G-Collections title I like the least for now.

That's up to you.

But judging from this, I expect you're going to put Tsuki even below this one:
If the "ominous blood", jealousy and childhood memories weren't enough of an explanation, Tsuki's demon that strikes without reason (and background-story) should fare even worse.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-28-2003).]

Well even if I wasn’t too comfy with the main theme Sensei 2 is admittedly well-done.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
But judging from this, I expect you're going to put Tsuki even below this one:
If the "ominous blood", jealousy and childhood memories weren't enough of an explanation, Tsuki's demon that strikes without reason (and background-story) should fare even worse.

Maybe, maybe not. I personally thought Tsuki was better. I understood it a bit better and I felt it didn't have some of the gaps in the background that I thought Sensei 2 had. But that's my personal opinion. I'd still rather be playing Horny Bunny regardless...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Maybe, maybe not. I personally thought Tsuki was better. I understood it a bit better and I felt it didn't have some of the gaps in the background that I thought Sensei 2 had.

Exactly that's the things, I criticize about Tsuki: No real background and not understandable actions of the character. I addition to that, I also miss any character development among the victims in Tsuki: they still show the same attitude, no matter what the main character did to them.

Only a brilliant excuse for brutal rape remained for me from this game:
"Sorry to all of you, but I am inncocent because I was possesed by a demon! Everything I did was not on my own accord, but his. So, would you please release me and end this stupid trial? Thanks..."

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'd still rather be playing Horny Bunny regardless...

With that I can agree, but I would prefer Tottemo Pheromone even more.

Actually, the reason I was able to understand a bit more was me using the wrong definition of the word “possession”. I took it to mean “to have ownership or control of something” not the “supernatural entity having control of you” definition. So applying the “possession” to his victims and classifying his derangement as a psychological disorder actually helped me to make sense of things in the story. See, sometimes it’s good to be dumb as a rock.

I do agree that having the victims show the same attitude no matter what the main character did was a bit disturbing to me. But the gaps I was talking about, was more in the unanswered questions I had after playing the game. (Which was a couple of months ago, I really havn’t touched either game since finishing them so forgive me if I don’t remember things exactly.) Like, what exactly was Kumiko’s relation to the family? Why was she there when she was younger, what was her backstory? What was Shoko’s backstory? Or Yuko’s one? What did he mean when he kept mentioning “power”? Corporeal, abstract, supernatural? Little things like that. And yes, I do sometimes think way too damn much while playing these games…

Originally posted by ekylo:
So applying the "possession" to his victims and classifying his derangement as a psychological disorder actually helped me to make sense of things in the story.

I would have liked to regard the whole demon-possesion as a psychological disorder as well.
***** SPOILER AREA ************
But there was a point in the stepmother's storyline, when the demon left the main character, possesed another person inthe same room and talked back to him throught the mouth of the other person's body. At that very moment I decided that the demon was not the main character's second personality, but a cheap excuse for the whole plot.
***** END OF SPOILER AREA ************

Originally posted by ekylo:
But the gaps I was talking about, was more in the unanswered questions I had after playing the game. (Which was a couple of months ago, I really havn't touched either game since finishing them so forgive me if I don't remember things exactly.) Like, what exactly was Kumiko's relation to the family? Why was she there when she was younger, what was her backstory? What was Shoko's backstory? Or Yuko's one?

Point taken. There are definitely some lose ends in the tangle of "Sensei2"'s storyline as well.
***** SPOILER AREA ************
But at least there is a common backstory for the main character and Kumiko.
And IMHO, Kyono's backstory leaves all backstories of the victims in Tsuki behind by far.
I can agree with Yuko not having a real backstory at all. But instead, her story portrays very well how much a person can be injured by the kind of mistreatment, the main character gave to her in her bad-ending path.
***** END OF SPOILER AREA ************
On the other hand, I miss any backstory in Tsuki. The only thing we know there about each character (including the main character) is easily surpassed by any of the backstories in "Sensei 2".

Originally posted by ekylo:
What did he mean when he kept mentioning "power"? Corporeal, abstract, supernatural? Little things like that.

***** SPOILER AREA ************
I think, I understood at least this one: He talked about social power that allows the whole clan to overrule the law, if it's necessary.
Examples are the ways, he disposed of Mr. Isotani and how he arranged Kyono's revenge while the child-molester still thought that he himself would hold all cards because of the social influence of his own family/clan.
I think, I got also hints about incest in his clan that occured without any legal consequences. I believe, that explains also the blood-story: The incest caused a genetical defect that affects the clan-members ability to reason when they are emotionally agitated. But because the clan is a very old one with a lot of influence accumulated over the ages, they always succeed with concealing their crimes thanks to their good connections...
***** END OF SPOILER AREA ************

Originally posted by ekylo:
And yes, I do sometimes think way too damn much while playing these games...

So do I. So, let's share our pillboxes again:
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Now, now, if we keep sharing pills like that, people are going start talking about us…

SPOILERS (Okay sorta…)
Actually, I do remember that point with the stepmother, but since her’s was the very last storyline I went through, it didn’t affect me as much. I just classified it as him externalizing his delusions rather than internalizing.

Ah, and the “power” thing makes a little more sense now. Thanks Unicorn-san. Normally I’d go back through a game when I don’t understand certain storyline points clearly but I’m avoiding doing that with either Tsuki or Sensei 2. I’m pretty derranged on my own, I don’t need to go around putting my head into other people’s derrangements. (Eww, okay, that did not sound good…)

END SPOILER (Again, sorta.